Tuesday, September 29, 2020

There's big diff. btwn real Christianity and the fake version preached by Jewwy, Jew-serving establishment

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but deleted/CENSORED by Unz, at

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Christianity is Worship of TRUTH, suckers; Nothing else
(Apollonian, 26 Sep 20)

U're no Christian, sucker (see below-copied). Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), so if u were for truth, u'd be for honesty which is part of Holy Spirit, along w. REASON, by which to apprehend such truth, and hatred is merely anti-pathy/repulsion, the reciprocal of attraction. Hence Christianity requires antipathy of Judaism/Satanism, necessarily. See JOHN 8:44.

Christian rationalism (Holy Spirit), following fm worship of truth (= Christ), merely demands one keep one's hatred within reason, that's all. Christ said, "think not I came to bring peace; rather I come to bring a sword." (Gosp. MATT 10:34) One can "love" sinner, but not that much, and if the sinner is a genuine threat, he needs be taken out. The passage suffers fm translation and probably means more like hate sin, but try to understand it all fm pt. of view of sinner's shoes.

And there's no "evil," either, u pathetic liar (like the Pharisees u pretend to disapprove). For Christian truth implies the OBJECTIVE reality as necessary criterion for such truth, and objectivity implies DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will--we're sinners, fool.

It's idiot heretics and liars like u who satanize Christianity making it to be about moronic "love," or non-existent "good," or even satanic "faith" in sense of beeeeleeeeeeeeeeevin' whence such "beeeleeevin'" pretends to create a new reality (Satanism--making oneself to be God, the creator). Hitler was absolutely right-on and truthful--why they hated him--and Israel desperately needs to be nuked--and it's gonna happen as it inevitably must.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------

20.omegabooks says:
September 23, 2020 at 4:16 am GMT • 100 Words ↑

As a staunch believer on Christ (and these Chabaders etc. can pull a Noahide decapitation on me if they so choose, because I am NOT reneging on my faith!) let me say I totally agree Christians must not hate Jews even if Jews hate Christians (which they do, especially in Israel…so sayeth the leaders of One for Israel, an Israeli Christian ministry that also works with Palestinian Christians), but I will also say this: I DESPISE THE TALMUD! The most evil thing I have ever read (Tractate Gitten 57a, where Christ is “burning in Hell for eternity in His own hot excrement”) is within the Talmud. The Talmud (and Kabbalah and Zohar) make the Koran look “holy”! As Christ said, hate the sin (the Talmud), but love the sinner (Talmudic Jews).

Monday, September 14, 2020

Present-day tragedy of satanized Christianity--"over-population" of satanists, liberals, et al....

Chapter Two: The Tragedy of Present Satanic Situation in USA, West
(Apollonian 14 Sep 20)

Observe the great tragedy of the hubristic, satanic sociologic situation in West and Jew S A: the people suffer gross, horrendous cognitive dissonance and hubris, this now corrupting to the worst possible stage, outright Satanism, the USA now effectively controlled by terror-state of Israel and the instrument of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, a veritable criminal enterprise dominating and controlling the entire economy, hence society and culture--no wonder it's now satanic, not merely hubristic.

Note then as the central-bank is literally a monopoly, utterly fraudulent and illegal, the entire economy is subject to a similar monopolization (big Pharma, the mass corp. Jews-media, etc.), like the centralized political system, enforced by corrupt police, lawyers, and judges, etc.

Hence society, the stupid people, so busy pretending they're "good," don't and can't grasp the criminal nature of such central-bank, as the central-bank is able to disguise the economic situation, stupid people imagining they're "prosperous" amidst the massive inflation (proliferation of currency) and false prosperity, steadily submerging in massive, ever-greater debt. Everything seems lovely up to the very end as and when the (inflated) currency and economy collapse, and to disguise it, naturally, the people are led into horrific warfare which distracts the fools so easily (like 9/11, obviously)--it's those nasty foreigners to blame for it all.

Thus the hubristic people can't grasp they're really impoverished until they see their currency is no good, taking masses of it (currency, ever-inflated, ever-devaluated) now to buy even the simplest, heretofore cheapest things, and behold, they're additionally at war with someone--it doesn't really matter who or why as the Jews-media makes everything up, creating a new (Orwellian) reality within the subjectivistic, satanic reality which has grown up within the gross hubristic, subjectivistic cultural mentality.

At this stage then, it can truly be said the people are "over-populated," at least w. those who have backed and supported the Satanist subjectivism and hubris of the people, fostered by the Orwellian Jews-media and the Satanist ("liberal") edjumacation system, bolstered further by the satanic Judeo-Christian establishment, all these supporting the terror-state of Israel, etc.

So there's liable to be a great die-off/kill-off, the hubristic, confused people now starving and un-employed, encouraged by the Jews-media to attack their enemies and rivals who are to blame, the largest official factions being, on one hand, the "liberal" atheist, "globalist" "leftists," against the Israel-first Judeo-Christians (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) on the pretend "right," led now by Trump, the official figure-head.

The masses of now over-populated, hubristic and stupid people are encouraged to ignore the fact that, on top, it's Jews, Satanists, and the criminal masterminds of the central-bank encouraging and fomenting all the cultural turmoil and cognitive dissonance. And the people are too stupid to grasp the essential criminality of central-banking (legalized counterfeiting) and infinite fiat-currency. Such then is the inexorable course of CYCLIC history and "end-times" as of Biblic "Book of Revelations."

Only the REAL Christianity, which worships TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), based upon the objective reality, rejection of subjectivism and satanism, now has serious chance to survive and restoring genuine rule-of-law. Unfortunately, it seems a large portion of the otherwise over-populated people, including esp. the outright satanic element, and a good part of the hubristic "useful idiots" (as among "liberals") will require elimination and/or neutralization, the process of which is hard to diagnose precisely, direct, analyze too minutely, or even to survive. Good luck, and may God be with us.

Christianity is now, has been satanized by establishment churches--made subservient to Israel, suckers....

