Thursday, November 12, 2015

Rebekah Roth well-justified for no interest in Fetzer's show....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Rebekah Cannot Be Blamed For Not Wasting Her Time
(Apollonian, 12 Nov 15)

I think Rebekah makes lots more sense than Allan Powell--who, never doubt is mere agent of Jim Fetzer who is gross FAILURE as philosopher, philosophers supposed to being competent at placing things within proper context/perspective.

For 9/11 is an instance within a larger complex or abstraction, that larger criminal complex being that of central-banking, legalized COUNTERFEITING--this is the MASTER set within which one must place 9/11 and all the other particular instances. See for best expo on central-banking, also

And of course, central-banking is the topmost, most thoroughly sublime of all/any criminal enterprises--literally, legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which one (almost) magically, like fabled King Midas, applies the "golden-touch" and conjures "money" (now called "currency") where none had existed before.

The only thing needed for this central-banking fraud is a population of fools, goons, morons, scum, welfare-recipients, drug-addicts, in short, the general culture of the old Roman "bread and circuses" whence the people are easily distracted and gulled into thinking such "central-banking" is legitimate business, whose people don't and can't understand simple thing like MONEY--what it is and why it has to be that way--commodity-based, hence gold and/or silver.

For Rebekah, if u merely read her book(s) understands the fraud nature of central-banking and specifically the US Federal Reserve Bank.

And it's only the SATANIC culture and empire of lies then which is required to harbor and foster this central-banking fraud, satanism naturally and necessarily consisting of extreme subjectivism whence one hubristically makes oneself God and insists reality is merely what one makes of it by means of one's mentality/consciousness--subjectivism.

Rebekah seems to understand and grasp JEWS (Talmudists) are MASTERS of such subjectivism and even though massively out-numbered, at least presently, by the stupid gentiles, will control and dominate such subjectivist culture/society as Jews are collectivists by nature, far more organized, unified, and "connected" than the dumb, more individualistic, dis-organized gentiles.

And the Saudis and Bush-Clinton crime families are mere pawns and bag-men of the Jews. Israel itself is mere junior partner in the large Jew-controlled and -dominated criminal conspiracy which rules by means of this central-banking which churns out the funds to buying and bribing, also extorting practically all judges, politicians, bureaucrats, cops, college presidents and instructors, et al.

And Rebekah surely doesn't want to waste her time mired in the nit-picking and quibbling over details with such as Fetzer, the incompetent academic philosophical who cannot grasp the central-banking fraud to save his life.

Rebekah seems to sense Fetzer will refuse to do his proper duty as philosophic to generalizing fm details to grasping central-banking and satanism/subjectivism which now so horribly dominates and oppresses our pathetic culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Fetzer rather enjoys reciting long lists of details, and Rebekah doesn't want to "go there."

For now that Fetzer has given a hearing to Michael A. Hoffman II regarding Talmud and Jews, he presently needs to contact someone at (or or to finding-out all about central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, how it so totally takes over a society and entire culture, especially by means of SATANISM, which is mere extreme subjectivism--which Fetzer is supposed to know something about.

One cannot blame Rebekah, again, for not wanting to waste the time w. Fetzer as she probably doesn't feel too adept at explaining details as to what central-banking is and how it works. It's Fetzer who rather needs to do his own homework and learning how to use inductive logic to generalize to the master conspiracy controlling all the PARTICULAR others, including 9/11, JFK, Sandy hoax, etc.

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