Tuesday, May 31, 2016

JR confronted w. necessary implications of his expo--will he now become outright satanist?....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...61715038019580

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JR Should Take Stock For His "Journey"
(Apollonian, 31 May 16)

JR: look at ur above replies--u seem to have been caught flat-footed, eh?--flailing about rather frantically to think of a response to ur being exposed for (a) ur REAL "religion"--anti-Christianity, absolutely fanatic, obsessionate, insistent.

(b) At same time, u pretend to be champion of law and B. of Rights, overlooking the slight fact it's all product of Christian culture.

(c) U then define "religion" as "believing without proof"--which isn't true, but regardless, is PRECISELY the exact description of ur own belief in "good-evil," isn't it?

(d) And u won't face-up to fact and reality of satanistic war against USA, people of USA and Christian and Western culture.

(e) So, as I note, u seem to be taken-aback, eh?--to have been confronted w. ur demonstrable treason, pretending u're "American," yet rejecting Christian culture and foundation of law, playing so perfectly the willing dupe and useful idiot for satanists.

So my question, JR, is are u now considering becoming outright satanist?--traitor, anti-Christ, and hypocrite as u're demonstrated to be?

It's like u didn't realize this about satanism and ur own hypocrisy, and now u're rather STUNNED as to be so confronted w. the simple truth.

So will u be retiring fm ur blogging now that u've discovered what u're really all about?--anti-Christ hypocrisy, willing dupe and useful idiot for satanism? Will u be going all-out now for satanism, now that u understand what it is and how it works (extreme subjectivism)? "American's Journey"?--now arrived at full-out, avowed satanism? Tell us, JR.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Anti-Christ blogger, victim of satanism, demonstrates problem w. culture of Jew S A, submerged in madness, hubris....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...00211442716923

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JR: Drowning In Madness
(Apollonian, 23 May 16)

JR: u're just a RAVING psychotic, buddy (see below-copied). In first place, ur entry, just above, was not relevant to my original which had to do w. the reality of "good-evil" which is integral part of ur "religion" in which u "believe" without any proof, sucker.

I must criticize Christ?--no moron, I'd just pt. out (once again) u make no sense.

Torture would be justified if it could produce real info, as I noted. But torture is rather used precisely because it produces the lies Bush-Cheney wanted to justify their aggression and then police-state, they telling the Judeo-Christian hereticalist scum they had proof and genuine info about terror plans and "imminent threat," etc., the excuse for their police-state and spending money attacking innocent people, etc.

But now if enemy does torture, then it's justified to doing it to them. And if enemy shoots ur prisoners, it's justified to shooting theirs.

I'd suggest u continue to not answer-up to my challenges here, buddy, as ur "answers"/responses are absurd and obviously evasive to the relevant issues which u cannot handle. U seem to be now effectively reduced evermore to pathetic absurd--like a child or a little girl, even.


Anonymous May 23, 2016, 6:21:00 PM


It's in the Bible - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Apsterian, since there is no sane person that would invite torture to be done the them - then it is "wrong" according to Christ's teachings.

Now you must criticize Christ...


----------------below-copied by JR in response to my entry, top, above----------

Anonymous May 23, 2016, 9:06:00 PM


You are correct. Even a child can understand the golden rule, "Do unto others ..."

Give it a try.....


JR's Blogging Has Broken-Down, Reduced To Absurd--Like Culture Of USA
(Apollonian, 24 May 16)

JR: We've now analyzed u for ur own anti-American religion of extreme, fanatical, furiously obsessionate anti-Christianity and "good-evil" which u cannot prove (for criterion for "good-evil").

It's hypocritical, to say the least, to knock "religion" as being incapable of "proof" when u suffer very same problem (as for criterion for "good-evil" which u cannot demonstrate or prove).

U're the problem JR, dis-loyal to American people and Christian culture for foundation of law, u a willing dupe and useful idiot for the satanist enemies of USA, now Jew S A, going down.... U're micro-cosm of Spenglerian "Decline of the West," in gross, horrific hubris.

Friday, May 20, 2016

JR doubles-down on the moralism/Pharisaism, "good-evil" psychoticism....

[Below-copied essay by ap in response/comment on a new blog JR had put up at his blog, but then took down, AmericansJourney.blogspot.com--he may eventually put it back up and then I'll give the url, etc.]

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JR: Resorting To Evermore Desperate Lying, Moralistic Psychosis
(Apollonian, 19 May 16)

JR: u're just getting more and evermore psychotic, buddy--u're losing it, and u need to getting a clue. And u're no better than anyone else. U have "high standards"?--no, u're just the typical self-righteous Pharisaic who pretends u're diff. fm other humans. We're all sinners as Christianity teaches.

