Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Look at Unz's article--NOTHING but typical Jew-lies, mis-representations, idiot, self-serving opinion....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

Unz indicates all my further comments/postings will be "trashed": Says, Unz: "[Well, if you continue to stubbornly cling to your "alternative spelling" all your future comments will be trashed.]"

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Unz's Article Is Mere Fabric Of Lies, Falsehoods, Tendentious Opinion, Etc.
(Apollonian, 26 Dec 18)

Here, I propose to present a brief and simple analysis of Unz's above article, "An Open Ltr...." The entire article amounts to lies and lying by the Jew Unz--this lying is absolutely demonstrable and undeniable, so the chances this analysis of mine will be censored by Unz the Jew are very high--but that's ok, as it will just appear somewhere else.

(Unz lies and says I "mis-spell" words, but I merely practice a slight alternative spelling, close to simple abbreviation, with which I'm perfectly consistent. Unz also says I use bad-grammar which is total lie, and Unz gives no examples, typical of Jew liars, like Unz. Then Unz lies and says I use "totally off-topic religion," which is a lie, and a typical tactic of Jews who insist any literary or philosophic allusions fm Christian New Test. are automatically "religion," and exclusively "religious"--which New Test. Jews understandably hate, even when perfectly appropriate for telling quotations. I told the Jew, "religion" is often mere literary vehicle and outward style--of genuine philosophy, but the Jew just (typically) ignores that simple fact. I challenged the Jew to let the readers decide, and naturally he ignores that too. Ho ho ho--then the Jew gives me his ominous "final warning.")

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1. First of all, Unz the Jew pretends to lament the "sad situation" (ho ho ho) that "silicon valley" is "de-platforming," censoring, and "disappearing" free speech in general, and then specifically the "alt-right," which "alt-right," u'll notice, Unz NEVER DEFINES and never IDs any particular individuals or items spoken by this hazy "alt-right." Unz merely indulges in "crocodile tears," patronizing, gloating, and lying, which he imagines fools will over-look.

2. Specifically, Unz pretends to speak for the "big-tech" of "silicon valley," giving false explanations and descriptions, imagining the goyim readership will just accept it as if it's true. Unz forgets he's Jew, and most people here at his site know it.

3. Thus Unz essentially concludes:

<blockquote>"Your misfortune is that it is the falsehoods [alleged by Unz to be spoken by "alt-right," which he doesn't really specify, and which "alt-right," and particular members thereof, he doesn't really ID] which have the most day-to-day presence in the lives of the Silicon Valley community, thus leading to their total dismissal of your entire message [but don't diff. people, even within "alt-right" have somewhat diff. 'msgs"?], and perhaps the blacklisting of most of your websites and organizations, thereby setting a very dangerous precedent for the future of the First Amendment in America."</blockquote>

Finally, at the very end, Unz appends:

<blockquote>"But I thought I might as well provide you my honest [ho ho ho] appraisal of how you got into these difficulties."</blockquote>

But actually, Unz just lies about "silicon valley," how they are, how they think and do things--all of this merely Unz's self-serving opinion, which I here show is EASILY demonstrable.

So let's go through his exposition as briefly as possible and demonstrate my above-noted theses:

<b>Unz starts off</b>, <blockquote>"...websites of the “Alt Right” have suddenly been “disappeared,” and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as PayPal have been terminated..."</blockquote>

Yes, Unz--it's blatant CONSPIRACY, and the conspirators are easily ID'd, including such as fellow Jew, Soros, notorious INSIDER for the "deep-state," Soros actually being mere henchman/operator.

The conspiracy consists of ILLEGAL MONOPOLIZATION and restraint-of-trade practices by companies, like especially Google and others, <b>who rec'd substantial gov. and tax-payer funds</b> to getting started, became prominent and powerful in the industry, enjoying substantial competitive advantages, and who now pretend to being "private-property," ho ho ho ho. But these monopolies really are "common-carriers," like u-tube, enjoying subsidization and gov.-granted privileges, at least in their beginnings.

The proof of the conspiracy is the obvious and necessary connections w. the very topmost monopoly, the central-bank (US Federal Reserve), which is blatant criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, exclusively issuing the fiat-currency, beginning w. "creation of credit," un-Constitutionally forced upon the people by means of "legal-tender" laws. Of course, subject of simple MONEY is quite abstract subject-matter which is easily confused in minds of the mass of goyim fools and suckers, so it all gets by them. But it (the central-bank) is, in the end, blatant MONOPOLY, indisputably connected closely and certainly w. "big-tech," Big Pharma, and the notorious "mainstream" Jews-media, among all the other monopolies controlled by the master-monopoly at the top, the afore-mentioned central-bank.

Next Unz tells us,

<blockquote>"I’ve also run numerous articles suggesting that the current excuse for this purge, namely the recent violence at Charlottesville, is being heavily slanted and misreported in the MSM."</blockquote>

And this ref. to "Charlottesville" is the ONLY ref. in the entire article Unz gives for "alt-right." This "Charlottesville" incident was a TOTALLY staged psy-op of deep-state, no less than Sandy-hoax and other staged hoaxes, well analyzed and proven (see works of James Fetzer who's written books on these psy-ops--see and Of course MSM (the well-named, "Jews-media") uses such hoax/psy-ops as pretext for it's lies--no less than totally fictitious "Gulf of Tonkin" incident was pretext for Vietnam war of 1960s.

