Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Penn Mag asks, "WTF?"--so here it is, u brainless scum (once again), hoh o ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Answering "WTF?"--Grasp satanism, Suckers
(Apollonian, 31 Jul 18)

The Penn Mag has Putin's face on the cover w. a big, "WTF?" So I'll tell u (again) wtf:

(a) As reality is objective (Aristotle), a necessary assumption (metaphysics), it is DETERMINED in accord w. absolute cause-effect; there's no perfectly "free" (God-like) human will, no "good-evil," which is for children and dogs.

(b) Thus reality, hence history, is CYCLIC in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Thus history, culture, society, and economic systems DEGENERATE, fail, and collapse, and now we're in a SATANIC stage.

What's satanism?--it's simply extreme SUBJECTIVISM, the idea reality is product of mentality/consciousness--which makes subject God. And pretext for this subjectivism is, in accord w. Immanuel Kant (for just one example), moral virtue. For only w. subjectivism can one be "good" w. a perfectly "free" will--such is the pretext.

But this fore-going about "good-evil," etc., is only the beginning pretext for the suckers, morons, and over-populated goons of the evermore corrupt culture. The real pt. of satanism is POWER, as we see fm the foremost satanists--Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. TruthTellers.org also has good material, as on Zohar ["Cabala"]).

Satanic "power" then is achieved, as we see fm Jews, by means of a shared, common, COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, by which satanists all co-operate and collude upon particular ends and goals--esp. then the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, which thereby gives satanists their supreme existential (practical and worldly) power. See Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use the site search-engine.

So "WTF?" by Penn Mag is answered--we're presently enmired in gross satanic conditions, culturally, the central-banking and -bankers absolutely dominating, owning, controlling, and manipulating everything and everybody, beginning w. all politicians and judges.

Regarding the emphasis upon Russkies, well obviously, it's attempt to divert and distract fm Israeli terror-state, the tail wagging Jew S A dog.

Do Russkies control the central-banking?--of course not, "it's Jews, stupid." Do Russkies get all Jew S A data fm NSA sent to them for the basic, un-sifted raw material?--of course not--it's Jews in Israel, stupid. Do Russkies control the Jews-media, complaining about Russkies?--ho ho ho ho hohho. How many kikes are on US Supreme ct.?--there's Breyer, Ginsberg, Kagan, and Sotomayor--Sotomayor's mother's name is Baez, a Jew name. What's percentage of kikes in population?

So it's all very strong INDUCTIVE evidence, suckers, as to "WTF?"--try to getting a clue.

Monday, July 30, 2018

"Patriots" continue to blow it all, dumbasses bogged-down in idiot details, trivia, failing to grasp real abstract principles against satanism!....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Patriots Must Take Control Of Real Cultural Dialectic Against satanism
(Apollonian, 30 Jul 18)

NEWSFLASH: all this (as by Steele) is ALREADY well-known. What is wrong w. ur logical processes? Don't u realize Giuliani, ID'd above by Steele as "central," is Trump's legal counsel?--he appears on FOX News nearly every day, lately.

Trump is Israel-first, didn't u know that? Chris Bollyn (Bollyn.com) has already laid-out the general plot of 9/11. Israeli terror-state and Jews rule as they control the central-bank, w. nearly infinite currency (not real money, of course--see Mises.org for expo).

By now, probably 90% of the over-populated goons of Jew S A know JFK was killed by same old deep state behind the central bank. Goons of Jew S A are stymied by "LEARNED HELPLESSNESS." Steele DOES NOT help.

The goons of Jew S A, sated w. "bread & circuses," aren't going to do anything until many are killed-off, the rest motivated--by a "crisis" or disaster--like starvation, collapse of the welfare system, etc.

So question is WHAT have u got going in way of an abstract, "spiritual" motivation for people by way of dealing w. SATANISTS in control of the culture and economy?

It doesn't look like u have anything really going, just repeating trivia and irrelevant factoids, ur submergence within such obscurity just wasted energy--just where the satanists want u to be--the people UN-IMPRESSED w. ur balderdash.

Can't u see Steele is an idiot?--pt-ing-out Giuliani as he does, yet ignoring Trump embraces Giuliani as bosom-buddy--THEY WORK FOR THE SAME PEOPLE, fools. Don't forget Trump has gone along w. all the false flags, beginning at least w. the April 2017 supposed "chem-weapons" attack in Syria before he did the "Tomahawking." It's "good Jews" on neo-con "right" vs. the "bad Jews" of "left," "globalism," socialism, "liberalism," etc., that's all--same old, same old charade running for at least 100 yrs.

Patriots must attack satanism which is the larger society/culture Jews operate within, satanism, easily analyzed and confirmed, simply founded upon extreme subjectivism, as I've noted. Observe how satanists manipulate "leftists" like putty in the hand, "leftists" always operating fm emotion and moralism, NEVER logic, objectivity, or determinism (strict cause-effect).

Somehow, some way, u people need to get brains, eh? Presently, u just fiddle w. these idiot factoids and details while Rome continues to burn.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

There's a big problem w. "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," don't forget--how establishment Christianity (and so many Christians) has degenerated, as we see....