Chapter One: Christianity Satanized: Overthrow of USA, West; The Present Satanic Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 20)

I. Present State: Satanic Dictatorship In Midst of Constant Turmoil, Political and Pyschologic

No one can doubt today that USA and the West are under a horrific and ever-worsening satanic dictatorship, known as "globalism," which globalist dictatorship, under name of United Nations (UN) is working to exterminate a large portion of the population (Agenda 2030 and -21), as for example, by means of poison vaccines.

At the same time the "globalists" seem to be opposed by another establishment force, as led by Donald Trump, but who is behind Trump, subsidizing and funding Trump?--it's the pretended "rightist" wing composed of Judeo-Christians (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) who support the terror-state of Israel. So we see the "globalist," atheist "leftists" on the one hand opposed by the "rightist" Christian-styled "conservatives," the "good-cops, vs. the bad-cops." For why and how would real Christians be aligned with Jews who preach a profound hatred of Christ?

The tragedy is that the traditional shield and weapon of the West against this dread Satanism, that dear and glorious Christianity has now somehow, over the yrs been discredited and traduced--even by its supposed champions, like the "communist pope" (Francis) and the other leaders, including all the established Protestant denominations who all support the terror state of Israel.

What now is it that rules and dominates this resulting satanic culture of turmoil, confusion, and death?--the criminal enterprise of central-banking, like the US Federal Reserve Bank and system, etc., which features the fraudulent "fiat-currency," a pretended infinite supply of currency, not real money, which is constantly inflated, hence losing value for the currency units. See Mises.org for expo; use the site search-engine for expo on particular terms, like "fiat-currency."

Hubris and Corruption Turning into Satanism

For note the steady, inexorable corruption of the culture, similar to Oswald Spengler's theory in "Decline of the West," the growing hubris and consequent Satanism of the people, as of USA and also the West, beginning, as always, w. the pretending to non-existent "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" human will.

Known fm ancient times and St. Augustine as "Pelagian heresy," this fallacious perfectly "free" will and consequent non-existent "good-evil" takes over fm the real Christianity featuring the determinist and sinful nature of humanity, hubris, leading then and now to outright, raging SATANISM (extreme subjectivism), the foolish humans imagining they're like God w. the power and ability to create reality (like "good-evil")--Satanism by definition, Satanist extreme subjectivism being the idea that mind/consciousness creates reality, hence, for example, otherwise non-existent "good-evil," beginning premise to full-out Satanism.

The Judaic version of this extreme subjectivism--for Judaism IS subjectivism, featuring "Oral Law Trad.," "midrash" (interpretation), etc., then merely features a COLLECTIVE subjectivism, all the (Jew) people partaking and cooperating in a sublime "group-think"--as we see, the Jews being, as always throughout hist., the leaders of such corrupt, satanic culture(s), Jews most organized and cohesive, the originators of communism (Marx), foremost socialists. See RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best Judaic/Talmudic expo.

Spenglerian CYCLIC History

For note the evolution of the empire, ever-centralizing, (a) beginning w. the success of brave and productive farmers, as in the Roman historical instance, (b) but then, as the original republic is successful in defensive warfare, that republic now becoming an evermore powerful empire, the people in all their success, victory, and prosperity becoming hubristic and corrupt, pretending they're now "good," this "good" delusion taking-over the cultural mentality of the people as we see today, the original Christianity now all but forgotten, Christianity now understood in the false and fallacious terms and framework of this new, but horrifically false religion of "good" and a perfect "freedom" of human will.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Satanism Inc. is percolating along fine and dandy; Jews are happy as clams....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at https://www.unz.com/article/911-was-...omment-2518858

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Jews, Israel Are Happy As Clams--Why Wouldn't They Be?
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 20)

<blockquote>Despite being seemingly at the pinnacle of its power, Israel is in a very dire position, facing an irrepressible shift of global power, which poses existential threats the Zionist entity never faced before .</blockquote>

Sure, one can easily agree w. ur statements (see below-copied), platitudinous as they are, but Satanists (Jews are merely the leaders and masterminds) have ALWAYS been in "dire position"--they always will be--they're quite used to it.

Note that ALL the "Christian" establishment "churches" and denominations, Cat. and Prot., support terror-state of Israel--"Christian" establishment is now "Judeo-Christianity" (see Whtt.org for expo) whence the idiot "Christians" imagine and beeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev that, golly, but Jews are just diff. kind of "Christians," like Lutherans are just a little diff. fm Baptists. The poor idiots can't figure-out that Jews are anti-Christs (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org) and always have been, always will be.

All the Satanists and Jews want or need is "perpetual war for perpetual peace," that's all, whereby, as the UN agenda-21 and -2030, the pop. is "reduced," gradually sometimes, and suddenly at once if and as necessary. Meantime, Satanists have the central-bank criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for expo) and the Jews-media running for them, as well as the "big tech" monopolies, the big "Pharma" monopolies immune fm law-suits, etc. Satanism Inc. is just percolating along fine and dandy.

Observe, the whole world is steadily becoming MONOPOLIZED ("globalized") under control of Satanists and central-banking--thus the "cancel-culture." So as long as Satanism Inc. is doing well, growing, expanding, "perpetual war for perp. peace," Jews/satanists are fine and happy as clams--things are going swimmingly--splendidly, as the Brits would say--why not?

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------------------

214. 214.Iris says:
September 15, 2018 at 10:42 am GMT • 300 Words ⇑

“How can normal people fight back?”

The Zionist take-over of American politics was sealed by the assassination of President Kennedy, a coup d’état in all but name.

Then, a further larger Zionist take-over of world politics was allowed by the fall of USSR and the advent of financial globalisation, which respectively removed any limits from Zionist-controlled US military, and gave global banks a power overriding that of sovereign states.

These are historic trends that built up over decades: this is why it is so difficult for ordinary American/Western people to defeat them. But things are changing fast:

– The Zionist parasite has hollowed out the US host, not just the military it controls, but also the economy and monetary system supporting this military. The coming economic crisis will carry much suffering, but is also a chance to build a new political system in the US.

