Wednesday, June 10, 2020

satanism--the 800 lb. Gorilla, which no one sees or acknowledges, advances inexorably....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted at comments,

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Satanism: Like A Disease, Advancing Inexorably, Carrying All Before It
(Apollonian 10 Jun 20)

WTF diff. does it make? (see below-copied comment)--it was taken in some large Western (English-speaking) city (a), (b) that's dominated by Satanists and their dupes, "liberals" and "progressives"--as that's only place u find large numbers of these sort of in-ur-face queers.

Notice how honest and observant they (the queers in the picture) are about Satanism--it's what RULES, suckers--and Jews are the leaders, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT JUDAISM IS--SATANISM, U DAMN, IGNORANT MORONS. See,,, and for best expo on Judaism.

Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West," wrote about the corruption and steady, inexorable break-down of society and civilization--it's CYCLIC function, and it's truly inexorable--HUBRIS arises and grows within a successful, "prosperous," and "victorious," society (like Roman and American examples), becoming over-populated w. inferiors and scum (like queers, "liberals," and "progressives," who insist they're most "virtuous") and Jews/Satanism inexorably sets in, like a disease, to take-over--which is what's obviously happening, before ur stupid eyes, fools.

And it (such invincible hubris and Satanism) is extremely difficult to stop because it is carried and pushed by such criminal enterprise as CENTRAL-BANKING (see for expo) which most people cannot grasp for the essential criminality (legalized counterfeiting)--people cannot grasp the abstract nature of REAL MONEY, what it necessarily is and MUST be (commodity-based, hence LIMITED in amount).

IT'S SATANISM, U FOOLS--THAT'S THE PROBLEM, MORONS--IT'S WHAT'S ADVANCING INEXORABLY, DESTROYING EVERYTHING, BECAUSE U IDIOTS CAN'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness to be creator of reality, hence God--Satanism by definition.

Notice also kikes--only large cities have large number of such outright Satanists, Christ-killers, and -haters. I used to live in San Francisco, Cal. (many yrs ago), and I guarantee this picture COULD have been fm there--and that was many, many yrs ago.

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------------

Red-Pill Bulgaria > Truth Network • 7 hours ago

Where was this picture taken?