Friday, September 12, 2014

We're being killed, slaughtered in numerous ways--by vaccines, poisonous fluoride in water, etc., but also by "chem-trails," don't doubt--death fm above....

Satanists, ZOG Psychopaths Killing Us With Numerous Poisons--Including, Especially From Above, By Chem-Trails
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 14)

Ck  And it, chem-trails, is PROVEN poison, suckers, don't doubt; see  And this chem-trail poisoning is aside fm the fluoride-in-the-water-poisoning, the tainted vaccines, poisonous GMO foods and additives, etc.--WAKE-UP, morons.

Thus the Satanists poison us, killing us (slowly), all while assuring us they're only concerned for our safety, etc.--and the stupid schizoid puke, who pretend they're "smart," continue to fail to register, continue to push for "global-warming," the dumb, little, bastard filth who insist they're "progressive," etc.

Stupid, scummy shits gotta figure out CHRISTIANITY IS ANTI-SEMITIC, necessarily, by essence and nature.

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