Saturday, December 22, 2018

French writer still deluded, over-awed by USA, now become Jew S A....

Below-copied by ap first submitted and censored at comments,

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Good Gravy, Get A Clue: USA Now Jew S A, Satanic Murdering Monstrosity
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 18)

Durocher is unfortunately much deluded: USA has become Jew S A, totally cucked by Jews and satanism, mass-murdering even its own people w. poison vaccines and drugs, GMO foods and other poisonous additives, poison chem-trails, and toxic radiation, nuke as well as electro-magnetic. Too bad Durocher didn’t read “1984,” by Orwell–it’s happening–it’s here–WAKE UP, suckers.

Durocher praises the “Constitution,” but it was crushed and destroyed in 1860s, a satanic empire having ruled and metastasized ever since. Durocher ought to learn some REAL history.

Such then is inevitable, inexorable degeneration, corruption of CYCLIC “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler, Jew S A, once a Christian country, now satanic empire ruled and directed by Jews and other satanists, but the Jews dominating as Jews are FOREMOST satanists, in accord w. their filthy, satanic Talmud (see,, and

People have to save themselves and get a clue–we’re in grip of satanists, led by Jews, who are steadily killing and mass-murdering Americans and everyone as I noted. So people must make use of states-rights, nullification, and secession–as we seceded fm Britain in 1776–South, and everyone else, must rise again.

Note satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is created by mentality/consciousness, making subject God, the creator–satanism–thus Jews rule as they’re foremost committed satanists who practice a deliberate COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective group-think, Jews most organized, cohesive, dedicated, necessarily ruling, dominating, and leading all the gentile satanists/subjectivists who otherwise out-number Jews, these satanists in general then dominating and intimidating all the rest of the people.

Thus Christian movement must arise, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence reality understood as necessarily OBJECTIVE, the criterion for such truth–radically opposing satanism/subjectivism and Judaism which now PLAINLY rules. Durocher needs to get a brain.

Thus that satanic instrument, the central-bank, which is literally legalized counterfeiting (see; use their search engine on the topic), giving satanists and Jews their overwhelming practical and economic power, must, most crucially be eliminated by any means necessary, soon as possible.

Durocher needs to get over his exhilaration and awe of Jew S A and start facing the hard satanic facts and reality; there’s no time to lose, his and our lives depend on it.

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