The Problem With "Beleeeeeeeeeevin'" (Like A Moron)--How Establishment Christianity Became satanic
(Apollonian, 28 Jul 18)

Establishment Christianity is thoroughly, totally SATANIC, and that's probably the biggest cultural and psychologic problem, certainly among them. Formerly, Christianity was established as a protection AGAINST satanism (extreme subjectivism). And satanism dominates like it does ESPECIALLY when it dominates established Christianity as it does. The very worst, most organized child-molesters, aside fm Jews, no doubt, are now fm the "Vatican." And Protestants are surely as intense about child-molestation as Catholics.

And HOW do u KNOW satanism dominates established Christianity?--when u see this putrid establishment defending and sympathizing w. Jews and Israel--as u see the "Vatican" doing. So how did and does this satanism come about and arise?

Well first, note HUBRIS and the degenerate, decadent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is always a problem, always the potential problem; humans are sinners--they have a tendency to imagine they "create." Thus the satanic stage of hist. and culture is simply the culmination of the CYCLIC historic process--it will happen sooner or later. Life sucks.

But HOW then does this satanism now occur in Christianity, under specific Christian auspices?--it does this by means of the easy, hubristic action and notion of "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'," which so many morons, scum, and half-baked goons imagine is the core and essence of Christianity. This emphasis on "beleeeeeeeevin'" comes esp. fm Gosp. JOHN, don't forget, wherein the word is used nearly a hundred times. It isn't clear what the original Greek word really means, but it seems to come out in English as "beleeeeeeeeeevin'," evidently.

But if one only remembers that Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), one knows it isn't "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," but rather KNOWLEDGE (of truth and Christ) which is the proper virtue. "Beleeeeeeeeevin'" then is inferior to knowledge, more akin to PRETENDING. And "pretending" is reduction to absurd for this "beleeeeeeeeevin'" balderdash. For to say and insist, as the scum do, that "one must beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," is like saying, "one must PRETEND."

For in Gosp. JOHN, the real virtue of Christianity is surely in the PRACTICING, not mere "beleeeeeeeeevin'." And that genuine practicing and application of the real thing, the real Christianity, is surely what the Gospel most wants to emphasize and convey--knowledge ABOVE mere idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Thus the satanist, pretending to Christianity is brought to think or imagine, by the false "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," that merely and simply by this "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," well gee, the Christian religion and philosophy becomes REAL. But mere "beleeeeeeevin'" doesn't create truth, doesn't make any proposition suddenly true. One can "beleeeeeeeeeev" all one pleases--it still doesn't make a proposition to be true.

But unfortunately for the half-baked scum, they're encouraged to think "beleeeeeeeeevin'" is a virtue, and that it produces worthwhile effects, etc.--I know, as I was one of those fools, though I've since thought better about it all. It wasn't Christainity's fault, merely my own for so pretending and "thinking" in such half-baked manner.

Further, note also, this sort of pretending, called "beleeeeeeeeevin'," is also applied to other things too, not only Christianity--and it's equally defective, for the very same reason. And one soon enough comes to see idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'" as just another version and application of SUBJECTIVISM.

Thus it's easy to see now how and why establishment Christianity, and so many "Christians" has and have become satanic, subject to satanists and satanism.

Friday, July 27, 2018

All inductive logic, facts, common-sense tells u, SCREAMS who did 9/11, suckers--how stupid can people be?....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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As Stupid Gentiles Continue Not Heeding Induction, Logic, Plain Facts, They Will Continue To Suffer
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

Ever hrd of "it's Jews, stupid"? Ho ho ho ho. And yes, of course, I'm prejudiced--the whole world has long been prejudiced, and rightly so, against Jew criminals and murderers who worship lies, criminality, and mass-murder--it's the essence of Jew religion--SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, the mind/consciousness as creator of reality, making subject to be God), sucker--"midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition," by which Torah is made to mean anything they (rabbis) want it to mean. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew "religion."

So since we KNOW Jews are topmost criminals and satanists responsible for and controlling all organized crime, of which they and only they are the masters, INDUCTIVE logic REQUIRES we suspect kikes, and that kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't do. Hence Jews now simply must be dealt with in appropriate fashion. And everyone knows it, deep-down, never doubt.

Jews are satanic criminals--such is their very religion. And observe their filthy, satanic Holy days celebrate mass-murder, as at Passover and Purim.

Easy thing to do, in theory, anyway, is to REMOVE Jews/satanists' main instrument/weapon, the central-bank(s), like US Fed, IMF, BIS, ECB, etc.--see Mises.org for expo on central-bank; use their site search engine.

For central-banking features INFINITE currency--NOT NOT NOT real MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver, this real money the ONLY way to protect the people and their property. Fiat currency (legalized counterfeiting, literally) allows top criminals and kikes to steadily tax away people's wealth simply by means of "inflation," the currency losing value as new currency waves are issued, over and over and over, time after time.

And ask urself: HOW could any crime or any event happen and take place WITHOUT the topmost criminals, who are ALWAYS watching everything, having signed-off on it?--HOW could that happen?--IMPOSSIBLE. And "CUI BONO"?--who benefitted?--kikes, as even Netanyahu admitted at the time, the dumbass, ho ho ho ho.

So as long as the goyim play stupid, not heeding simple inductive logic, they're going to be taken, impoverished, and mass-murdered by the top criminals and satanists, "Jews, stupid."

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------------------

Dachsie July 25, 2018 at 11:45 AM

“I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

I like to analyze what aspects of studying 9-11 that ALL researchers can agree on. I used to think that all agreed on the impossibility of the “official narrative” being true, however I can see that some researchers seem to put forth data and observations that are bound not to contradictory

The subject of “no planes” is a subject that all researchers of 9-11 have been VERY AWARE OF AND VERY CAREFUL ABOUT in how they “deal with” in relation to the body of “evidence” and observations that each researcher and researcher group put forth.

