Monday, December 24, 2018

Holohoax: the veritable gateway for most gentiles to those little monsters we know and call, "Jews"....

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Holohoax: FOUNDATION Of Cheap, Popular "Theology," Including Atheist Variety
(Apollonian, 24 Dec 18)

It should be simply holohoax--emphasis on HOAX--and it's simply people's introduction to Jews and Judaism, which is just Satanism (see,, and for best expo), Jews the leaders thereof--Jews made into "sacred cows" whom everyone is supposed to worship.

So Jews lie, including lying to themselves, lying themselves into their own reality--their own little "private Idaho." Jews DOMINATE this corrupt culture of lies--why?--how?--because they're COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists and liars, most effective "group-thinkers," most organized, most dedicated, most cohesive, and best led. So as Jews dominate satanism, the satanists in general dominate the large culture of over-populated, bewildered, demoralized goons, suckers, fools, inferiors, and weaklings.

(Definition: satanism is extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator--satanism.)

Look at most successful Israeli terror-state, grand product of WWII, following Part one of WWI, zionists having now and lately gotten in front of the propaganda "curve," having elected Trump, Trump pretending to "nationalism" of all things, against "globalism," which globalism had been for soooo many yrs the special little project of Jews, fm WWI and League of Nations, at least.

And this large cultural complex of lies and lying actually works for Jews because the over-populated gentiles LOVE IT--they just eat it up--at first, anyway. Holohoax is part of Catholic "vatican" propaganda and official "theology"--holocaustianity--according to Mike Hoffman, and

Thus the Jews rule the corrupt, decadent, and degenerating society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West" until the society begins to seriously collapse, as the economy, and especially the monetary system break down, the money now corrupted into mere fiat CURRENCY (not real money, which is gold/silver) going to HYPER-inflation, as we see presently--thus the END is near, as forecast and described in New Test. "Book of Revelations."

So Jews/satanists and Israeli terror-state are now looking for a neat little war by which they continue to nurse along their big-attack-dog, Jew S A (formerly USA), against "globalists" or Muslims, these to be backed by China and Russia, for example--such is the war, so far--"perpetual war for perpetual peace," in accord w. Orwell's "1984," Jews continuing to run their fiat-currency system by which they dominate and rule.

The one thing Jews/satanists cannot stand is REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--which is why Jews must continue to subvert the establishment churches like the "vatican" system, including all the Protestant institutions too, esp. by means of "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--also called "Christian-Zionist") hereticalists, see and for expo.

Thus Jews encourage the gross confusion even among Christians to effect Christianity is primarily about idiot "love" or false "faith" of "beeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," or non-existent "good vs. evil," etc.--NOT about TRUTH vs. Jew/satanic lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

So Spenglerian "Decline of the West" must continue, the gentiles steadily killed-off and expended until civilization can begin once again--when the Jews/satanists will arise yet again in the ever-continuing CYCLIC history of things, featuring TRUTH (= Christ) vs. lies (satanism).

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