Sunday, December 23, 2018

If Jews, satanists hate u, u KNOW u're doing something right....

Below-copie by ap first submitted at comments,

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Reality Is OBJECTIVE--The Only Way There Could Be TRUTH (= Christ)
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 18)

Well Mr. Dinh, consider Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," featuring CYCLIC hist. whence a powerful nation begins w. honest, even if ignorant, farmers, who are brave and productive--like the Romans. So success of Romans led to victory and prosperity.

(a) Thus we see Romans were HONEST, and they believed in an OBJECTIVE reality run by the basic law of cause-effect.

(b) BUT then a pt. came when Romans became evermore corrupt. For the descendants of original generations of heroes didn't have to work so hard, things made easy for them by hard work and victories of ancestors. Here the ideal of cultural objectivity gave way to SUBJECTIVITY and the idea they could be "good" by means of using pretended "free will."

Soon enough Romans, now quite corrupt are wallowing in this subjectivity and pretended "moral virtue"--much like we see today w. the "political-correctness" and virtue-signaling, pretending "racism" is some kind of sin, but isn't racism a VIRTUE--virtue of pride and loyalty?--as in loyalty to ancestors, culture, people?--and what's wrong w. that?

For subjectivism is reverse of objectivity and HONESTY--heeding to reality. Now the (subjective) virtue is in making-up crap--subjectivism. For extreme subjectivism is idea that reality is creation of mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, the creator--SATANISM.

So now we see the imperial culture of what used to be USA turned into Jew S A, Jews the premier subjectivists who hold by their Talmud and "midrash" (interpretation) that only what Jews say is what's real, true, or "moral." See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

Jews dominate because they take extreme subjectivism most seriously, practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, sharing common goals and techniques, the most effect "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, organized, cohesive--thus dominating the gentile subjectivists who are more half-baked, less organized or committed. And then the satanists in general dominating and intimidating the rest of the population who are less sure of things, most affected by FEAR.

So HOW did the Jews (and satanists) effect this amazing take-over of what began as gentile culture, victory, and genuine prosperity?--they did it by means of the natural corruption of gentile descendents of the original heroes and founder generations--Jews DID NOT cause this original corruption--Jews merely took advantage, like a disease, like typhus or smallpox.

Note the gentiles began w. central banking, literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search engine for specific topics)--in England in 1694, Bank of England, and then John Law's Banque Generale of France. Of course, the Roman emperors were notorious for their debasing of the coins.

But as the gentiles tended to fall-out w. one another, slowly, steadily, the Jews took over the central-banking, and by the Napoleonic wars period the Rothschilds were able to effectively control Europe's banking systems, including, by at least 1913, USA--and we're still under thumbs of these Jews, now Israeli terror-state dictating to all the world through it's flunky, Jew S A.

What then is Jews' purpose?--they're like a plague of disease, like typhus, or black plague, or smallpox, by which the excess population of gentiles is destroyed, Jews profiting--and that de-population is part of Jew world order Agenda-21 and -2030 pop.-reduction--it's what's on the menu, the schedule, coming soon, right after impending recession and economic collapse, and collapse of the US "petro-dollar," reserve currency.

So Mr. Dinh, I submit u're only one of a number of victims and targets--u speak too much truth which isn't "politically-correct," u see--and now u must suffer like the rest of human population, I'm afraid. Of course, remember, u could reform and become a good little parrot for Jew supremacy, and tell lies for them, like Israel is "only democracy in ME," etc.--do u think u have the stomach for that?

It all (this course of historic corruption and "decline of West") goes to show truth and virtue of New Test., Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew/satanic lies and lying (JOHN 8:44). Truth (= Christ) is founded in OBJECTIVITY, and lies are founded in subjectivism, hence "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," which Christ repudiated.

We now only need a Christian REVIVAL, but it's got to be the REAL Christianity founded upon foremost principle of TRUTH, not "love," or non-existent "good," or false "faith" of "beeeeleeeeeeeeevin'," as if beeeleeeeeeeeevin' makes something to suddenly become true or real. Good luck, Mr. Dinh; ur refusal to knuckle under to these Jews and satanists bodes well for u.

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