I would also venture to say that from the very beginning long before 9-11 the plotters, planners, and perpetrators of 9-11 were also very aware of and planning for how to handle this topic.

The subject of no planes is part of the WHO DID IT issue and cannot be viewed as separate.

The way the subject of no-planes is dealt with by a researcher is, to me, a litmus test in judging the objectivity and quality of the rest of a researcher’s work.

Let’s count a few of the many ways the no-planes issue has been played with and tip toed around.

Some researchers just totally ignore the issue and put forth a very confined set of data and observations that appear to be telling us “you must look here at this “bombshell evidence” and implying “don’t look there.”

Some play with and manipulate us with the definitions of terms, like Barbara Honneger. I think that is called the logical fallacy of equivocation.
Some imply there can be real planes AND real “controlled demolition materials” in the Towers.

Some do an excellent job of explaining why no-planes is true but at the same time ally themselves with researcher(s) who exclusively confine their data and “theory” to what physically happened at all or only some of the 9-11 “target” sites and never say one word about the no-planes issue or only much later in time since 9-11 find reason to jump in a bit on that subject.

There are many reasons by Mr. Balsamo and “Pilots wants nothing to do with (what has been called) "no planes theory", but must say that just the tone of that attitude is very contradictory to the kind of thinking we hope all pilots have. Now, Pilots even reject even a very neutral objective summary of “facts they have adduced” that support general no-planes deliberations. This rejection takes on the appearance of “reject at all costs”, “reject and have absolutely nothing to do with no matter what.”

THAT is the attitude of like 99 percent of the researchers for 9-11 “truth” that I have observed over the years since my fairly extensive reading on the subject of 9-11 since 9-11-01.

Researchers go through every contortion and distortion of reason and logic and every Sunsteinian strategy to manipulate the minds of “truthers” and destroy the plain truth wherever we may find it.

So to me the question WHY is the no-planes issue such a hot-potato issue. It clearly is and the issue is not being treated objectively, that we know.

An area of 9-11 inquiry that I think is inextricably related to no-planes study and sheds light on WHY the no-planes issue is so important relates to looking at those researchers whose work is characterized by a clear deliberate failure to deal with this issue objectively and honestly. I think there is a clear tight consistency in the way many researchers “treat” or “deal with” topics and terms such as “the Israelis” – the Mossad, the Zionists, the neocons, or the verboten J word. That is the common denominator linking all those 9-11 researchers who strongly adhere to non-objective study of the no-planes issue of 9-11.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mere details are worthless without the basic principles w. which details must be integrated....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Penn Mag Must Discover Necessity Of Basic Principles, Like Original Anti-Semitic Christianity
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Penn Magazine is largely worthless and irrelevant as it totally lacks necessary cultural analysis, USA now become Jew S A, the "dog" now being wagged by Israeli terror-state "tail."

Further, Penn can't even ID Israeli terror-state as mere part of the "deep-state" establishment consisting of pretend "right" and "left" factions, Jews in general dominating, guiding, manipulating, and ruling this satanic deep-state.

Thus for practical purposes, Jew-dominated, satanic deep-state rules first and most by means of the CENTRAL-BANK criminal enterprise instrument/weapon, literally legalized counterfeiting, which issues forth w. nearly INFINITE currency, not real money, commodity-based. See Mises.org for expo on central-bank.

Penn Mag doesn't grasp, for further example, the satanic nature as basically extreme SUBJECTIVISM, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making oneself God (a), and then (b) how then Jews naturally dominate these satanic circumstances, Jews being highly organized and COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, w. most effective "group-think," naturally then dominating less connected/organized goyim satanists. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews and their filthy satanic religion.

At best, Penn merely supplies some details which Penn yet is incapable of generalizing and integrating for necessary inductive conclusions to the CYCLIC nature of history and "Decline of the West" (by Oswald Spengler) in hubris and satanism.

So what then, if the "leaders" are corrupt and traitors?--for what diff. does it make when the people, so many of them, are just brainless, stupid goons, morons, suckers, and utterly corrupt addicts for TV and poison GMO foods ("bread and circuses") to be munched as these scum watch their cheap entertainment and idiot football games?

Thus the people must re-discover the real, hence the ANTI-SEMITIC, nature of original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which is necessarily founded upon objective reality, against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and subjectivism.

Thus Penn is so irrelevant as it fails to grasp basic principles and then crucial significance of that central-bank instrument/weapon which destroys the people by means of currency which steadily loses value w. the continuing issuances of more and new currency, that currency soon to becoming totally worthless.

People must immediately get back to using only REAL MONEY, not currency, to saving their very lives. Further, US Constitution, states-rights and -sovereignty, nullification and primacy of local gov. must be heeded, observed, and undertaken.

These then, above-noted general principles, are what must be emphasized and featured which Penn knows too little, featuring dis-connected details, telling us little we don't already know.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Journalist, caught-up in the diversionary details, fails to see real picture for war (probably against Iran)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Street, Right About Browder, Yet Fails For Ultimate Purposes Of Jews-Media, War, Psy-Ops
(Apollonian, 25 Jul 18)

Regardless anything else, note the Jews-media is a prop. machine, instrument of lies and psy-ops. Ultimately, Jews-media, along w. every other part of "deep-state" is oriented towards satanic war against humanity, specifically aimed at (a) Iran, and/or (b) w. Russia and China, the purpose being to advance Israeli terror-state and/or purpose of genocidal population-reduction, according to Agenda-21 and -2030.

