Saturday, July 7, 2018

satanic society, hist. era must be understood in terms of "theory" and "practical" effects, "theory" and psychology behind actual practice....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Theory And Practice Of ZOG Satanism And Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 7 Jul 18)

I. Practice--The Weapon/Instrument: The Central-Bank

Of course Jews-media is liars who lie, working for their masters and owners, the MONOPOLISTS who issue the CURRENCY (not real money) at the central bank of Jew S A, the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed")--see for expo; use their search engine.

So what's a dictatorship?--it's a MONOPOLY, right?--and what do u think the Fed is? Is it then any wonder this horrific monopoly gains evermore hold and control over everything, all politicians and judges for politics?--"big Pharma," the Jews-media; they have control of edjumacation--everything--how could they NOT control everything when they can put-out nearly ENDLESS currency?--financing anything and everything.

So that's their practical/existential weapon, the central bank, but then what is their weapon in theory, the abstract, psychologic, "ideologic"?--that would be the SATANIC mentality/consciousness

II: Ideology/psychology of Satanism

Necessarily and concomitant w. the practical/existential weapon of the central-bank is the ideologic/psychologic--that satanic mentality borne of HUBRIS, esp. when a culture and society becomes mature and established, the people of that culture now corrupt and hubristic--they want to pretend they're "good" and "morally virtuous"--even though there's no such thing as "good-evil" which philosophers have yearned for but NEVER discovered for solid criterion.

So the people are programmed by satanic masterminds at top fm the beginning and birth that they must be "good" and "politically-correct," etc., never discovering there's no such thing--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will, that they can't be "good" or "evil."

Thus the hubristic and now over-populated people fail to grasping reality must be accepted, and that they're not God, capable of changing this reality--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will.

Thus the corrupted culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler becomes so filled and dominated, suffused w. this gross HUBRIS, that the culture and society becomes SATANIC--all built upon (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, idea that reality is product of consciousness/mentality--ESPECIALLY in way of "good-evil" and as propounded, for example, by Immanuel Kant; Bentham's Utilitarianism is another example.

Thus the satanists by means of this subjectivism imagine and BELEEEEEV now they're God, creator of reality, but it doesn't stop there, because the top satanists are and MUST BE collectivistic, colluding and co-operating upon a common expression of this satanist view, to making it practical and most effective--as in way of CENTRAL-BANKING, thus taking control of the whole society, exterminating any opposition, leveraging all the more isolated, "individualist" satanists among the population.

Thus u have Jews, the leading Satanists, most integrally "connected," organized, collectivistic subjectivists--doubt it?--see,, and to finding-out about Jew "midrash" (interpretation) by which they say Torah is only what they say it means--and which logic then extends to every aspect of reality, making themselves God.

Thus Jews rule, even though they're so few, out-numbered by goyim, yet they're far more ORGANIZED and "connected" by which such organization they absolutely DOMINATE the goyim.

And remember, Jews couldn't do all this cultural domination by themselves--they need the greater numbers of goyim helpers and less-organized satanists to help them and enforce their rule--look at the legion of "Judeo-Christian" goons and morons among goyim who support terror-state of Israel.

III. Conclusion

Thus the world, and the people need the real, anti-semitic Christianity as of Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which upholds the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality (for how else is there such thing as truth?), hence the DETERMINED reality of absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and no "good-evil"--we're all sinners.

But now it looks like the satanists, led by Jews, presently control things, so disaster and catastrophe must take place, removing excess, over-populated goyim, victims of this satanism--and the survivors must take heed.

Thus humanity must REMOVE the central-banks and re-assert 10th Amendment of US Constitution and sovereignty of states, esp. in way of NULLIFICATION--there's no "good-evil" which is for children and dogs, and the real Christianity is vehicle of OBJECTIVITY of reality, hence necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic).

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