– The Zionist-US alliance is losing ground in the Middle-East, which will leave the Israel imperial outpost much exposed. It is very clear that the Russia/Syria/Iran/Hezbollah coalition is a long term, strategic one, that will end up expelling most of US military presence from the region.

What will Zionists do without the US military umbrella? Move their manipulative cabals to up-and-coming countries, take control of Russia and China? This is not going to happen.

Despite being seemingly at the pinnacle of its power, Israel is in a very dire position, facing an irrepressible shift of global power, which poses existential threats the Zionist entity never faced before .

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

satanism--the 800 lb. Gorilla, which no one sees or acknowledges, advances inexorably....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z8XoIzqKMX1l/

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Satanism: Like A Disease, Advancing Inexorably, Carrying All Before It
(Apollonian 10 Jun 20)

WTF diff. does it make? (see below-copied comment)--it was taken in some large Western (English-speaking) city (a), (b) that's dominated by Satanists and their dupes, "liberals" and "progressives"--as that's only place u find large numbers of these sort of in-ur-face queers.

Notice how honest and observant they (the queers in the picture) are about Satanism--it's what RULES, suckers--and Jews are the leaders, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT JUDAISM IS--SATANISM, U DAMN, IGNORANT MORONS. See RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Talmudical.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo on Judaism.

Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West," wrote about the corruption and steady, inexorable break-down of society and civilization--it's CYCLIC function, and it's truly inexorable--HUBRIS arises and grows within a successful, "prosperous," and "victorious," society (like Roman and American examples), becoming over-populated w. inferiors and scum (like queers, "liberals," and "progressives," who insist they're most "virtuous") and Jews/Satanism inexorably sets in, like a disease, to take-over--which is what's obviously happening, before ur stupid eyes, fools.

And it (such invincible hubris and Satanism) is extremely difficult to stop because it is carried and pushed by such criminal enterprise as CENTRAL-BANKING (see Mises.org for expo) which most people cannot grasp for the essential criminality (legalized counterfeiting)--people cannot grasp the abstract nature of REAL MONEY, what it necessarily is and MUST be (commodity-based, hence LIMITED in amount).

IT'S SATANISM, U FOOLS--THAT'S THE PROBLEM, MORONS--IT'S WHAT'S ADVANCING INEXORABLY, DESTROYING EVERYTHING, BECAUSE U IDIOTS CAN'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness to be creator of reality, hence God--Satanism by definition.

Notice also kikes--only large cities have large number of such outright Satanists, Christ-killers, and -haters. I used to live in San Francisco, Cal. (many yrs ago), and I guarantee this picture COULD have been fm there--and that was many, many yrs ago.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

Red-Pill Bulgaria > Truth Network • 7 hours ago

Where was this picture taken?

Friday, May 29, 2020

Here's the subtle lie, lying of "venerable" Pannobhasa....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/pFheYXGqCvZF/

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Smug, Brainless, Blithe, Jew-Friendly, Jew-Serving Lies, Lying By "Venerable" Pannobhasa
(Apollonian, 29 May 20)

Here, below-copied, is the quintessential lie, knowing and deliberate by our pretending Buddhist paragon: Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu apollonian • 4 days ago [comes fm way down below, near bottom of this comment section]

"Saying that Hitler broke his promises whenever he considered it convenient to do so is pretty obvious history, recorded in official diplomatic documents. His repeated claims that he would make no new demands for territory, followed by new demands, is an obvious case in point. The point is not that Churchill was good, but that both Churchill and Hitler, like ALL great leaders, were ruthless bastards."

(a) The Buddhist pretender knowingly and deliberately lies when he says "...recorded in official diplomatic documents." Buddhist puke gives no citation, no ref., and obviously KNOWS OF NO ACTUAL "DOCUMENT" which would demonstrate his lie about Hitler--Buddhist puke just blatantly lies pretending there might be a document, somewhere, somehow, which might support his lie and lying. Buddhist puke babbles this idiot lie of his imagining it would intimidate or impress the random reader to thinking the Buddhist puke has actually done any reading, or research, and actually came across such a "document."

(b) Buddhist then babbles about "repeated claims," as if he knows anything about this subject, when NSDAP ALWAYS affirmed Danzig was part of Germany--even fm before Hitler's election and appointment to public office in 1933.

(c) And the "pt." has NOTHING to do w. "good or evil" of anyone, Churchill or Hitler, but who started the war--which was the West, UK and France instigated by Jew S A, Poland mere pretext and side-issue, UK having made an OFFENSIVE treaty, inviting Poland to start the war, which Poland did by continuing to encroach Danzig and by other things too, including mass-murder of German people (see Hoggan, "The Forced War")--these are the facts deliberately ignored and attempted to be covered-up by the pretending Buddhist lying liar. Q.E.D.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

CYCLIC circumstances: Germany was on doomed defense, was attacked fm first, fm back in WWI....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchi...omment-3855525

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Understanding Circumstances Of CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline..."
(Apollonian, 5 May 20)

"Mefo...," u do great job for clarifying the discussion, thanks--it now allows me to do some clarifying. So first, unc' Adolf didn't "lose," though he did, under circumstances, make "fatal" mistake of declaring war which brought in Jew S A, creating the fatal Western front, etc.

For u see, the whole strategic situation was that Germany had been grossly defeated in WWI, having been starved practically to death by UK navy--the whole first world war strategy fm very beginning (probably going back to 1907, according to Docherty and Macgregor of "Hidden History...," and https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.wordpress.com/) --Brits only had to hope France and Russia could hold out long enough for the blockade to work and take full effect, etc.--it almost didn't work, Jew S A having to come in in the "nick of time" to save the Satanic situation.

So after end of WWI the allies, including now Jew S A, who were committed (though reluctant to admit it), don't forget, only had to wait for opportunity to pounce as Germans inevitably recovered to smash-down Germans again--only now under auspices of their new "world gov."/dictatorship mechanism, the UN (United Nations), Jew S A fully "in," this time. And the Satanists were always on top of things, and definitive signal was given by FDR (Roosevelt) soon as he was re-elected, in 1937 w. his "quarantine" agitation--proverbial "fix" was in, "die" was "cast."