"Deep-state" then, is simply apparatus built around, behind, and at bottom of that crucial instrument/weapon, the central-bank criminal enterprise issuing forth w. oceans of ultimately worthless, but practically infinite in amount CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based. See Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine. For only REAL money (i.e., gold/silver) protects citizens and people; currency destroys people and culture.

(c) Note further, some sort of diversion/distraction is needed for impending and CERTAIN economic catastrophe and currency collapse.

So it looks very much like Trump, no less than any other deep-state creature, flunkey for Israel-first and "neo-cons," will accept and then react, on cue, upon the next major false-flag, which false-flags Trump has PROVEN he's perfectly willing to credit, tolerate, and legitimize. Iran seems to be the targeted victim of preference at the moment.

And don't forget, Jew S A, is TOTAL "DOG" TO BE "WAGGED" by terror-state of Israel and deep-state, deep-state now scripted to rely and depend upon legions of traitorous, Israel-sympathetic "evangelical," Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics.

In fact, note ALL ESTABLISHMENT Churches and members thereof are trained to be "faithful," obedient creatures, cattle, and livestock owned by Israeli terror-state and central-bank financial instrument; JCs notoriously active for their support, the very lickspittle shock-troops thereof.

Paul Street thus makes valid pt. regarding the Jew, Browder, who is undoubtedly a worthless criminal, absurdly defended by the buffoon Jews-media working to distract American morons, goons, and suckers who only care about "bread and circuses." But Street's alternative issues, esp. idiot "climate-change," are also the usual diversions/distractions, Street himself dependable lackey of Jews-media, ignoring the real circumstances and issues, working for typical purpose of distraction/diversion, regardless his minor pt. about Browder.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

"Rob" just conventional, typical, scared, sinful human, after all, in the typical, usual fear of Jews, as for all conventional, "normal" humans....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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"Rob" Just Conventional Cowardly, Sinful Human, Eh?
(Apollonian, 22 Jul 18)

Fetzer writes, "...but after a few days deliberation, he decided against it. Since my draft was based upon and simply paraphrased the content of three of Pilots' previously publish studies, I was rather taken aback. Here is the draft memorandum. I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

Fetzer can't figure it out? I submit, dear old "Rob" is SCARED ****LESS--is that really any surprise? And don't forget, lots of others are too. It's easier to just go along w. establishment lies, like holohoax and other Jew-serving lies, right?

After all, lots of nasty things have been done to people who don't go along w. kikes--could it be why kikes are sooooooo hated?--by all peoples of all races and cultures, all throughout history?

Isn't that our very RELIGION?--to love truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and to hate lies (JOHN 8:44)? Thus anti-semitism is actually important and essential element of Western religion, though so many scum, morons, and puke refuse to admit it.

For don't the satanists make themselves God, holding they determine what's truth and what isn't?--and if u don't go along, well that's all the worse for u, eh?

And don't kikes make themselves co-equal w. God, kikes being the very purpose for God, God their servant and slave?--who kills their enemies for them, like an attack-dog?--which mass-murder kikes celebrate at "Passover" and "Purim" holidays?--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And doesn't it say in their filthy Zohar ("Cabala") that satan is just another emanation of God?--whom Jews invoke for special powers, demands, curses, and charms, etc.?

Fetzer: MOST people are scared, confused, easily frightened, intimidated, bribed, and extorted--we're all weak when we come into this world, and most stay that way through the rest of their meek, mediocre lives of "quiet desperation"--for such is the way of weak and sinful humanity.

Look at all the dozens upon dozens of people killed over JFK assassination. U know, Trump could have spoken-out at his press-conference in Russia, recently, and noted that "lots of people thought CIA and FBI had a lot to do w. JFK assassination," ho ho ho ho ho--but even Trump was scared, eh? Ho ho ho ho.

So old "Rob" surely did the easy and conventional thing as far as he was concerned, according to his calculations, and u can't blame him too much, and at least now u know where he stands vis-à-vis the rest of humanity.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Assange just another victim/sacrifice to satanic power of central-bank criminal enterprise, run by most collectivist, organized satanists--Jews, always....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Central-Banking Behind satanic "Deep-State" Power, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

Well folks, this story on Assange is just yet ANOTHER example of the power of "deep state" which gets its power fm the top power of the corrupt culture, the central-bank--see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine.

Thus remember, the criminals of the central-bank HATE TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6); they can't stand the facts being brought out, beginning w. the nature of their criminal enterprise, the central-bank, which is LITERALLY legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically INFINITE issuing of CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based (hence gold/silver being best), which real money is necessarily, obviously LIMITED and finite in amount.

The continuing issues of evermore currency thus DE-VALUE the currency already in circulation, defrauding and impoverishing the people.

Thus the practically infinite currency to be issued by the topmost powers allows them to buying-up, owning, and controlling everything and everybody--and anyone not going along might well end-up dead--because of this nearly infinite funding at their disposal to buying, bribing, and extorting anyone, including assassination. Even Ron Paul has to watch-out and always speak in generalities, not always easy for everyone to grasp.

