Thursday, November 26, 2015

satanic motivations and developments now plain for all to see w. NATO/Turkey shooting-down of Russian jet....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Book Suppression Up-Staged Now By satanic Provocation For War
(Apollonian, 26 Nov 15)

Well folks, this story about crass suppression of Fetzer's book, "Nobody Died...," was good story for a few days, but observe now how it's been understandably up-staged by the insane shoot-down of the Russian jet over Syria. For suppression of books and info is mere routine in satanic society and course of cultural corruption and destruction.

The shoot-down goes to show a few things, like (a) the psychotic kikes WANT serious war, this latest shoot-down being obvious provocation by Jew S A, NATO, et al. (b) That Jew S A, NATO, and Turkey are all behind and supporting ISIS, not to mention Israel.

(c) And that one of the principle and immediate purposes of ISIS is to moving of "refugees" into West, Europe, and Jew S A, as means of furthering world dictatorship under United Nations (UN) auspices, breaking down of nat. sovereignty and borders.

Thus Greg Mannarino, noted investment analyst, affirms the Wall St. psychos want war as it will give pretext for "liquidity" and further "QE," spending, and thus saving their "derivatives" investments which are doomed without more inflation. See

So, my pt. is we see evermore for clarity of outright SATANIC course and motivations for things culturally, the specific instrument being that legalized COUNTERFEIT motif and criminal enterprise provided by central-banking, behind and at top of everything else--including ownership and control of that precious thing, Christianity, which used to guard the West fm satanism and these sublime Jewwy monsters at the center of this satanic juggernaut.

These satanic monsters and Jew masterminds arise and thrive as humanity becomes too successful, "prosperous," and actually now over-populated, the Jews and satanists herewith arranging for the inevitable, obligatory de-population of these stupid, hubris-filled scum, addicted to watching TV, called "people." Such then is inevitable "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in accord w. deterministic, Greek Tragedy.

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