Sunday, April 19, 2020

Satanism RULES, suckers, as this is "Decline of the West," in gross hubris and over-population of puke, scum, fools, inferiors, and weaklings, all mired in HUBRIS--get a clue....

Below-copied essay by ap submitted, published at comments,

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Judaism Is Satanism, And Satanism Rules In Spenglerian "Decline of West"
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 20)

Jews rule and dominate because Satanism rules and dominates, Jews the leading, most dominant Satanists, Judaism the most successful, most "popular" form of Satanism in all history. See,,, and for best expo.

Note Satanism is an actual, real thing which needs be taken seriously and understood in some detail--which is grossly over-looked by most people. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, the subject being the creator--God--Satanism by definition. Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists/Satanists which then gives them such advantage over gentiles, even though gentiles (so far) out-number Jews (more below on this collectivistic "group-think").

So note and observe Satanism is actually a nearly explicit philosophy, but then it wraps itself in mysticism and mumbo-jumbo so as to appear "religious" in style, thus increasing its attraction and fascination for now over-populated inferiors and weaklings (fm the original success and victory of brave and honest founding ancestors, like Romans and Americans)--not that they all accept such Satanism, certainly not whole-heartedly, but they tolerate the subjectivist premises for such Satanism, thus making themselves most pathetic victims to it all.

But further, Satanists and Jews dominate because (a) of the central bank and Jew control of it--see, use their site search-engine for terms like "fiat-currency," etc. In short, central-banking is literally legalized counterfeiting, a criminal enterprise, but see for further details.

The other factor (b) is over-population of stupid, hubris-filled, subjectivistic gentiles, who had advanced fm the High Middle Age, but then began the (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the Western gentiles began to adopt subjectivism in way of moralism (pretended "good-evil"--Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine), rejecting determinism (absolute cause-effect), as of the subjectivist systems of J.J. Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and others (i.e., "German Transcendental Idealism").

After Napoleonic wars came definitive Judaic control (as of Rothschilds) of central-banking and West, in general, as Jews are most cohesive, organized, committed, motivated, most effective, successful "group-thinkers," criminals, and conspirators, Jews dominating and intimidating the less organized, less cohesive, more isolated, individualist gentiles.

Thus the cultural/sociologic problem in the abstract is subjectivism and rejection of objective/determinist, while the existential (practical) problem is central-banking; long as that criminal enterprise is accepted and continued by the stupidity and hubris of the goyim, Jews/Satanists will continue to rule.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------------------

rambetter • 18 hours ago

This is wonderful. Yet I have a question. How do these archaeologists intend to guard against Jewish invasion/influence? It seems that every worthwhile project that catches on (such as Wikipedia for example) eventually succumbs to Jewish influence. Jews will certainly want to infiltrate this archaeological discovery and they will want to disinform us of the facts found therein.

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