So Assange, u see, has to be made example of. For there's not really too much central-bankers can do regarding the techniques Assange uses and has taught others, BUT Assange can be made example for purpose of TERRORISM--thus other patriots will see what happens if the top powers decide to target u.

Note, it's INEVITABLE top powers and central bankers will win any particular battle due to this resource of practically infinite funding--it's only a matter of time for bribing/extorting whatever politicians or judges it may take to do so.

Such then is the course of CYCLIC history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the satanic age and spirit of a civilization inevitably takes hold, the masses of stupid goons, scum, and filth arising after the passing of the original heroic founders of any civilization, the following generations becoming corrupt, jaded, and HUBRISTIC, interested only in "bread and circuses," pretending they're "good" and "virtuous," which child's "good-evil" doesn't exist.

Thus the corrupt following generations imagine infinite CURRENCY (not real money) is some kind of improvement or advance over the previous use of real money, gold/silver, and the satanistic mentality soon enough takes-over the entire culture and population which is now affected so horribly and fatally--"Decline of the West," literally.

Never forget, at root, satanism is simple: extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God. And the MOST COLLECTIVISTIC satanists who co-operate among themselves for group-think, best organized and -led, will naturally dominate over the more isolated gentile satanists, manipulating and ruling--as we see, the Israeli-terror state wagging the USA dog.

To discover and confirm the basic satanic nature of Judaism, ("Jew" diff. fm Judean, don't forget), just see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Such utter moronic idiocy and brainlessness (of "DEEP" state, ho ho ho ho) merely goes to show truth of Dante's great poetic epic, "Divine Comedy"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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This Is Sheer Comedic Mental Retardation Of "Deep State" (Who Aren't So "Deep," Really, Ho Ho Ho)
(Apollonian, 19 Jul 18)

Ho ho ho ho, so tell us just WHAT is the JURISDICTION of US law or Rosenstein or Mueller over Russkie citizens, eh?--explain that one.

Under Obola, USA was catspaw for globalist world dictatorship of the "left," "liberal" "bad" Jews. Now, under Trump, Jew S A is catspaw and lickspittle for Israel-first "neo-cons" and Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) morons, scum, heretics, and traitors--and "good" kikes.

So either way, Jew S A is an anti-human monstrosity against which it is any Russkie's duty, not merely right, to subvert, injure, and destroy any way he can at any time. If the russkies were successful, they deserve medals, not only fm Russkie gov., but fm all human-kind.

So what?--DOJ of Jew S A has brought "indictments" against Russkies?--so let them send US Marshalls over there to take them into custody. Better yet, DOJ should order Russian gov. to arrest those scofflaws and send them to Jew S A right away, ho ho ho ho ho ho.

Who would actually be stupid enough to believe idiot "indictments" of russkies carries any serious weight, legal, political, or otherwise?--only brainless, moronic JCs on the "right" who support Israeli terror-state, or perhaps some mentally retarded snow-flake "liberals" (who are actually fascists, only they not realizing it, ho ho oh ho).

Folks, don't doubt we're living in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and this sheer moronic idiocy ("indicting" russkies) is nothing less than "Divine Comedy" of Dante, no less, good gravy, I kid u not, ho ho ho ho ho

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Good gravy, but isn't it obvious satanists making use of simple MONOPOLY to dictate to stupid goyim goons and puke?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Satanists Making Use Of MONOPOLY, Suckers
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)

Observe, Jew-tube now operates as in-ur-face MONOPOLY, saying it's their "private-property" when fact is Jew tube and their Google parent were first built by means of TAX-PAYER funds and gov. subsidies.

So this is fraud by Jew-tube, pretending they're private prop.--when they're actually, simply tax-payer funded UTILITY, obligated to the tax-payer and citizenry, and they're now defrauding the citizenry and tax-payers. Penalty is TREASON, and it is truly gruesome punishment--so it might take awhile before retribution is brought.

But note further, Big-Pharma, which is in business of killing people (and they know very well what they're doing) w. the deadly drugs and vaccines pushed by establishment medical monopoly, is COERCIVE monopoly by the various means, just like ALL the other monopolies--HOW do u KNOW this (about monopolization) for certain?--just look at the top MONOPOLY of them all, which has EXCLUSIVE right to issuing the currency (not real money), the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting of US Federal Reserve. See Mises.org for definitive expo on central bank; use their search engine.

And as people observe, SOME of them understand that w. every new issue of wave after wave in this evermore nearly INFINITE ocean of "currency" that's evermore put-out, the newly issued currency DE-VALUES the currency that already exists in circulation. It's all called "inflation" for obvious reasons.

And HOW is it central-bank has right to ripping people off as their currency is devalued by the new issues of the new waves of currency?--see the fraudulent, criminal nature of legalized counterfeiting and central-banking? Just ask urself WHY is counterfeiting held to be a crime?

Thus this central-bank inevitably owns and controls EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, beginning w. all politicians and judges, then the Jews-media, then public edjumacation--the central bank being the ULTIMATE monopoly which controls ALL the other monopolies--ALL of them without exception.

And the central-bank oligarchs are who and what are behind the drive to world dictatorship featuring GENOCIDE and mass-murder of Agenda-21 and -2030 (look it up, suckers)--see how it works.

For satanism is a death-cult by necessity and nature, and it's only satanic force that's ultimately behind such monopolistic criminal enterprise, founded upon central-banking, the central-bank giving satanists the means, providing the instrument/weapon--CURRENCY--taking away the protection for the people of real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which is limited in amount and FINITE.

