Thursday, July 12, 2018

satanic system/order must be grasped--it has a practical basic component, central-bank, AND the abstract, psychologic, idealist component too....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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satanic Order And System MUST Be Understood
(Apollonian, 12 Jul 18)

Fetzer: the only thing that can happen w. Twitter (and others, including their satanic co-conspirators) is the FULL PENALTY to TREASON--but they don't think that will ever happen. And indeed, it isn't clear exactly when or how these criminals will be brought to account.

For only public executions serve as the necessary deterrent--the idea of SURE justice--which nowadays is mere joke to legions of over-populated, HUBRISTIC, satanic fools, scum, suckers, goons, and morons who now dominate the degenerate culture/society/economy in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For as there's "strength in numbers," Twitter imagines they're just a few among many, many others who came long before them, the Central-bank (US Federal Reserve) having now been around for over 100 yrs, putting-out nearly INFINITE currency (not real money) which steadily drains away the value of the currency already circulating--it's how the process works--see for expo; use their search-engine.

Such INFINITE currency soon enough takes-over the entire culture, buying, owning, and controlling all politicians, judges, the Jews-media (including Twitter), EVERYBODY and everything--don't u get it? And anyone not going along is subject to assassination by crack-heads of "the mob" who can be bought amazingly cheap--even Ron Paul has to watch-out.

So the satanists of satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator) inevitably come to dominate every mature and past-mature culture/civilization/society, all in accord w. the CYCLIC nature and course of history, the best expositor of this surely being Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West."

It's important to note then the SIMPLE philosophic (though it's false philosophy) nature of satanism (extreme subjectivism) which merely hides itself within a "religious" cloak, replete w. mumbo-jumbo and fancy, elaborate ceremonies--like in Kubrick's movie, "Eyes Wide Shut." The philosophy at root of satanism remains extremely simple--subjectivism, by which one makes oneself God.

And it's this satanism which dear Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) was instituted to combat--for such satanism (see JOHN 8:44) can never be totally removed, it cropping up over and over, esp. as cultures and civilizations succeed and prosper--they inevitably produce HUBRIS among the people, and satanism arises over and again.

And even establishment "Christianity," Prot., Cat., Orthodox, all of them, itself has been taken-over by these modern satanists--as of the Vatican--as we see. So-called "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) "evangelicals" are among greatest supporters of Israeli terror-state.

Finally, remember the satanists of the central-bank at the top can roll-out and produce, almost miraculously, practically ANY amount of currency--and this is what's happened w. Twitter and others--u want a million dollars?--no?--how about a billion? And if they don't play-along to doing as the institutionalized satanists demand, assassins will simply be hired--see how it works?--it's fool-proof long as the currency is still accepted by the people.

So it's ultimately this satanism u and "the people" are up against, Fetzer; u need to figure this all out--"Twitter" is mere particular manifestation. History teaches us the satanic system is fool-proof, and continues to work until it finally falls of its own weight, as in way of currency-collapse and hyper-inflation. Patriots can only help this process of eventual currency collapse along, in way of precipitating it and preparing and informing the people as it happens.

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