Monday, September 8, 2014

"Good of the earth"--now that's great satanist reason for exterminating humanity, eh?

Pssssst, Satanists HATE Humanity, Reason, Reality, And Truth--Especially When It's For The "Good" Of Earth, Eh?  Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Here's great story about DELIBERATELY poisoned vaccines:  Think Satanists care about stupid puke?--ho ho ho--WHY should they, after all?  Ho ho hoh ho

Stupid schizoid morons BELIEVE in such idiot, satanic lies as "climate-change"--hrd about that?  Sooooooooooooooo, what's "solution"?--well we need dictatorship, like world gov. (like the United Nations [UN], eh?)--and a world gov. "program," like "AGENDA-21" whence gov. will REDUCE "population"--get it?  So how better to doing that, pop.-reduction, than poison vaccines which give people diseases rather than protect them fm it?

So in India, poor people are given the polio vaccine, right?--and what do they get?--polio, of course.  See

And poison vaccines aren't all--there's GMO foods, purest poison, fluoride poison in the drinking-water supplies, poison food additives, like aspartame, MSG, and others too.  Then there's the poisonous "chem-trails"--hrd about that?  See

And the schizoids, "progressives," and "liberals" love it, all this satanic poisoning and slow-kill mass-murder of the people--after all, it's for a "good" cause, right?--like for the "earth," right?  Ho ho ho ho

1 comment:

  1. This is story about the "corexit" poison deliberately sprayed on people of US gulf coast after the 2010 oil-rig disaster. Satanism kills, suckers.