Satanists sucker the stupid goyim by telling them they need INFINITE currency which will rescue them when they run-out. And the stupid, brainless puke beleeeeeeeeeeeev it and go-along, imagining they're such brilliant advanced thinkers to have hit upon idea of INFINITE currency--for now it's replaced real money which is limited in amount, ho ho ho oho, the dumbasses are led to beleeeeeeeev, poor, stupid scum.

Brainless puke imagine "satanism" is mere "religion," but actually it's built upon SIMPLE philosophy, extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, these subjects now making themselves God, the creator.

The goons further cannot grasp that the topmost masterminds of satanism are the ones who share a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and consciousness--no less than gangs of criminals. And these collectivistic subjectivists are most organized, cohesive, and "connected," extremely well-led, w. most effective and successful "group-think"--these are the Jews, suckers--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. And now u see why and how a small minority can leverage and manipulate larger numbers of fools, morons, suckers, and goons.

For observe the gentile satanists are notoriously dis-connected, individualistic, and isolated fm one another, whereas Jews are UNIVERSAL, organizing the goons and scum gentile satanists, giving them leadership and direction. Observe all the leading Bolsheviks were Jews--observe all the leading central-bankers are Jews or Jew lickspittles, serving the Jews and their satanistic God.

And be sure not to confusing and conflating "Jew" w. Judean--they're not same, Jew defined as followers of Pharisees who led only about 5% of Judeans at time of Christ, the middle-class party.

So try to getting a clue, morons: it's essential to knowing what exactly satanism is, at root--(extreme) subjectivism. And Christianity, the REAL thing, is worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of truth--see how it works? And now u see how and why Jews absolutely HATE Christianity, eh?

Thursday, July 12, 2018

satanic system/order must be grasped--it has a practical basic component, central-bank, AND the abstract, psychologic, idealist component too....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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satanic Order And System MUST Be Understood
(Apollonian, 12 Jul 18)

Fetzer: the only thing that can happen w. Twitter (and others, including their satanic co-conspirators) is the FULL PENALTY to TREASON--but they don't think that will ever happen. And indeed, it isn't clear exactly when or how these criminals will be brought to account.

For only public executions serve as the necessary deterrent--the idea of SURE justice--which nowadays is mere joke to legions of over-populated, HUBRISTIC, satanic fools, scum, suckers, goons, and morons who now dominate the degenerate culture/society/economy in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For as there's "strength in numbers," Twitter imagines they're just a few among many, many others who came long before them, the Central-bank (US Federal Reserve) having now been around for over 100 yrs, putting-out nearly INFINITE currency (not real money) which steadily drains away the value of the currency already circulating--it's how the process works--see Mises.org for expo; use their search-engine.

Such INFINITE currency soon enough takes-over the entire culture, buying, owning, and controlling all politicians, judges, the Jews-media (including Twitter), EVERYBODY and everything--don't u get it? And anyone not going along is subject to assassination by crack-heads of "the mob" who can be bought amazingly cheap--even Ron Paul has to watch-out.

So the satanists of satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator) inevitably come to dominate every mature and past-mature culture/civilization/society, all in accord w. the CYCLIC nature and course of history, the best expositor of this surely being Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West."

It's important to note then the SIMPLE philosophic (though it's false philosophy) nature of satanism (extreme subjectivism) which merely hides itself within a "religious" cloak, replete w. mumbo-jumbo and fancy, elaborate ceremonies--like in Kubrick's movie, "Eyes Wide Shut." The philosophy at root of satanism remains extremely simple--subjectivism, by which one makes oneself God.

And it's this satanism which dear Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) was instituted to combat--for such satanism (see JOHN 8:44) can never be totally removed, it cropping up over and over, esp. as cultures and civilizations succeed and prosper--they inevitably produce HUBRIS among the people, and satanism arises over and again.

And even establishment "Christianity," Prot., Cat., Orthodox, all of them, itself has been taken-over by these modern satanists--as of the Vatican--as we see. So-called "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) "evangelicals" are among greatest supporters of Israeli terror-state.

Finally, remember the satanists of the central-bank at the top can roll-out and produce, almost miraculously, practically ANY amount of currency--and this is what's happened w. Twitter and others--u want a million dollars?--no?--how about a billion? And if they don't play-along to doing as the institutionalized satanists demand, assassins will simply be hired--see how it works?--it's fool-proof long as the currency is still accepted by the people.

So it's ultimately this satanism u and "the people" are up against, Fetzer; u need to figure this all out--"Twitter" is mere particular manifestation. History teaches us the satanic system is fool-proof, and continues to work until it finally falls of its own weight, as in way of currency-collapse and hyper-inflation. Patriots can only help this process of eventual currency collapse along, in way of precipitating it and preparing and informing the people as it happens.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Of course we MUST have satanism and anarchy--how else to treat w. stupid, corrupt, hubristc scum called, "the people," vastly over-populated?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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satanism Will Prevail Long As People Are Stupid, Worshipping Lies Like Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 11 Jul 18)

Sure, this all may be true, as the writer, Nolte, says, but don't doubt Trump himself is all in on it--or at least those Jews and neo-cons who control, fund, and finance him (Trump), like the Jew, Sheldon Adelson.

Keep the stupid goyim fighting one another is obvious and age-old stratagem, men against women, old vs. young, diff. races, etc.--extreme cog. dissonance. After all, the central bankers (see Mises.org, use their search engine) own the Jews-media, all politicians and judges, everything and everybody.

