Sunday, September 14, 2014

satanists smug, happy, and laughing, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho

Satanists Smug, Happy, US Less Safe, Less Free
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 14)

Judge Nap confirms success of Satanists--and I hope all the little pukes, schizoids, "progressives," queers, "liberals," and advanced-thinkers are happy.  See

Could anything have ever been more simple?--(a) just murder people and do terror attacks (at which Jew/Israel are expert), (b) THEN BLAME IT ON MUZLIMS and "terrorists," (c) and now use these as pretext/excuse to take people's rights, overthrow Constitution, and further rip people off by means of inflation and bought-and-paid-for Congress to get tax-payers to "bail-out" "bankers" who went bankrupt deliberately, getting rich as they did so.

And how easy this all is when u control the Jews-media, public edjumacation, all establishment "Christian" churches and institutions, eh?  Easy as pie--and the stupid schizoid puke can't figure it out--and further, REFUSE to figure it out.

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