Wednesday, September 17, 2014

satanist VACCINES, administered by "loving" United Nations, massacres 36 poor children in Syria....

Satanists Massacre 36 Kids In Syria--By Means Of Vaccines, UN, Syrian "Rebels"
(Apollonian, 17 Sep 14)


See how poor people are mass-murdered--by their own "loving" governments (at least in Jew S A)?--in this case, in Syria, it wasn't by their gov., but rather by Jew-sponsored "rebels" and UN.  This (mass-murder by means of vaccines) is how UN is "reducing" populations.

But large portion of population, esp. the "schizoids" (see ref. expo on blog right-hand column), support this UN world-gov. activity, and then ANOTHER substantial portion is TOO STUPID to know not to go-along w. these puke "schizoidals" who pretend to "advance-thinking," "progressiveness," and "liberalism."

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