And in a corrupt society in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, fomenting such chaos and anarchy works, the stupid, over-populated puke, called "the people," overwhelmingly impelled by HUBRIS and eventually, like now, outright satanism--extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness held as creator of reality, basis of non-existent "good-evil" and/or moralism-Pharisaism--whence stupid, brainless scum, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics say Christ was Jew.

Can anything be done?--only very little, like the real Christianity, hence ANTI-SEMITISM, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). For Christianity, the real thing, upholds OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary foundation for "truth," don't forget.

Meantime Satanists, led by Jews, will continue to prevail long as their central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam, keeps pumping-out intrinsically worthless CURRENCY, not real money, and the over-populated goons and suckers keep accepting it as they do, the poor, brainless scum.

Monday, July 9, 2018

About 9/11: Jews essentially say, "sure we did it, gentile scum--and WHAT do u think u'll do about it, suckers?"--ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Induction, Objectivity Indicts, CONVICTS Jews, Satanists
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)

This is another incredible, great article by Bollyn w. crushing, smashing, over-whelming INDUCTIVE evidence, which induction is stock science and legal investigation procedure. Gather the evidence, and now look at likely suspects--Jews, foremost criminals and satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com).

So what's next step?--kikes of Israel are OBVIOUSLY number one suspects--or at least among the topmost, eh?

So now, in science and logic, including for legal investigations, the LEAD SUSPECT MUST start "talking turkey" and begin explaining why they shouldn't be suspected and indicted (formally accused) and put-up for trial as culprits.

But is that even conceivable in this age of Jew dominance?--suspecting the kikes?--isn't that anti-semitism?--ho ho ho ho ho. And indeed, that's kike's only defense, isn't it? The over-whelming evidence pt.s to Jews, but no matter, u can't suspect or accuse Jews as that's anti-semitism, right? What a brilliant defense, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho.

But then again, isn't that just CONFIRMATION of the necessary and indicated accusation/indictment?--the FACT that Jews actually don't deny they're guilty, do they?--they just say u can't do it (suspect or accuse them) as it's anti-semitism. According to kikes, it's "immoral" to observe evidence and suspect and indict kikes--regardless the facts of reality, ho ho ho ho.

And when u stop to think about it all, we begin to realize the horrific TRUTH--kikes DID 9/11, and they essentially ADMIT IT in their back-handed way, don't they? "Sure, we did it, u scummy goyim, but what are u gonna do about, maggots?"--ho ho ho ho ho ho oho.

Cui Bono?--WHO BENEFITED fm 9/11, suckers?--it was Jews, wasn't it? Thus stupid goyim of Jew S A started wars against Jews' enemies, created refugees, and now they're invading Europe and West, eh?--Jews love it, don't they?

So HOW does this Jew criminality and dominance in-ur-face CONTINUE to prevail?--is it because it's a satanistic age, suffused in (extreme) subjectivism and moralism, the corrupt people pretending and insisting upon "moral" virtue above any other value, elevating moralism/Pharisaism above truth, facts, reality, honesty, integrity, and even life itself?

Thus as moralism/Pharisaism is necessarily founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, foundation is laid for satanism, which is simply extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mentality creating reality, making oneself God the creator--Jews being most adept, successful, organized, and "connected" collectivistic subjectivists, thus dominating the far more isolated, dis-connected, dis-organized subjectivists among stupid goyim.

Observe further, the Jew "midrash" (interpretation) ideal of Talmud which elevates subjectivism, the very method of Judaism by which they rule and dominate the moronic, corrupt, stupid goyim, and which such "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" Christ condemned in New Test. in the name of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth has no meaning without the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality.

So gentiles must re-capture the REAL Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ), above all, including the implicit, necessary anti-Semitism. And if u're not anti-Semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

satanic society, hist. era must be understood in terms of "theory" and "practical" effects, "theory" and psychology behind actual practice....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...l#comment-form

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Theory And Practice Of ZOG Satanism And Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 7 Jul 18)

I. Practice--The Weapon/Instrument: The Central-Bank

Of course Jews-media is liars who lie, working for their masters and owners, the MONOPOLISTS who issue the CURRENCY (not real money) at the central bank of Jew S A, the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed")--see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine.

So what's a dictatorship?--it's a MONOPOLY, right?--and what do u think the Fed is? Is it then any wonder this horrific monopoly gains evermore hold and control over everything, all politicians and judges for politics?--"big Pharma," the Jews-media; they have control of edjumacation--everything--how could they NOT control everything when they can put-out nearly ENDLESS currency?--financing anything and everything.

So that's their practical/existential weapon, the central bank, but then what is their weapon in theory, the abstract, psychologic, "ideologic"?--that would be the SATANIC mentality/consciousness

II: Ideology/psychology of Satanism

Necessarily and concomitant w. the practical/existential weapon of the central-bank is the ideologic/psychologic--that satanic mentality borne of HUBRIS, esp. when a culture and society becomes mature and established, the people of that culture now corrupt and hubristic--they want to pretend they're "good" and "morally virtuous"--even though there's no such thing as "good-evil" which philosophers have yearned for but NEVER discovered for solid criterion.

So the people are programmed by satanic masterminds at top fm the beginning and birth that they must be "good" and "politically-correct," etc., never discovering there's no such thing--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will, that they can't be "good" or "evil."