For there's no "good-evil" which is mere propaganda for children and dogs, "good" meaning OBEDIENT, "evil" meaning dis-obedience, that's all. U need to getting a clue, like I say.

So now let me demonstrate: "torture" is only bad because it doesn't give one accurate info--it only gets what the poor victim thinks u want to hear, to get u to stop the torture. Proper pt. then, regarding torture, HAS NOTHING TO DO W. UR PHONY "MORALITY."

Christ rather tortures the sinner by means of appealing to one's conscience, for Christ is TRUTH, above all/any other precept, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6, and one only achieves Godly happiness by means of such truth.

And u continue moronic propaganda about the Jews-media which is all Jew-friendly and spews same lies and b.s. For the root of the problem, regarding Jews-media, is the central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, putting-out the currency (not real "money") to buying-up EVERYTHING and everyone, including all the politicians and judges, not to mention the media. Central-bank also pays the lawyers to sue and cause problems for any competing voices, etc. U've been informed about this central-banking issue and Jews-media NUMEROUS times, too, but u continue ignoring proper issues, like a psychotic parrot, pushing expedient lies for Jews and satanists--that's what u're all about, political-correctness.

Notice ur psychosis as it entails CONTINUED, Jew-like repeating stupid crap, like about Jews-media, ignoring central-bank issue?

And there's no one more "religious" than u for ur psychotic, incessant, insistent, fanatical, insanely obsessionate anti-Christianity (for which insane anti-Christianity u have no proper basis, indeed, going against all the known facts).

"Religion" is easily confirmed for meaning by ref. to dictionary, regardless ur self-serving lies and lying.

"Believing without proof"?--that's PSYCHOSIS (also known as insanity), sucker--and u're most perfect example of it--religious psychoticism--that's what u're all about, JR, and u need to getting a clue, u lying about Christianity, mis-representing it, w. satanic obsession, as u do.

And inasmuch as u're anti-Christian, u're anti-American, pure and simple. U literally have no clue about what's American--u're a joke, a sad, psychotic joke, lying and babbling as u do.

Problem w. Jew S A is it's captured by satanists and satanism, these led by Jews, Judaism being nothing other than satanism (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, etc.), and u, JR, are a willing dupe and useful idiot for these devilish monsters, lying in ur devilish, psychotic manner as u do and as I've demonstrated here and in other blog-comments. Get a clue, buddy.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Continuing dialectic w. satanist....

Below-copied dialectic w. ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...l#comment-form

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More Lies, Lying FM Anti-Christ JR
(Apollonian 12 May 16)

JR: psychotic liar that u are, u pretend I'm "un-Christ -like," but u, satanist psycho, don't know anything about Christ or Christianity--u hate Christianity and lie about Christians. And I explained Christianity is about worship of truth, sucker, and I gave the citations. U just can't stand truth and honesty, so u lie, like satanist u are, and say I'm "un-Christ like."

I don't say u're "un-Christ like"--I said u're anti-Christ, satanist, liar--ck my text, above.

The "problem" is w. u and ur anti-Christ, psychotic "religious" satanism, lies and lying, buddy, as I pt'd out, eh? Ho ho ho ho

Problem w. world is rampant satanism, lies, and lying, as u demonstrate, buddy. Christian culture gave the world Dec. of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and Bill of Rights, but u satanically hate Christianity and lie about Christians as u did above, as I pt'd out. U're the problem, u a satanist and willing dupe, useful idiot.

----------------above by ap in response to below-copied by JR-----------------

Anonymous May 12, 2016, 10:36:00 PM


How is it that I can predict your evasion of the original question I asked you - how you behave in an un Christ like manner - yet accuse me of being un Christ like.

Why not face that problem - then the world will be a better place. I'm not just saying that of you - that goes for everybody.


JR Forgets He Hates Christianity--So What's He Talking About?
(Apollonian, 12 May 16)

Thus JR: u must be confronted w. irony and hypocrisy of ur satanic lies and contempt for Christianity as afore-mentioned, above, May 11, 2016, 6:49:00 PM, "Who would Jesus napalm?" and "Christians support warmongering."

One must then wonder about what principle or ideal u pretend to invoke when u talk about being "un-Christ -like." U hate Christianity and Christians, remember?--having nothing but contempt for them.

U need to figure-out who u think u're kidding. My thesis is simple: u're flunkey, dupe, and useful idiot for Satanists who run things, u not owning to satanism, though u practice it.


