Friday, November 13, 2015

Fetzer needs to practice proper philosophic art/craft of perspective/context--to seeing the satanic disaster which grips USA....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Fetzer, USA Must Wake-Up To Horrific Jew/Satanic Cultural Collapse
(Apollonian, 13 Nov 15)

U ask above, "is all lost?"--and u only have to analyze the situation in honesty: (a) Thus we're presently caught-up in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in which the people are psychologically captive to SATANISM and hubristic, extreme subjectivism by which too many imagine they affect and even create reality simply by means of their own mentality/consciousness--beginning, as they've been taught since very young, to attaining fallacious, hereticalist, non-existent "good" vs. "evil."

(b) Thus in midst of this horrific, satanic cultural/sociologic corruption, a literal gang of criminals has taken control of USA, now Jew S A, and the entire West, by means of criminal enterprise called CENTRAL-BANKING whence they legally COUNTERFEIT the former "money"-supply, now called "currency." See and/or for best expo on central-banking and US Federal Reserve Bank.

By means of this legalized counterfeiting, these criminals are enabled to print-out and digitalize nearly un-ending oceans of currency by which then to buying, bribing, and extorting practically all politicians, judges, bureaucrats, cops, the mass-corp. Jews-media, and all corp.s, public "edjumacation," and anyone who doesn't go along is assassinated.

(c) Problem w. Fetzer is he FAILS for proper philosophic job and analysis, perspective and context, keeping his vision limited to mere details, nit-picking and quibbling.

Thus Fetzer FAILS to see specific criminal acts, like 9/11, JFK, and Sandy hoax within proper context of larger, overall criminal conspiracy and enterprise of afore-mentioned Central-banking, this within the corrupt, satanic, Jew-infested and -dominated culture in CYCLIC Spenglerian "Decline...," etc.

And there are other problems, as I note, at which Fetzer fails, for example, the proper Christian, hence anti-Semitic, philosophy by which to counter-act and defeat the horrific, mass-murdering satanism which is continuing to prevail while Fetzer "fiddles" upon mere details as "Rome burns."

So among the various particular problems, people of USA must regain and re-discover that original, real Christian anti-semitism which would immediately oppose and counter-act present, horrific satanism/subjectivism which dominates and prevails, destroying the culture, society, people, and economy. Fetzer, as well as American people, need to wake-up and take heed of the Jew/satanic problem, to save our very lives.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Anonymous November 13, 2015 at 12:50 AM

You have these bastards nailed down, Dr. Fetzer. You have my eternal respect for standing up for reality.

The only real question left to answer is WHY HAVEN'T OUR 'AUTHORITIES' GONE AFTER THESE TRAITORS? Is all lost?

I can't believe the stonewalling the very people who pay these officials salaries receive in these matters. It is heartbreaking to have the government turn on it's own citizens like this.

I often think these now-rampant gun-control hoaxes are part and parcel; of the corporate demands hidden in the language of this latest travesty of a trade bill the government is trying to cram down our throats.

When these corporations demand the right to sue us for damages when we legitimately refuse to be abused, thus taking away from their ill-gotten gains, something has gone totally rotten in the core of American governance.

I pray people will run up against these traitors with whatever weapons are at hand and drive them out of the country I loved growing up...I am sick at the inaction.

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