Sunday, December 2, 2018

satanism: a serious problem, product of hubris, subjectivism, CYCLIC course of history....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Problem Is Satanism
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 18)

Ralphie ralf--what happens when a "successful" civilization continues to reproduce offspring who don't have to work and fight as hard as the original heroes, founders, and pioneers? Do u think it would be similar to Romans?--the people suffer evermore HUBRIS (look it up). The civilization corrupts and "declines," according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

History is CYCLIC, and USA is now Jew S A, captured (psychologically) by the master exploiters of HUBRIS. Indeed, Jew S A is now positively SATANIC society. Ever hrd of "agenda-21"?--pop. reduction--that's what they're going to do, and stupid people are notoriously subject to victimization of that sort--it's what's happening, the people now submerged in cognitive dissonance.

Observe people are ALREADY being murdered on massive scale by means of legal drugs, like fentanyl and others, not to mention GMO foods, poison vaccines, poison glyphosate herbicides, etc., and now they're going to introduce "5G" electro-magnetic effects which are understood as quite destructive and harmful--but no one cares--and that's the penalty for not caring--U DIE, sucker--it's way of the world, only in little more elaborate guise. It may be "disgraceful," but never forget humans are sinners--it's way cookie crumbles.

Trick is how to extricate humanity, at least for those who might survive. One easy, obvious recourse is to get more anti-Semitic (anti-satanic)--which was magnificent religion, called "Christianity," given us by Romans and Greeks, and which served Western culture and people for well over a millennia. Isn't it genius how the Satanists have prejudiced the suckers soooo brilliantly against Christianity and anti-Semitism?

So WHAT exactly is Satanism?--well, it's really very simple: it's extreme subjectivism, idea reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself God, the creator. Cognitive dissonance is designed to divert people fm simple ideas and solutions. Lots of fools and scum are going to have to be culled, evidently, I'm afraid.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Ralph B. Seymour says:
November 14, 2018 at 3:47 pm

This is what the US has devolved into.
And the stupid population believes this foolishness.

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