Only thing still not understood and grasped, not leastly by unc' Adolf, at the time, was the tremendous power and effect of economics, most expressed and exerted in the "lend-lease" instrument by which soviets were empowered to crush Germany on eastern front. Soviets were ALWAYS enforcers for the Satanists at the top, fm beginning (and even before 1917).

Next, u say, <blockquote>"The winner of WW2 was finance capital,...,"</blockquote> which is kinda' right, given ur understanding, BUT u must note that central-banking (which is what it really is--see Mises.org) is actually a criminal enterprise, a totally illegal monopoly, consisting of literally legalized counterfeiting--this is NOT NOT NOT NOT "free market" in ANY sense, but strictly, totally criminal, and it's greatest tragedy (nothing less) that most of the idiots, scum, goons, weaklings, inferiors, TV-addicts, morons, suckers, "liberals," and "progressives" can't figure this out about central-banking.

So u see, at the bottom of everything, we have a sociologic disaster consisting of too many, over-populated ignorant scum, addicted to the very poison which is killing them, like the central-bank, these over-populated morons thinking that, hey, central-banking is okay, legitimate, even necessary business, etc.--these absolute idiots even think it's "free market"--terminal stupidity, nothing less.

So something has to happen to these over-populated moronic goons--either they gotta get "smart," which is un-likely, OR they need to die-out and be killed-off--a frightening prospect in any case, as lots of innocents would be caught-up, as always in this TRAGIC human existence of ours. Right now, we're all (still) waiting for inevitable strike on Iran being arranged by our satanic keepers and rulers.

In conclusion, u must now see, unc' Adolf didn't, because he couldn't, have made any "fatal mistakes"--impossible--because Germany was doomed fm very beginning, in the determinist, CYCLIC "Decline of the West," things having been set-up and activated by those busy Satanists who are in control (have been since Rothschilds, during and after Napoleon), having benefitted fm and exploited the horrendous socio-biologic circumstances of over-population of hubristic, terminally stupid morons and goons--esp. in form of "liberals," "progressives," and socialists, the Satanists' gleefully collaborating lick-spittles.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

756. Mefobills says:

April 27, 2020 at 2:56 am GMT • 200 Words
@Carolyn Yeager

Mefobills chimed in (#727) with: “Hitler’s miscalculations are having serious repercussions to the white race, no doubt.” I hear that a lot. It’s called “passing the buck.” Hitler to his credit did not do that. But you guys do.


It’s not passing the buck, it is an admission of observable reality. Winners get to write history.

The propaganda narrative of WW2 was left in place, and then the holocaust industry built on it.

Hollywood (Jewly-wood) has cast the Nazi’s as the eternal boogey man. So, rather than correcting history, the holocaust industry profited from lies.

Christ is no longer nailed to the cross, it is now the perpetual victim, the Jew. White men as proxy’s for Germans are the tormentor, who nailed the Jew to the cross.

Various in-groups, including feminists, are encouraged to jump on the victim-hood bandwagon via more propaganda issued from sources such as Frankfurt skool.

The winner of WW2 was finance capital, which in turn is a kissing cousin of Zion. The “international” also is anti-nation.

The strongest force for protection of a people group is a nation-state, and hence white race was indeed damaged by Germany losing in WW2. Religion, nation, and race have all been inverted and hence the white race has lost its anti-bodies.

Germany lost in WW2 because Hitler made fatal mistakes.

• Replies: @Carolyn Yeager, @Ondra Hada

Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Stebbing" too much focuses selectively, ignoring more pertinent facts, hist....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchi...ments#comments

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Stebbing (Too Conveniently) Overlooks Most Significant History, Actual Facts
(Apollonian, 23 Apr 20)

“Stebbing” tells us, “[t]here’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.” And it’s as if “stebbing” can’t imagine what that “bizarro-world” might be about.

But what’s so difficult about it, stebbing? Truly, we “fan-boys” absolutely LOVE unc’ Adolf; he was a great hero, but he was merely a little before his time. And we don’t “worship” unc’ Adolf; we (a great many–even most of us) worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–which is difficult for u Satanists to grasp, u being the pathological subjectivists as u are.

Hitler under-estimated exactly what he was up against (which is why he came up a little short), though he knew, and showed a good part of the way, and explained quite a bit. Unc’ Adolf made one serious mistake, for sure–he shouldn’t have declared war against Jew S A as quickly as he did. For after that declaration, for one thing, his ally, Italy, had about 18 months to go before they were defeated and knocked out of the conflict.

Without Jew S A there would have been no Western front against Germany, and German heroes may well have defeated soviets, not having to station troops in Italy, not having lost the great number of soldiers (more than at Stanlingrad) stuck in Tunisia just prior to Allied invasion of Italy.

And what was it Hitler was REALLY up against? Well, u ought to know, stebbing, it was ur people, the “chosen” race of Satanists who ran that amazing instrument known as CENTRAL-BANKING (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like fiat-currency), legalized counterfeiting, literally–that amazing God-like creation of nearly endless currency, not real money, which affords financial liquidity and greasing of the war-production machine which then allowed for amazing production of weapons, food, and trucks, for example, which thus equipped and supplied the soviets and British to enable the eventual defeat of those tremendous German heroes.

For as reality is objective (Aristotle) and determined, in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly “free” human will,” history is CYCLIC in accord w. Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Thus socialism, central-banking, and SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject to be creator, hence God), was to prevail in 1945, led and prosecuted by the ultimate Satanists and subjectivists (featuring “midrash” and “Oral Law Tradition”) against any and everyone else, including those magnificent Germans, heroic, productive, and ingenious as they were and are–it just wasn’t in the cards enough for the Germans to defeat the Satanists leading the allies against the axis.

Note the Satanist surge (“Decline of the West”) had begun and gained much speed and momentum w. rise of central-banking, Rothschilds, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, and socialism in this Western Spenglerian “decline,” ironic as it might seem–it all eventually defeated Germany, virtuous as they were, and now it has essentially defeated the Jew S A too, the Jew S A now firmly controlled by those Satanists, giving their orders fm stolen Palestine and directing things in all their branch offices throughout the world as in London and Jew York.

