Thursday, September 11, 2014

Illegal invaders violate laws, and it's ok, but citizens?--throw the book at those scummy puke, ho ho ho ho

Satanists Know They Can Push American Citizens With Impunity--Because They (Citizens) Are Stupidest Puke Imaginable, Schizoid, TV-Addicts, Hostages To False "Prosperity"
(Apollonian, 11 Sep 14)


"The two men, a 40-year-old American and a 44-year-old Canadian, were walking down a dirt road with mountain bikes near the border when they were approached by a Border Patrol agent.
"“Questioning by the agent revealed that the two suspects illegally entered the U.S. from Canada,” stated a Customs and Border Patrol press release. “Subsequently, both males were arrested for violation of U.S. law and transported to the Rangeley Station for further processing.”
"“Following database verifications, Border Patrol agents turned over both subjects to CBP officers at the Coburn Gore port of entry for assessment of fines and penalties.”
"Both men were “assessed a $5,000 civil penalty under 19 USC 1459 for Failure to Report” to border officials and it’s unlikely that either of them crossed the border in pursuit of Obama’s de facto amnesty for illegal aliens."

See what's happening?--Police, the super-rich, bureaucrats who work for the "ins" (like the IRS criminals who violated laws, persecuting the T-party and "patriot" groups, and James Clapper of "National Intelligence" who blatantly lied to Congress), NOT TO MENTION ILLEGAL ALIENS, can break the law w. impunity--but citizens?--citizens, the scummiest, most brainless suckers and turkeys, will be swat-teamed, tasered, and have the book absolutely thrown at them--get it?--'cause that's just the way it goes in Jew S A, otherwise known as satan's land--where are the Christians?

Christians don't seem to exist, do they?  For the Judeo-Christians (see and for expo) don't care about USA like they care about kikes in Israel, eh?--stupid puke.

Satanism truly THRIVES within a nation of puke--of schizoids who believe in "good-evil" and "climate-change" lies, such "progressives," "liberals," and advanced-thinkers they all are--not to mention so-called "Christians" who tolerate kikes.

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