Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jew S A getting killed, softly, w. "soft-kill," every which way--it's what happens w. stupid puke addicted to bread & circuses....

Satanist ZOG Wants Amnesty For Murderers & Rapists--Moralist Schizoids Say, "Ho-Hum"
(Apollonian, 24 Sep 14)

Here's great story fm  So what's happening is Obongo is bringing in these illegal aliens, but not only, not JUST that--THEY'RE CRIMINALS, MURDERERS, AND RAPISTS, u get it?

Further, satanic ZOG WILL NOT say where these illegal invaders are being sent--but we're finding out--how?--by the marks left by these illegal scum as they commit rapes, murders, and crimes, even though, again, Obongo & co. are doing their best to cover it all up.

HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?--too goddamm many stupid puke among "citizens" here in Jew S A, who tolerate queers and kikes--SCHIZOID puke who believe in "good-evil."  And what about the politicians in Congress who know about it all, yet still allow it to happen?--well, they're well-paid off, aren't they?--by means of US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam which just prints-up money to pay-off all the judges and politicians they need.

And the stupid puke ("citizens" of Jew S A) don't give a shit--they're soooooooooo goddam desperately addicted to the "prosperity," eh?--they don't wanna hear about the Fed--bread & circuses is all they want.

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