Stebbing lies and says, “…there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans…,” but of course, stebbing is just the typical liar who wants to divert fm the great struggle of humanity against his Satanist sponsors who are all busily at work as we speak, stebbing pretending, “…they always seek to distract from his [meaning Hitler] actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!”

No excrement, Sherlock.

And WHO could possibly be “worse” than ur satanistic people, stebbing?–unc’ Adolf was not only hero, but a prophet, and he did his best to instruct and inform the rest of the world (who actually already knew–and still know–a good deal about the subject, satanism).

So u see, stebbing, u’re exposed as u “protesteth” a little too much w. ur stupid lies and lying about dear unc’ Adolf. Why else would u lie so desperately and even hysterically about such magnificent people (the German people) and their great leader, dear unc’ Adolf?

Hitler united the German people and even many others fm other countries and nations, esp. of eastern Europe, and even India (see Subhas Chandra Bose, https://www.britannica.com/biography...s-Chandra-Bose). Unc’ Adolf just didn’t do enough of the right and necessary things regarding France, UK, and Jew S A–which all needed and required the real and true Christianity (worship of TRUTH, above all) for such necessary and sufficient gentile unification, as during the time of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent., against Satanism and ur monstrous people, stebbing, those foremost Satanists universally and traditionally, even religiously hated by all humanity, but for those taking money (or currency) fm them.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

482. Stebbing Heuer says:
April 23, 2020 at 3:04 am GMT • 200 Words

Thanks FB.

I suppose it’s a dreary fact that Hitler fanboys exist. The thing that surprises me is that they always seek to distract from his actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!’

None of them have the guts to come out and say: ‘Yeah, Hitler started World War II, he knew what he was doing, he had a plan, and good on him for doing so.’ They’re always bitching and moaning about how unfair things were, about how everyone was picking on Germany, about how everyone else was plotting against Germany.

None of them will acknowledge that Hitler was working to his own plan to conquer Europe, depopulate huge swathes of it, and then repopulate those swathes with his chosen people; and that other nations’ opposing actions were natural reactions to this plan. Even though most if not all of them would agree with this plan, they won’t dare come out and say it.

Because there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans, all they can do is point fingers at others and moan about how awful they were.

There’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.

 • Agree: Adûnâi
• Replies: @Fox
, @apollonian
, @FB
, @John Wear
, @Wally

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Satanism RULES, suckers, as this is "Decline of the West," in gross hubris and over-population of puke, scum, fools, inferiors, and weaklings, all mired in HUBRIS--get a clue....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, published at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/zxytCI9osdqx/

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Judaism Is Satanism, And Satanism Rules In Spenglerian "Decline of West"
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 20)

Jews rule and dominate because Satanism rules and dominates, Jews the leading, most dominant Satanists, Judaism the most successful, most "popular" form of Satanism in all history. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo.

Note Satanism is an actual, real thing which needs be taken seriously and understood in some detail--which is grossly over-looked by most people. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, the subject being the creator--God--Satanism by definition. Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists/Satanists which then gives them such advantage over gentiles, even though gentiles (so far) out-number Jews (more below on this collectivistic "group-think").

So note and observe Satanism is actually a nearly explicit philosophy, but then it wraps itself in mysticism and mumbo-jumbo so as to appear "religious" in style, thus increasing its attraction and fascination for now over-populated inferiors and weaklings (fm the original success and victory of brave and honest founding ancestors, like Romans and Americans)--not that they all accept such Satanism, certainly not whole-heartedly, but they tolerate the subjectivist premises for such Satanism, thus making themselves most pathetic victims to it all.

But further, Satanists and Jews dominate because (a) of the central bank and Jew control of it--see Mises.org, use their site search-engine for terms like "fiat-currency," etc. In short, central-banking is literally legalized counterfeiting, a criminal enterprise, but see Mises.org for further details.

The other factor (b) is over-population of stupid, hubris-filled, subjectivistic gentiles, who had advanced fm the High Middle Age, but then began the (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the Western gentiles began to adopt subjectivism in way of moralism (pretended "good-evil"--Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine), rejecting determinism (absolute cause-effect), as of the subjectivist systems of J.J. Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and others (i.e., "German Transcendental Idealism").

After Napoleonic wars came definitive Judaic control (as of Rothschilds) of central-banking and West, in general, as Jews are most cohesive, organized, committed, motivated, most effective, successful "group-thinkers," criminals, and conspirators, Jews dominating and intimidating the less organized, less cohesive, more isolated, individualist gentiles.

Thus the cultural/sociologic problem in the abstract is subjectivism and rejection of objective/determinist, while the existential (practical) problem is central-banking; long as that criminal enterprise is accepted and continued by the stupidity and hubris of the goyim, Jews/Satanists will continue to rule.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

rambetter • 18 hours ago

This is wonderful. Yet I have a question. How do these archaeologists intend to guard against Jewish invasion/influence? It seems that every worthwhile project that catches on (such as Wikipedia for example) eventually succumbs to Jewish influence. Jews will certainly want to infiltrate this archaeological discovery and they will want to disinform us of the facts found therein.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Something else about Hunts--they're paganist anti-Christs....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/lDgR1cTGtsTl/

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Something Else About Hunts--They're Anti-Christs
(Apollonian, 28 Mar 20)

They're not only "ignorant," they're vicious, lying scum, that's the real problem, attacking an outstanding worker for the truth, like Brian, as he explains in the first of these posts about the Hunts.

But then, there's something else at work here. For note Hunts seem to be paganist--anti-Christs--and I assure u Jews have little fear of such moronic paganists, even if they're anti-Semitic. Jews FAR MORE fear serious, true Christians who worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all.

For paganists, for one thing, even in all their anti-Semitism, DO NOT UNDERSTAND SATANISM, what it is, how it works--but many, many Christians do. And Jews are Satanists, never doubt, literally, for that's what Satanism is--extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject God, the creator--satanism. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for expo on Judaism/Talmudism.