Anonymous May 13, 2016, 8:25:00 AM


Wow - if you are setting an example for Christians regarding being Christlike - I'm starting to wonder if being Christian is anything to brag about.

Again - are these approaches that Christ would take? Are you telling me that you are exhibiting Christ-like behaviour?

Just askin'

Everything's Big Mystery For JR, The Anti-Christ
(Apollonian, 13 May 16)

JR: Christ and "Christ-like" are all described in New Test., right?--so anyone can go and read all about it and figure it out for himself.

U're "starting to wonder"?--ho ho ho ho. Sucker, u're anti-Christ, remember? U sure have a convenient memory, eh? Ho hohoho

But anyway, we've pretty well established ur "religion": anti-Christ satanism, obsession, fanaticism, along w. lies and lying--like ur Jew buddies, eh?

And I'm not "setting example," ok?--I just do my best like anyone else--like u, eh? Hoh o ho oho ho. Christ is TRUTH, only way to Godly happiness (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), as I've told u umpteen times now, moron.

And Holy Spirit is what's most consistent w. truth (= Christ), reason and honesty, these then integral throughout the spirit, conscious and sub-conscious, much as possible, etc. And it's all big mystery for u, eh? Ho ho ho ho. That's not my fault.

JR, The Anti-Christ, Continues His Satanist Lying
(Apollonian, 13 May 16)

"I'm starting to wonder if being Christian is anything to brag about." -JR, May 13, 2016, 8:25:00 AM

Well JR: that, above, PRESUMES u understand anything about "being Christian" in the first place, eh? Ho ho ho oho ho

For, to listen to (and read) ur anti-Christ lying u've done so far, u have rather dim view of Christianity, to say the least, and u're just telling MORE lies now, eh? Ho ho ho ho ho

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Psychoticism of satanism includes not admitting it IS satanic--as for obsession w. anti-Christianity....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...63208414975263

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Satanism Of JR PERFECTLY Demonstrated--For All Time, Even
(Apollonian, 11 May 16)

When in doubt, JR just resorts to his usual satanic lying (see below-copied)--AMAZING--disguised and excused as over-generalizing--and this is aside fm the sheer stupidity of the commentary in the first place.

Of course the (obvious) lie is Christians qua Christians "support warmongering," evidently as matter of religion, ho ho hoho ho. Does it, such moronic assertion, even dignify a response?--nahhhhhhh, h o hohoho, it's sooooo blatantly stupid.

And didn't I tell u JR is palpably PSYCHOTIC--as in case of this idiotic, moronic lie he just up and blurts out about Christians and warmongering?

Of course, not a word fm JR, satanic liar and psycho, about Jews, which actually does support war against the gentile, this as integral matter of religion--just ck their Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com).

And the pt. is that Christianity is better than Judaism, hence serious Christians are better than Jews, and similarly, Christianity is best of all religions, Christianity worship of Truth, etc.

And the best law we've ever seen (like US Constitution) was founded in Christian culture, as I noted, and could only have been founded upon such Christianity--as we see fm history.

And still I observe JR wouldn't have the guts to come-out to endorsing explicit Satanism--he's too cowardly and ignorant, not understanding what he's doing. But JR is satanically determined to lying and to down-grade Christianity (just observe his own moronic words quoted fm above)--this is the truly SATANIC nature and effect he demonstrates, he not willing to admit it or even to grasp or understand it even for his own knowledge and info.

Such is the SATANIC nature of JR--which is rather shared by many others too, in Jew S A and world, I submit--even as he fails to own up to outright satanism, as we see.

Such then is the satanic take-over we observe in present Jew S A as in case of psychotics and sublime liars like JR, willing dupes and useful idiots for satanism and ZOG.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous May 11, 2016, 6:49:00 PM

How amusing - how do you explain that Christians support all the warmongering you cite above while I do NOT.

Ha ha. Who would Jesus napalm?

I suppose no Christians have ever dropped napalm on innocent people. Come to think about it - weren't Christians burned by their enemies? I suppose that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Christians are no better than anyone else - it is good law that keeps us all honest.


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The effect of satanism upon morons, scum, and half-wits is their insane prosecution of satanistic obsession w. anti-Christianity, thinking they're doing "good," being soooooo "smart" and "progressive"....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, http://americansjourney.blogspot.com...l#comment-form

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JR And Americans MUST Look In Mirror To See Problem
(Apollonian, 10 May 16)

"Because America has become so un-American -there is no such thing as true freedom of speech here anymore."


