Saturday, July 21, 2018

Assange just another victim/sacrifice to satanic power of central-bank criminal enterprise, run by most collectivist, organized satanists--Jews, always....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Central-Banking Behind satanic "Deep-State" Power, Never Forget
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

Well folks, this story on Assange is just yet ANOTHER example of the power of "deep state" which gets its power fm the top power of the corrupt culture, the central-bank--see for expo; use their search engine.

Thus remember, the criminals of the central-bank HATE TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6); they can't stand the facts being brought out, beginning w. the nature of their criminal enterprise, the central-bank, which is LITERALLY legalized counterfeiting, featuring practically INFINITE issuing of CURRENCY, not real money, commodity-based (hence gold/silver being best), which real money is necessarily, obviously LIMITED and finite in amount.

The continuing issues of evermore currency thus DE-VALUE the currency already in circulation, defrauding and impoverishing the people.

Thus the practically infinite currency to be issued by the topmost powers allows them to buying-up, owning, and controlling everything and everybody--and anyone not going along might well end-up dead--because of this nearly infinite funding at their disposal to buying, bribing, and extorting anyone, including assassination. Even Ron Paul has to watch-out and always speak in generalities, not always easy for everyone to grasp.

So Assange, u see, has to be made example of. For there's not really too much central-bankers can do regarding the techniques Assange uses and has taught others, BUT Assange can be made example for purpose of TERRORISM--thus other patriots will see what happens if the top powers decide to target u.

Note, it's INEVITABLE top powers and central bankers will win any particular battle due to this resource of practically infinite funding--it's only a matter of time for bribing/extorting whatever politicians or judges it may take to do so.

Such then is the course of CYCLIC history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the satanic age and spirit of a civilization inevitably takes hold, the masses of stupid goons, scum, and filth arising after the passing of the original heroic founders of any civilization, the following generations becoming corrupt, jaded, and HUBRISTIC, interested only in "bread and circuses," pretending they're "good" and "virtuous," which child's "good-evil" doesn't exist.

Thus the corrupt following generations imagine infinite CURRENCY (not real money) is some kind of improvement or advance over the previous use of real money, gold/silver, and the satanistic mentality soon enough takes-over the entire culture and population which is now affected so horribly and fatally--"Decline of the West," literally.

Never forget, at root, satanism is simple: extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness is creator of reality, making oneself God. And the MOST COLLECTIVISTIC satanists who co-operate among themselves for group-think, best organized and -led, will naturally dominate over the more isolated gentile satanists, manipulating and ruling--as we see, the Israeli-terror state wagging the USA dog.

To discover and confirm the basic satanic nature of Judaism, ("Jew" diff. fm Judean, don't forget), just see,, and for expo.

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