Note then many gentiles are subjectivistic, even outrightly Satanist, but they're not nearly as connected and collectivistic as Jews are, foremost collectivists, organized, cohesive, and best led among subjectivists, most effective, successful "group-thinkers," thus making Jews dominant leaders among subjectivists and Satanists even though (so far) so heavily out-numbered by the gentiles.

So u can see, without too much effort or difficulty, how Jews quite possibly, even probably, fund and send money to Hunts, even if they do so surreptitiously, Hunts pathetic dupes, in effort to subvert the real Christians and patriots whom Jews fear most, without any doubt--something about which the Hunts haven't even the slightest notion (fear and hatred of Jews against Christianity).

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Buddhism compared w. Christianity on issue of life and living....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/AJ26PNQf5lEb/

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The Problem of Life and Living, Buddhism compared w. Christianity
(Apollonian, 11 Mar 2020)

Not so sure this vid succeeded too well, Brian--not sure the actual subject-matter and basis thereto. Life sucks--we've always known that here in West, I venture. Homer's Illiad teaches life is war, and u have to be brave. The Odyssey (Homer) teaches, additionally, the cleverness of Odysseus by way of supplement to bravery. I seriously doubt Pannobhasa's critique of Western man's alleged failure of introspection--can that be verified or demonstrated fm Homer?--fm Old or New Test.s?--I don't think so.

Christ's solution is sublime and most successful--as one tries to satisfy one's desires, just be rational, and be sure to getting along w. fellows--watch out for Satanists and Jews, the most successful Satanists, who organize, dominate, and lead all other Satanists, even though gentiles (presently, at least) out-number Jews, as Jews are most organized, most cohesive, most committed, most successful "group-thinkers," best led and informed, as by their devilish Talmud, Zohar, and other such satanic writings and notions.

We can't eliminate Satanism, as it's simply hubris and subjectivism getting out of hand, but we can eliminate Jews and/or Judaism, a specific form of Satanism (collectivistic subjectivism). Thus we can keep satanic subjectivism to a practical minimum.

A problem then comes up about eliminating Satanism is it entails eliminating the leading Satanists, Jews, which Mischa Popoff, for one example, says we can only do by converting kikes to Christianity which is obviously idiotic--Mischa, the lying Jew, pretends that's obligatory to Christianity, which is obvious lie. Mischa is just another Jew trying to say and define what is Christianity and how it should be practiced, in deference to his Jew buddies for whom he obviously works.

Hence one conclusion is that Buddhism seems a little two-dimensional in its view of problems, compared to dear old Christianity which Christianity more accurately poses and describes the problems--Satanism/subjectivism, and most extreme, successful form of it, Talmudism.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

WWII, a totally "forced" war against Germany, no less than WWI....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/audio/kbarrett_h...ters/#comments

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Rise Of Jew World Order--Required War
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 20)

"John Johnson"? (see below-copied)--don't u mean John Jew-son?--another Jew pretending he's not Jew in order to make his lies and lying sound more "normal," coming fm sensible gentile, ho ho ho ho. So Jew-son tells us, <blockquote>"[h]ow can I spin it any other way? No one forced Hitler into war."</blockquote>

But hist. seen in proper context must consider WWI when Germany was attacked by "Entente" powers, Entente having deliberately murdered the Archduke, then attacked Austria for it. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and Macgregor, https://firstworldwarhiddenhistory.w...e-smoking-gun/ .

Treaty of Versailles then lied to the world saying it was all Germany's fault--which lies were exploded in early to mid 20s by works of Harry Elmer Barnes and Sidney B. Fay, among many others, Germans witnessing huge, gross mass-murders by Jew-Bolsheviks in Russia and Ukraine.

Then Poland told Germany there'd be no more talk about re-uniting w. Danzig, totally German city, or there would be war; see Hoggan, "The Forced War." And the March 1939 "understanding" w. UK was an offensive alliance, UK promising to enter war against Germany when Poland decided to start it.

And why would Germany want to leave a hostile ally of the Soviet Union, the Czechs, situated literally in the middle of Germany, Germany now united w. Austria, w. only Slovakia on the eastern side, Slovakia an ally of Germany?

Of course it was "forced war," just as Hoggan titled his outstanding work, "forced" by Jew S A, UK, and France, for purpose of world gov. under the "United Nations" (UN), a huge new socialist empire run for the benefit and purposes of Jew bankers and future Israeli terror state--much like we have in this very day.

And unc' Adolf was the road-block and pretext for it all (the necessary war) within the larger "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, as West continued to succumb to Jew money power and central-banking (literally legalized counterfeiting, pumping-out ever-larger masses of "fiat-currency," see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine) in the overall march of Satanism, subjectivism (anti-rationalism), the "Frankfurt School" of Jewwy degeneration, rise of homosexual dictatorship, trans-genderism, etc.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

73.John Johnson says:Next New Comment
February 26, 2020 at 6:52 am GMT • 100 Words

Hitler offered peace multiple times, the Allies refused. Not sure how you can spin this any other way, if they had accepted peace deals the war may (probably) have ended. The Allies are to blame, for regardless of who started the spat, they decided to end it in a bloodwar.

How can I spin it any other way? No one forced Hitler into war.

Are you talking about the 1940 peace offer? After he conquered half the continent through war?

Yea a real peace loving guy.

I’m gonna bomb your cities and then offer peace.

All he wanted was a free hand to attack the Soviet union.

He could have done that in the first place but his ego wouldn’t allow the state of Poland to exist. In his peace offering they would become a German protectorate.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hoffman isn't only hated--he's (rightly) held in utmost contempt....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.c...y-counter.html

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Hoffman, Moralistic, Heretic, And Hypocrite Above Everything Else--Eminently Contemptible
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 20)

Hoffman: reason people rightly and understandably hate u and ur moralistic sort is u're so obviously self-righteous, pretentious, and unctuous for ur putrid moralism--and u're a Pelagian heretic as u pretend to "good-evil," which doesn't and couldn't exist within a perfectly determinist reality (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will) created by a perfect and all-powerful God.

