Sunday, July 22, 2018

"Rob" just conventional, typical, scared, sinful human, after all, in the typical, usual fear of Jews, as for all conventional, "normal" humans....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Rob" Just Conventional Cowardly, Sinful Human, Eh?
(Apollonian, 22 Jul 18)

Fetzer writes, "...but after a few days deliberation, he decided against it. Since my draft was based upon and simply paraphrased the content of three of Pilots' previously publish studies, I was rather taken aback. Here is the draft memorandum. I would welcome comments or speculation as to why Rob refused to endorse it."

Fetzer can't figure it out? I submit, dear old "Rob" is SCARED ****LESS--is that really any surprise? And don't forget, lots of others are too. It's easier to just go along w. establishment lies, like holohoax and other Jew-serving lies, right?

After all, lots of nasty things have been done to people who don't go along w. kikes--could it be why kikes are sooooooo hated?--by all peoples of all races and cultures, all throughout history?

Isn't that our very RELIGION?--to love truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and to hate lies (JOHN 8:44)? Thus anti-semitism is actually important and essential element of Western religion, though so many scum, morons, and puke refuse to admit it.

For don't the satanists make themselves God, holding they determine what's truth and what isn't?--and if u don't go along, well that's all the worse for u, eh?

And don't kikes make themselves co-equal w. God, kikes being the very purpose for God, God their servant and slave?--who kills their enemies for them, like an attack-dog?--which mass-murder kikes celebrate at "Passover" and "Purim" holidays?--see,, and for expo.

And doesn't it say in their filthy Zohar ("Cabala") that satan is just another emanation of God?--whom Jews invoke for special powers, demands, curses, and charms, etc.?

Fetzer: MOST people are scared, confused, easily frightened, intimidated, bribed, and extorted--we're all weak when we come into this world, and most stay that way through the rest of their meek, mediocre lives of "quiet desperation"--for such is the way of weak and sinful humanity.

Look at all the dozens upon dozens of people killed over JFK assassination. U know, Trump could have spoken-out at his press-conference in Russia, recently, and noted that "lots of people thought CIA and FBI had a lot to do w. JFK assassination," ho ho ho ho ho--but even Trump was scared, eh? Ho ho ho ho.

So old "Rob" surely did the easy and conventional thing as far as he was concerned, according to his calculations, and u can't blame him too much, and at least now u know where he stands vis-à-vis the rest of humanity.

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