Sunday, December 30, 2018

Historically, the RISE of satanism, how it develops fm the Brit "secret elite" (by Docherty and MacGregor), to the present zionist hegemony, election of Trump....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.w...order/#respond

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Relation Of Jew Vs. Gentile: Rise Of Satanism
(Apollonian, 30 Dec 18)

Well, I see here, in this blog, u generally understand the primary position and place of banking. But what isn't clear in ur exposition is the nature and function of "CENTRAL-banking," by which "CURRENCY" is put in place of real MONEY, which real money is necessarily a FINITE quantity of a commodity, the best commodity standard being gold/silver (see for definitive expo on money, etc.; use their search engine for particular terms).

For note, CURRENCY, unlike real money, is potentially INFINITE--they (the "bankers") just print and print and print, needing only paper and ink; nowadays they additionally use computer digitalization, not even needing paper and ink(!)--is that incredible? But here in USA, "bankers" are getting to the end-of-the-line for this fraud, the currency becoming evermore worthless and rejected, the new gold-backed Chinese Yuan getting ready to replace US Dollar as reserve currency.

Of course, American manufacturing has been essentially sold-off and exported to many other countries, esp. in the East, including esp. China. USA will go way of British as expired economic power.

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Another subject u commendably bring-up is relation of Jews and gentiles for the "banking" master-minds. Here then, it's appropriate to broach w. u the subject of SATANISM, by which the entire Christian/Greek/rationalist culture is up-ended, reversed, and totally re-determined for basic principles.

For surely u grasp the present New World Order (NWO) culture of GENOCIDE, literally, as of Agenda-21 and -2030--they're seriously determined to "reducing" population, and they're quite up-front about it all--along w. their "climate-change" lies and propaganda as the pretext.

Note further, this genocide is not merely abstract and only in planning-stage, but is ALREADY in effect w. (a) poison prescription drugs, already having killed MILLIONS, just here in USA; (b) also poison vaccines, (c) poison GMO (genetically modified) foods, (d) fluoride (which is a neuro-toxin) in the water--at least for here in USA, (e) toxic electro-magnetic radiation--hrd about the lethal effects of "5G" micro-waves?--not to mention the already established 4G grade of present-day cell-phones.

Then there's (f) the poison "chem-trails" and "geo-engineering" of the atmosphere by which toxic aluminum and barium particles are used to affect the weather, and destroying the vegetation when the particles settle to the ground.

Point about SATANISM is that it's culture of DEATH and irrationalism, as in the legitimizing and advancement of homosexual culture, including the "trans-gender" movement, whence men now call themselves "female" and take all the women's titles in tennis, track, wrestling, and practically everything else.

And don't think this "Satanism" is mere "religion"--it's actual philosophy by which the formerly understood OBJECTIVE reality is now mere matter of extreme subjectivism, the idea/philosophy that reality is mere product of mentality/consciousness, the subject now making himself God, the creator--Satanism.

So it's this Satanism/extreme-subjectivism which has come to the cultural fore, gentlemen, over-turning the old Christian/rationalism--it (Satanism) rules and dominates EVERMORE--and this Satanism is built upon LIES--this, I submit, is the full face of the New World Order, built on lies, and featuring the worship of DEATH--manifest now in Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, as I noted.

So my pt. about the relation btwn Jews and gentiles is the general Satanism is built upon extreme subjectivism as I noted and briefly defined. The distinction then is Jews are most thorough-going subjectivists, most committed, dedicated, and organized, far more so than gentile subjectivists/Satanists who otherwise seem to vastly out-number Jews.

Thus the Jews dominate the Satanists and Satanist movement (including homosexuals and trans-genders, and all the criminals generally, beginning w. the central-bankers who are actually just criminals and frauds--counterfeiters). The Satanists, including the gentile Satanists, following lead of Jews, thereupon dominate and intimidate the entire rest of the society but for a small portion of steadfast rationalists and true Christians--who presently now fight an evermore URGENT retreat and attempted reaction or counter-revolution.

One can understand Jew "religion" of extreme subjectivism which comes fm the Talmud and described in New Testament, by means of the thematic, Talmudic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" by which the Torah is always supposed to be "interpreted" and always for the benefit, rulership, and dominance of the Jews. See,, and for best Talmudic expo.

For Jews then, as most dedicated, most organized subjectivists conduct a far more EFFECTIVE collectivistic subjectivism, co-ordinating best and most w. fellow Jews, w. most effective GROUP-THINK, Jews then most dominant of the subjectivists, necessarily ruling and leading--exactly as they do in the communist/Bolshevik movement(s).

Thus present USA, for example, is dominated by the Israeli terror-state, the "tail" wagging the proverbial "dog," Donald Trump being an Israeli puppet, opposed by the more "atheist" -styled, "leftist" "globalists," Trump featuring what he calls "nationalism" against the otherwise establishment "globalists."

So I merely quibble w. ur great theses regarding the "secret elite"--the main and dominant power (a) being the "bankers," and (b) the Jews and zionists having merely emerged, at first co-operating w. such as Milner and "secret elite," but now w. these Zionists dominating, only sometimes co-operating w. "secret elite" as they did on 9/11, it (9/11) having been mainly an Israeli terror-state operation, but w. heavy and full-fledged "globalist" co-operation. Thanks again for ur attn. and commentary upon these observations I make herein, above.

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