For "morality" is simply logic btwn ends and means, that's all, and there's no mystery to it--no idiotic "good-evil." Long as means serve ends, then it's logical and hence, "moral," and ultimate end(s) could be anything at all according to individual choice. Even Jews, foremost Satanists, aren't "evil"--no more than a disease which afflicts over-populated gentile humanity who succumb to such debilitating moralistic hubris as urs. In ur blinding hubris u can't see u're very picture of the very problem afflicting Western civilization.

And u're really not a "historian," so much as u're the typical, tiresome moralist, that's all. So u're additionally held in contempt as poseur and charlatan. We KNOW u know nothing about economics or money and banking, given ur amazing confession and display of such ignorance in "Usury in Christendom...," and u don't even seem to grasp the real meaning of "usury." U don't even understand the great difference btwn real money and mere currency. All u really want is that pretext for moralism--that's what u're all about.

So what u've obviously done is (a) offending the Jews who are typically outraged that u presume to analyze their satanic "religion" of lies, lying, and liars, such as it is, a blatant, naked stratagem of hatred and war against gentiles and humanity--this, in addition to ur "revisionist" rejection of holohoax.

And now (b) we see u seem to try to compensating for ur "anti-Semitism" (according to Jews, of course) by ur latest lies and lying regarding our dear hero and saint, unc' Adolf, whom u cannot grasp was humble man of the people who attempted, in perilous times of defeat of his nation's military forces, to rallying the German volk against that Jew/Bolshevik military colossus of the east who'd engineered in full view of the world at least a couple of gross mass-murders in Russia and Ukraine. Fool as u are, u pretend, in ur usual moralist manner to say what unc' Adolf SHOULD have done, when Judaic Satanism was clearly triumphant and on the march against all humanity.

What makes u so contemptible is, while pretending to be "scholar," ur half-baked incomprehension of Judaism as outright Satanism, which is extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is product of mind/consciousness, making the subject to be God, the creator, and the Jews foremost leaders of this Satanism as they're COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, most cohesive, organized, and motivated, naturally leading the goyim Satanists/subjectivists who are relatively isolated and "individualistic," though these goyim vastly out-numbering Jews.

Thus u're actually quite a subjectivist urself, pretending to the non-existent "good-evil" and Pelagian hereticalism, but typical half-baked incompetent as u are, u're stuck in the purest hubris without having either intelligence or initiative to graduate to fullest, outright Satanism urself, though u're subject to it in all ur ignorant stupidity and hubris--which then impels u to ur gross lying about unc' Adolf, Germany, and the German people.

So it isn't any wonder u're held in such overwhelming contempt in ur cowardly striving to play-up to those satanic Jew monsters, slandering dear unc' Adolf in all ur incompetence and ignorance, and u're further hated, justly and rightly, for ur brainless lies and lying in this cowardly sucking-up to Jew psychopaths and murderers. U don't even seem to realize how u're plainly seen to be sympathizing w. Jew Satanists, u're soooo filled w. that blinding hubris of urs, imagining u're such "moral" paragon and leader--u just stink to high heaven, sucker, and u can't face that other people see it and smell it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

So what then is "certainty"?....

Below-copied by ap in response to same "Pastel," but who changed his moniker, at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/r7hr7mYc17Eo/

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What Is "Certainty," Anyway?
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 20)

Kike (see below-copied): that's ur problem, isn't it?--indeed, that's THE metaphysical problem (basic premises), and it can't be proven as it's necessarily matter of basic assumption, isn't it? What is "certainty," anyway?--ho ho ho. Is anything about humanity or human life "certain"? Regardless, dumbass: Christianity isn't so much "the truth," as u put it--it's worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--it pre-supposes truth (= Christ). We say truth exists--why?--because objective reality exists--God-given--which was original Mosaic premise which Christ defended against the Pharisees who Christ said were heretics, Pharisees pushing their hereticalist "Oral Law Tradition" and "midrash." (See Talmudical.blogspot.com, etc.)

Pontius Pilate asks Christ, "What is truth?" (Gosp. JOHN 18:37)--to which question Christ says nothing because it's either-or--u either "get it," or u don't, and u're just another loser who just doesn't get it, eh?--and it's because u're soooooooooooooo "clever," eh?--just like ur buddies, the kikes, ho ho ho ho ho ho.

if there's objective reality, logic, reason, and science all work. If reality is subjective, then there's no standard and anything goes and nothing matters or makes any diff., (a); (b) note also, to pretend to "good-evil" requires subjectivism, because otherwise there is no "good-evil" in an objective, hence determinist reality (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" human will), and that's primary tool of Jews and Satanists against humanity. Worst enemy of truth is non-existent "good." "Do not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of "good-evil," sucker. "Truth" (= Christ) depends only upon objective reality serving as standard/criterion/premise. What will u say now?--that objectivity is subjective?--ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Do u notice u're ur own worst enemy, sucker?--ho ho ho ho ho. Take ur choice, fool: Christian truth (hence objective reality) vs. Jew/satanic lies built upon subjectivism (JOHN 8:44). It really is matter of choice--what makes any sense? Things ONLY make sense in an objective reality, moron. Ho ho ho ho ho

---------------------above by ap in response to same "Pastel...," but changed moniker-------------------

BrosefNiggiStalin > apollonian • 14 hours ago

How do you know for certain Christianity is the truth? What is the truth? Even truth itself is subjective.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Christianity is philosophy and ethics first--but most people are barely literate, that's why u get it in form of literature, religion....

The REAL Christian History and Philosophy--NOT Mere Religion and Myth
(Apollonian, 17 Jan 20)

A. Satanic Stage Of Cyclic History

Presently (2020 AD) the world, but especially the West and USA, suffer grievously fm effects and conspiracies of Satanism and Satanists, not merely the thematic HUBRIS of corrupt culture--for it's long past mere hubris in the CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline of the West," and we're firmly in the stage of "end-times" as warned in the Biblic, New Test. Book of Revelations. Perhaps worst of all is the over-populated fools and suckers (a) don't suspect this insidious and malignant Satanism, and (b) they don't even know what it, Satanism, is--extreme subjectivism. Satanism thus is not mere religion; it's gross nefarious, devilish philosophy, necessary base to hubristic pretense of perfectly "free," nearly God-like will and non-existent "good-evil."

