Sunday, November 1, 2015

The course of cultural hubris arising in decay of culture, hubris becoming raging, rampant satanism, fueled and sustained by central-banking, Jews, etc....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism = Subjectivism, Taking Advantage Of Hubris, Central-Banking Scam
(Apollonian, 1 Nov 15)

(a) Well "happiness" is something in general, hence "Godly," but then there are more specific manifestations. Christ = Truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), only way to God.

(b) And EVERYONE is "religious" in one way or another, given definition of religion, habit of mind and subconscious, integrity of spirit, both conscious and subconscious.

(c) And that satanic power is of LIES (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and lying to which people become addicted, originally called by the Greeks, "HUBRIS," making oneself God or co-equal therewith, w. power of perfectly "free" human will, capable of creating reality, esp., typically starting w. "good"--Pharisaism, also known fm Christian theology (St. Augustine) as Pelagian heresy of "good works."

(d) And simplest form of such satanist hubris is (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM whence one takes one's own VIEW of reality to be actual reality, making oneself God.

(e) So we see thus, throughout history, as presently, most organized, "connected" satanists are
those criminals behind CENTRAL BANKING who literally COUNTERFEIT the "fiat-money" (actually now "currency") supply, buying-up everything and everybody--as we see presently w. US Federal Reserve Bank (see and for expo on central-banking).

(f) Finally, WHO are most organized, most "connected" of these satanists/subjectivists?--it's always been Jews as it's essence of their very religion, Talmudism (see and for expo), this even though number of subjectivists/satanists among gentiles has always, heretofore, been far greater.

(g) And historically, long as the central-banking system continues to be accepted by mass of people, the satanists remain on top, even though they know their scam must eventually collapse--for which eventuality they plan wars by which to make their escape, destroying the former host-culture/society, as we see.

(h) So is there "solution" to this problem of hubris and satanism/subjectivism?--perhaps not too easily as the corrupt culture breeds up substantial numbers of inferiors/weaklings who are yet quite fanatical (Jews, homosexuals, and "Judeo-Christian" cohorts) who must be killed-off and overcome so a remnant can survive. Such then is typical course of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

William St. George November 1, 2015 at 1:33 PM

As long as human beings believe that happiness is a commodity which can be purchased in the open market, they will contrive to get money and all that goes with it by any means. For religious people there is a problem with posing an evil force nearly, if not equally, as Powerful as God. Then they live in a world with two Powers. I believe the truth of the matter is that there is but one Power, and persons at various stages of development distort the events in their lives. Then a Satan or Lucifer is the problem. In the search externally for happiness a person will follow anyone who claims they have found the end of the rainbow.

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