"I get very frustrated discussing anything with anybody - the media really seems to dominate the judgement circuits of most people I know." --JR, fm above

And once again we see JR, obsessed psycho who lies, begins upon his favorite "media" subject-matter, AGAIN, over-looking the direct cause--CENTRAL-BANKING which owns all the media.

JR: people get "very frustrated discussing" w. u, buddy, never doubt, the way u do ur lying, psychotic work for satanists, w. ur insane hatred of Christianity: "... America has become so un-American."

For indeed it (America) has become nothing less than satanic, JR, and u're perfect example as to how and why, buddy, w. ur persistent, obsessionate, insane lying, hatred, and mis-representation of Christianity, serving satanism and satanic enemy.

Observe the form of satanism u urself display and practice for ur INSANE persistence, obsession, and consistency, knocking Christianity, serving Judaism, equating them.

Thus JR presents most interesting and telling picture, never himself outrightly invoking satanism, but certainly practicing it quite deliberately for that insane, obsessionate persistence, always thinking, evidently, he's doing good.

Look in the mirror, JR: problem w. Jew S A is right there--it's u, buddy, and no one else, u the satanists' willing dupe and "useful idiot."

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The satanism of Jew S A is blatant, in-ur-face, un-deniable, and the stupid scum, who are being mass-murdered, refuse to face-up to it all, in denial....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments, https://americansjourney.blogspot.co...22136533648764

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JR Ignores Plain Satanism In His Face
(Apollonian, 8 May 16)

JR says: "We have become the home of the "Witch-Hunt."" But it's MUCH, MUCH WORSE than merely this--"witch hunting." USA has become Jew S A, a gross, mass-murdering psychopathic nation, people like JR enabling the psychopaths for their mass-murder. And note the extent to which this psycho-pathology reaches.

It's PROVEN Jew S A created, trained, supplied and armed ISIS, and even now as we speak, Jew S A is in Syria, TOTALLY ILLEGALLY, making a safe-space for ISIS, re-arming and re-supplying them, this while telling the world USA is fighting ISIS, etc.

Similar illegal, aggressive activity is being done Ukraine. Worst of all, surely, is the activity being done here, domestically, Jew S A sponsoring monopolist corporations for the slow-kill mass-murder of Americans, the dumb, brainless scum, by means of toxic vaccines, poisoned GMO foods, and prescription drugs. Then there's the "fracking" which ruins and poisons water supplies, the poison "chem-trails," and toxic electro-magnetic radiation poisoning.

Further, observe the Feds are trying to force states to give access to girls locker-rooms to "trans-gendered" scum, empowering queer filth, harassing home-schoolers, not to mention doing everything possible to dis-arm the people to render them defenseless against criminals and tyrannic gov.

Plain purpose is satanic mass-murder and "de-population," all in accord w. Agenda-21 world dictatorship.

Meantime, the satanic enablers and willing dupes, like JR, want to lie about Christianity, pretending there's something wrong w. "religion"--THIS IS THE PROBLEM, and integral part of the root of it all, making for the overall, general HUBRIS of the culture and thus the active, blatant satanism so plain and evident.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Politically-correct" means incompetence both for strict logical method, but also for the aesthetical literature....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments, http://americansjourney.blogspot.com...l#comment-form

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JR: Fails For Logic And Aesthetics
(Apollonian, 5 May 16)

Thus we observe the difficulty of our hero, JR, who (a) fails at the strict logical approach, getting all mucked-up over "quantum physics" non-sense, but (b) at same time, is and remains insanely prejudiced against New Test. aesthetical approach which champions the objective premise against Jew subjectivism.

So what's JR's problem for this insane prejudice against Christianity?--which prejudice we see he lacks for Jews. But JR is not prejudiced, he insists, in all his obsessionate insanity.

So this is the problem for Jew S A and our hubristic culture: JR is totally, horrifically terrified of Jews and satanists, won't admit it, but sees it's ok to knock and ridicule Christians as he does so often, so flippantly in his smug and inimitable manner.

So u see, JR, U'RE THE PROBLEM, and most perfect example of the hubristic problem for culture of Jew S A. U BETRAY the basic original USA for its Christianity, defending the satanic enemy, thinking evidently, this is the "cool" way to be, politically-correct and all. It's okay to ridicule Christian truth, but u don't dare criticize the satanic enemy, not even willing to admit its existence.

So even as ur specific cultural and economic analysis is pretty worthless, w. all the "quantum physics" nonsense, as we see, the example u provide for ur terror of Jews and satanists, covered by smugness and hubris, is actually most notable.