Thus the hubristic and now over-populated people fail to grasping reality must be accepted, and that they're not God, capable of changing this reality--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will.

Thus the corrupted culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler becomes so filled and dominated, suffused w. this gross HUBRIS, that the culture and society becomes SATANIC--all built upon (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, idea that reality is product of consciousness/mentality--ESPECIALLY in way of "good-evil" and as propounded, for example, by Immanuel Kant; Bentham's Utilitarianism is another example.

Thus the satanists by means of this subjectivism imagine and BELEEEEEV now they're God, creator of reality, but it doesn't stop there, because the top satanists are and MUST BE collectivistic, colluding and co-operating upon a common expression of this satanist view, to making it practical and most effective--as in way of CENTRAL-BANKING, thus taking control of the whole society, exterminating any opposition, leveraging all the more isolated, "individualist" satanists among the population.

Thus u have Jews, the leading Satanists, most integrally "connected," organized, collectivistic subjectivists--doubt it?--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com to finding-out about Jew "midrash" (interpretation) by which they say Torah is only what they say it means--and which logic then extends to every aspect of reality, making themselves God.

Thus Jews rule, even though they're so few, out-numbered by goyim, yet they're far more ORGANIZED and "connected" by which such organization they absolutely DOMINATE the goyim.

And remember, Jews couldn't do all this cultural domination by themselves--they need the greater numbers of goyim helpers and less-organized satanists to help them and enforce their rule--look at the legion of "Judeo-Christian" goons and morons among goyim who support terror-state of Israel.

III. Conclusion

Thus the world, and the people need the real, anti-semitic Christianity as of Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which upholds the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality (for how else is there such thing as truth?), hence the DETERMINED reality of absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and no "good-evil"--we're all sinners.

But now it looks like the satanists, led by Jews, presently control things, so disaster and catastrophe must take place, removing excess, over-populated goyim, victims of this satanism--and the survivors must take heed.

Thus humanity must REMOVE the central-banks and re-assert 10th Amendment of US Constitution and sovereignty of states, esp. in way of NULLIFICATION--there's no "good-evil" which is for children and dogs, and the real Christianity is vehicle of OBJECTIVITY of reality, hence necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic).

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Deep-state" is satanic, satanism, and ONLY serious Christian movement will have any real effect(s)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018...-did-have.html

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Removing "Deep State" NOT NOT NOT Like Removing Bad Tooth
(Apollonian, 4 Jul 18)

"[K]ill the deep state"?--u mean remove Jews?--impossible for Trump, absolutely un-thinkable, inconceivable. Trump's very purpose is "Israel-first," above all, and nothing other--this has been known fm Trump's very first statements. Don't forget Trump's false-flag way back in April 2017 when he used pretext of "chem-attack" for bombing, Tomahawking Syria.

"[K]ill the deep state"?--then one must "kill" that engine of prosperity (ho ho ho ho ho), the central-bank, which churns-out nearly INFINITE "currency"--not real money which is necessarily FINITE (limited in amount--see Mises.org for expo, use their search engine). Were Trump to even begin to imagining removal of central-bank, Jews-media, owned and operated by central-bank powers, would roast Trump un-endingly, there'd be false-flags, etc.

ONLY thing which will remove deep-state (hence Jews and their central-bank instrument) is the real, hence anti-semitic, Christianity (worship of TRUTH = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, affirming OBJECTIVE reality) by the presently over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, morons, suckers, and TV-addicts among "the people," which is impossible without many, many, many of them being killed-off, which will require FAILURE of central-bank, thus HYPER-INFLATION, up-coming, soon enough.

Observe, just for example, foremost supporters of Israeli terror-state are the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) scum, liars, and heretics who say Christ was Jew, who are legion--who are notorious Trump-supporters. Jews control ENTIRE "Christian" establishment, Cat. and Prot.--all of them, without exception.

Don't forget Trump's buddy, Giuliani, Mayor of Jew York on 9/11. Jeff Sessions took MAJOR funds fm Israeli interests--that's why u have DOJ (Justice) actively stone-walling, Jew, Rod Rosenstein, stalling, subverting Congress--why hasn't hitlery been indicted?--think she ever will be?--hoho ho ho ho ho.

Central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, and the puke, called "people," cannot for the very life of them grasp diff. btwn "currency" and real money--never have, never will.

US Dollar and "petro-dollar" will only gradually give way to the new gold-backed Yuan (or any genuine money standard), so there will still be great struggle, turmoil, and disasters to keeping people terrorized, confused, ignorant, de-moralized, and mis-led.

Thus I keep telling folks, only the REAL Christianity will adequately guide the survivors of the people, and that means serious anti-semitism--anti-satanism, hence anti-subjectivism. And if u're NOT anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker. If u're not anti-semitic, u're just a satanist or dupe thereof. It's truth vs. lies; Christ vs. satanism; humanity vs. Jews, Jews leaders of satanists, satanism.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Jim Fetzer July 4, 2018 at 8:54 AM

Yes. I voted for Bill twice and for Barack twice as well. When it came to Hillary, there was no real choice. We live and learn. I am optimistic that Trump will actually kill the Deep State. Major revelations from the DNC server out today, 4 July 2018! How appropriate!

BuelahMan July 3, 2018 at 3:35 AM

Allow me to point out that Fetzer was an Obama Maniac.
Fetzer was a Drumpfter.
B'Man warned everyone about both of them BEFORE they were sElected.
Who has discernment and who does not?