Note however that apocalyptic "end-times" refers not to any necessary absolute end or destruction of the entire universe, but merely that the present CYCLE of history (as described by aforementioned Oswald Spengler) is ending. Specifically, we find ourselves in practical sight of the end of American economic dominance fm the second world war (WWII). For history, like reality, is (a) objective, (b) determined, (c) CYCLIC, hence the (d) present "end-times" stage for this particular CYCLE in history.

Thus Satanists now CONTROL and guide established, organized Christianity (Catholic and Protestant)--it's become simply a part of the general satanified (Western) culture, an anti-Christ Satanism of its own--so ironic as Christianity is what is and was supposed to safeguard humanity fm this very Satanism so afflicting the West and our times. Yet, Christianity, the real thing--the actual philosophy--still exists and can still be used against this putrid Satanism, even so pervading, inexorable, and inevitable as this satanism seems.

Thus Christianity, the establishment, has become so hopelessly mystified and no longer understood for its proper and basic philosophic purpose--anti-Satanism. The present establishment "Christianity" is really anti-Christianity, quite satanic itself, and actually forwards, promotes, and aids the Satanism and Satanists who now dominate. Observe the present anti-Christ pope, Francis, advocates New World Order (NWO) world-government, "climate-change" lies, etc.

B. What is Satanism?

What is Satanism exactly?--it's the culture of death, oriented and aimed at mass death and killing of humanity and human reason, humanity persuaded to allow it all to happen--irrationalism for the sake of this death, and specifically, extreme subjectivism, the idea that mind/consciousness is creator of reality, thus making the subject to be God, the creator. And don't forget that among Satanists/subjectivists are the COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivist/Satanists who partake of the most effective "group-think," most organized, cohesive, and best led, thus dominating the more isolated and "individualist" Satanist/subjectivists who are most numerous, especially among gentiles, Satanists in general then dominating the rest of the demoralized, dis-organized, conflicted, and hubristic population.

C. Christianity: Worship Of Truth (= Christ)

For note the original and proper purpose of Christianity is worship of TRUTH above all, truth being Christ in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6, such truth (= Christ) the "only way" to God the Father and any sort of practical "happiness," ease, or satisfaction. Thus in this sublime fashion, Christ as through Gosp. JOHN affirms the OBJECTIVE (hence Aristotelian) reality, necessary criterion of and for such TRUTH ideal which opposes (extreme) subjectivism and satanism.

Thus Satanists, as in New Test. myth, strove to murder truth (Christ) as they imagine in their insanity and psychosis they can murder the objective reality. Nowadays, subjectivist/Satanists strive to obliterate the idea of objectivity fm the minds of the volk, inducing ignorance, cognitive dissonance, confusion, demoralization, and fear.

D. Christian Reason (Holy Spirit) Leading To Sublime, Benevolent Ethics

Such then is the beginning and foundation of Christian philosophy, truth and the objective reality, in opposition to satanic lies, lying, and liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44). Thus Christian metaphysics is so simply and plainly stated and founded, the entire rest of the Gospels so much and mostly then demonstrating Christian ethics founded therefrom and thereupon, these Christian ethics and object-lessons being so revered by so many people of all times, races, and cultures accounting for the enduring popularity of Christianity.

Thus Christian philosophic anti-theses are founded, Truth vs. lies, Objectivity vs. subjectivism (Satanism). And it's this basic Christian philosophy, founded in objective reality, which is so desperately covered-up by the satanists who thereupon insist that Christianity is for purpose of upholding most of all, (a) love, (b) "faith"--especially of "beeeeleeeevin" (as if believing thereby makes anything to being true), this corrupt understanding of "faith" (beeeleeevin') being itself source of satanism--and actually the method of Satanism, turned into obsession. (c) Another anti-Christ delusion is that Christianity is about political "peace" at any price, including the sacrifice of one's life for attainment of such political-style "peace." In truth, Christian philosophy only assures one of one's own peace-of-mind.

E. Heresy, Delusion of "Good-Evil," Perfectly "Free" Will, Etc.

Finally, the very worst anti-Christ delusion is that there's any such thing as "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy) to be achieved by means of the additional and underlying delusion of perfectly "free" will. For humans are otherwise hopeless sinners, hopelessly doomed to sin, strife, and conflict, and no pretended "free will" can change this determinist, necessary state and process.

And remember the original sin, described in the Bible, is partaking of the "fruit" of the "tree" of "knowledge of good and evil." For there is no "good-evil" or perfectly "free" will--everything is determined in accord w. God's will, and there's no possible human will or ability to prevent or alter the pre-determined will of God. Note further that in reason and history no clear, solid criterion for any "good-evil" has ever been discovered. For life at any price is not necessarily "good," and human reason and logic are simply methods, hence means.

And the actual nuance or "twist" for humanity is that though things are absolutely determined according to God's will and cause-effect, humans nonetheless can't be too sure of any actual, particular outcome for the details of any course of events or process; hence humans make use of their will and knowledge as if it really matters, calculating and planning actions according to prospective outcomes as best they can expect or foresee. Regardless, in our human wisdom, we know nonetheless the outcomes are determined in accord only w. God's will, regardless of our own, we merely hoping and praying our calculations are not detrimental or counter-productive.

So we see Christianity is not mere religion and myth, as for the children, but Christianity, as much as anything, is philosophy which saves the sinful human fm Satanism, the culture of death and anti-reason, especially for satanic guise of "good-evil," and pretending to Godly-type perfect "free" will, "faith" then deliberately misconstrued as "believing" which renders that delusion that what is believed to being truth itself. For "faith" only properly means loyalty, and the only way of knowledge of truth (= Christ) is by means of reason and honesty, the main and necessary components of any proper "Holy Spirit." Christian philosophy then provides foundation for all/any following Christian ethics.