Sunday, November 22, 2015

The leaders of the culture MUST identify the negative against which volk can (a) agree, (b) unite....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism, The Great Problem, Upon Which People Can Agree, Unite Against
(Apollonian, 22 Nov 15)

Flattery will get u nowhere, scum (see below-copied). And besides, note what's important is the SUBSTANCE of what is written--what do u have to say about this grim tragedy of Western "decline" we're facing?--think about that, fool.

For if u really cared about ur good buddy, Fetzer, u'd say something--like about the horrific cultural satanism which continues to spread like a cancer, as Jew world order continues to take-over, as economy continues to fail. It's all a tragedy, and Fetzer--what does he do?--but to religiously continue his passive deference to these Judaic monsters. It's a disgrace.

The least Fetzer can do is to analyze the culture like he analyzes the evidence for Sandy hoax, 9/11, and JFK. Fetzer should take notice of the horrific cultural satanism, analyzing it for what it is--subjectivism of extreme sort--what's so difficult about that?

And for goodness sakes, Fetzer should take note of significant detail of central-banking and the overwhelming role and effect of financing, not only for Sandy hoax, but for all these other fake shootings and hoaxes, and then how it all fits within the larger criminal regime of that central-banking.

Thus the people of all races can thereby begin to unite and coalesce at least against the horrific negative that has arisen like a great spectre--SATANISM--the worst is yet to come, collapse of currency and economy all but guaranteed, not to mention other likely consequences. The world needs the philosophicals like Fetzer to start doing their proper jobs for placing things in context/perspective.

Thus as this horrific satanism is understood as founded upon subjectivism, the volk can begin at least to agree to basic Christian principle and value of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this then necessarily founded upon objective reality (God-given).

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Dreadnought November 22, 2015 at 7:32 PM

Faceless nameless unidentifiable coward

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