Thursday, April 23, 2020

"Stebbing" too much focuses selectively, ignoring more pertinent facts, hist....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Stebbing (Too Conveniently) Overlooks Most Significant History, Actual Facts
(Apollonian, 23 Apr 20)

“Stebbing” tells us, “[t]here’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.” And it’s as if “stebbing” can’t imagine what that “bizarro-world” might be about.

But what’s so difficult about it, stebbing? Truly, we “fan-boys” absolutely LOVE unc’ Adolf; he was a great hero, but he was merely a little before his time. And we don’t “worship” unc’ Adolf; we (a great many–even most of us) worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–which is difficult for u Satanists to grasp, u being the pathological subjectivists as u are.

Hitler under-estimated exactly what he was up against (which is why he came up a little short), though he knew, and showed a good part of the way, and explained quite a bit. Unc’ Adolf made one serious mistake, for sure–he shouldn’t have declared war against Jew S A as quickly as he did. For after that declaration, for one thing, his ally, Italy, had about 18 months to go before they were defeated and knocked out of the conflict.

Without Jew S A there would have been no Western front against Germany, and German heroes may well have defeated soviets, not having to station troops in Italy, not having lost the great number of soldiers (more than at Stanlingrad) stuck in Tunisia just prior to Allied invasion of Italy.

And what was it Hitler was REALLY up against? Well, u ought to know, stebbing, it was ur people, the “chosen” race of Satanists who ran that amazing instrument known as CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like fiat-currency), legalized counterfeiting, literally–that amazing God-like creation of nearly endless currency, not real money, which affords financial liquidity and greasing of the war-production machine which then allowed for amazing production of weapons, food, and trucks, for example, which thus equipped and supplied the soviets and British to enable the eventual defeat of those tremendous German heroes.

For as reality is objective (Aristotle) and determined, in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly “free” human will,” history is CYCLIC in accord w. Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Thus socialism, central-banking, and SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject to be creator, hence God), was to prevail in 1945, led and prosecuted by the ultimate Satanists and subjectivists (featuring “midrash” and “Oral Law Tradition”) against any and everyone else, including those magnificent Germans, heroic, productive, and ingenious as they were and are–it just wasn’t in the cards enough for the Germans to defeat the Satanists leading the allies against the axis.

Note the Satanist surge (“Decline of the West”) had begun and gained much speed and momentum w. rise of central-banking, Rothschilds, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, and socialism in this Western Spenglerian “decline,” ironic as it might seem–it all eventually defeated Germany, virtuous as they were, and now it has essentially defeated the Jew S A too, the Jew S A now firmly controlled by those Satanists, giving their orders fm stolen Palestine and directing things in all their branch offices throughout the world as in London and Jew York.

Stebbing lies and says, “…there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans…,” but of course, stebbing is just the typical liar who wants to divert fm the great struggle of humanity against his Satanist sponsors who are all busily at work as we speak, stebbing pretending, “…they always seek to distract from his [meaning Hitler] actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!”

No excrement, Sherlock.

And WHO could possibly be “worse” than ur satanistic people, stebbing?–unc’ Adolf was not only hero, but a prophet, and he did his best to instruct and inform the rest of the world (who actually already knew–and still know–a good deal about the subject, satanism).

So u see, stebbing, u’re exposed as u “protesteth” a little too much w. ur stupid lies and lying about dear unc’ Adolf. Why else would u lie so desperately and even hysterically about such magnificent people (the German people) and their great leader, dear unc’ Adolf?

Hitler united the German people and even many others fm other countries and nations, esp. of eastern Europe, and even India (see Subhas Chandra Bose, Unc’ Adolf just didn’t do enough of the right and necessary things regarding France, UK, and Jew S A–which all needed and required the real and true Christianity (worship of TRUTH, above all) for such necessary and sufficient gentile unification, as during the time of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent., against Satanism and ur monstrous people, stebbing, those foremost Satanists universally and traditionally, even religiously hated by all humanity, but for those taking money (or currency) fm them.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

482. Stebbing Heuer says:
April 23, 2020 at 3:04 am GMT • 200 Words

Thanks FB.

I suppose it’s a dreary fact that Hitler fanboys exist. The thing that surprises me is that they always seek to distract from his actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!’

None of them have the guts to come out and say: ‘Yeah, Hitler started World War II, he knew what he was doing, he had a plan, and good on him for doing so.’ They’re always bitching and moaning about how unfair things were, about how everyone was picking on Germany, about how everyone else was plotting against Germany.

None of them will acknowledge that Hitler was working to his own plan to conquer Europe, depopulate huge swathes of it, and then repopulate those swathes with his chosen people; and that other nations’ opposing actions were natural reactions to this plan. Even though most if not all of them would agree with this plan, they won’t dare come out and say it.

Because there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans, all they can do is point fingers at others and moan about how awful they were.

There’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.

 • Agree: Adûnâi
• Replies: @Fox
, @apollonian
, @FB
, @John Wear
, @Wally

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