Unz says,

<blockquote>"...I’d like to provide some very candid observations regarding what I think were some of the factors over the years that put all of you in this terrible predicament. Whether or not you decide to accept my conclusions is your own choice, but the sentiments I’m expressing are entirely sincere."</blockquote>

Have Jews ever failed for "sincerity" when telling their lies? "[T]errible predicament"?--well this is always how Jews want to hold the goyim. But this is the start of Unz's lies and lying, as he pretends to describing "silicon valley."

Unz says,

<blockquote>"These groups [who want to shut-down "alt-right"] possess enormous wealth, media power, and political connections and none of you have any of those things. [Of course we don't, Unz--for we're the "people," the goyim, right?] Under such circumstances, I think that the “risky behavior” [like speaking truth, which is "anti-semitic"] in which some of you have chosen to indulge has contributed to your situation."</blockquote>

Next Unz the Jew starts in with the real, heavy lying:

<blockquote>"...[M]ost of the leading Silicon Valley people are generally pretty nice and reasonable, but are very politically unsophisticated. [Thus Unz begins his strategic lying--these "people" are "sophisticated" enough, u may be sure--the top ones know they need to listen to the Jews and Jew money-men.] They’re totally focused on technology and business issues, and with a few exceptions here and there, don’t really pay any deep attention to politics or ideological matters [this is a lie--they "pay attn.," and if they don't, they lose--they KNOW they must "pay attn."], sub-contracting out those things to the same “mainstream” opinion-forming elites who provide that role for almost everyone else in our society. Just think of the leading Silicon Valley people as your pleasant, college-educated next door neighbors [smug, little geeky scum who are sure they're sooooo clever, "advanced" and "progressive," ho ho ho], who sporadically catch the regular news on TV, glance at the newspaper headlines, and regard that as the reality of the world. [So what?--they know the same Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs remain in charge, eh?]</blockquote>

Unz goes on:

<blockquote>"Donald Trump stunned America’s elites by winning the presidency despite 99% opposition in the MSM."</blockquote>

Actually Trump was backed by the leading neo-con zionist Jews of Israel, pretending to the "right," against the leftist, "atheist"-style "globalist" Jews of "deep-state," Trump backed by such as "Mike Savage" and Ajax Jewns of Thus Trump pretends to "rightist" "nationalism" vs. "leftist" "globalism." And the purpose of it all (Trump's election) seems to be setting-up for a big war and strike against such as Iran--which will be no mean feat, requiring false-flags, etc.

Next, Unz "sincerely" tells us:

<blockquote>"...Democrat and Republican, has denounced these attacks in the strongest possible terms as “racist,” “bigoted,” etc. But that had no impact upon Trump’s support...."</blockquote>

Unz doesn't think to realize "racism" is VIRTUE of loyalty to people, ancestors, and culture, and that everyone is necessarily racist, ESPECIALLY Jews. "Bigoted" is just a buzzword used by people who don't agree w. someone else, hohohoho--comes fm expression, "by God."

Unz lies:

<blockquote>"...[T]he people there [in W. Virginia] watched FoxNews shows about Muslims conquering America and imposing Sharia law, and had become very fearful. The fact that ordinary West Virginians have almost no real life contact with Mexicans, Muslims, or immigrants left them open to such nonsense."</blockquote>

Muslims are foreigners, aliens, and enemies of West and Christians, not to mention Europeans--all history and reality confirms--it IS NOT "nonsense," u filthy, lying Jew. And even if there's a passive musselman to be spotted, it doesn't mean the rest are soooo "innocent," Unz--they're aliens, foreigners, and enemies, esp. as there gets to being more and evermore of the scum who continue pouring into the country. Basic NATURE of human life is WAR, Unz, u stupid Jew liar, and not only does Homer confirm this in ancient Illiad and Oddysey, foundations of Western Culture, u ignorant Jew, but New Test. confirms humans are SINNERS. Ur filthy Talmud is literally a war plan and strategy against all humanity, u brainless Jew liar. See,, and for definitive expo.

The rest of Unz's lies and lying in his article, above, is substantially same and similar to the above demonstrable lies and lying, as I've noted and analyzed, folks--there's no need to make this analysis longer than it is. Unz's article is half-gloating, half-patronizing fabric of lies, gross-distortions, and mis-representations. Q.E.D. NONE of it (Unz's article) should be taken seriously except as just more Jew and Jewwy lies and lying--Good job, Unz--u certainly are a Jew, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Here below, I copy the comment someone made to my above posting--which Unz published, ho ho ho ho, but then the kike wouldn't publish my own response to it, below-copied, ho ho ho ho

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    Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:
    December 27, 2018 at 5:31 am GMT • 100 Words

    To write aggressively and immodestly like that you must have a very high opinion of your own intellect and judgment and I can’t help wondering how someone could pass through even a mere 12 years of education without learning from some of your brighter contemporaries that you are actually pretty dim.

    apollonian says:
    December 27, 2018 at 12:16 pm GMT

    Isn’t there something missing?–for if I’m wrong on something, say what it is and HOW I’m wrong, eh? Ho oho ho ho ho ho. A general conclusion needs something specific for a premise, sucker, ho ho ho ho ho
