Friday, November 6, 2015

Jew-satanic strangle-hold over present putrid Western "culture" is overwhelming, and ONLY more horror and catastrophe can change things....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Problem Is Satanism And Jews
(Apollonian, 6 Nov 15)

Yeah, but all this info u pt. out is being blocked by JEWS AND SATANISTS. Whatever happened on 9/11 had to have been done under auspices of the top Jew bankers, the master and topmost criminals overseeing everything about our horribly captive culture. See for expo on central-banking.

And Rebekah Roth DOES NOT at all "divert" fm this Jew/satanist problem; on the contrary. U're just lying on that pt., Goldstein.

For only further HORROR AND CATASTROPHE is going to change anything regarding this psycho-sociologic strangle-hold Jews and satanists have.

For in order to deal w. Jews, one must first deal w. their satanic cohorts: satanists (extreme subjectivists, especially moralists pushing "good-evil" delusion/fallacy) and the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics who support terror-state of Israel.

And the motivation will NOT come without further horror and catastrophe, as I noted. Further, enough of the gentile satanists who prop Jews will have to be removed and exterminated--which again, will not happen without further horror and catastrophe.

It's simply a grim business, this war against Jews and satanism, there being no easy way of going about things. People must understand there is and was most excellent reason for Jew-hatred all through the centuries--Jews = satanists, and now we see how and why--satanism is no laughing matter.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

Emmanuel Goldstein November 6, 2015 at 7:27 AM

Dr. Fetzer knows "Rebekah Roth" is a diversion from the evidence presented by Dr. Judy Wood. Dr. Fetzer knows that creating controversy about "Rebekah Roth" is a diversion from the evidence presented by Dr. Judy Wood. Dr. Fetzer knows I'm not Dr. Judy Wood but creates the controversy that I am Dr. Judy Wood which is a diversion from the evidence presented by Dr. Judy Wood. An opinion and an Internet connection does not make one a qualified forensic scientist with four decades of experience. Where were the "9/11 Truthers" when Dr. Judy Wood filed her federal Qui Tam case and the fact that none of the Truthers were interested in seeing this case in court – otherwise they would have supported it. As a matter of fact, Mr. Richard Gage banned those who supported Dr. Judy Wood’s federal Qui Tam case – or even told him about it. Crazy world...

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