Monday, September 8, 2014

satanist "reality" is subjectivist, hence whatever is "cool," "hip," "whatever works," "good" and moralism being greatest enemy of truth & Christ....

Satanist Reality Determined By What's "Good," "Hip," "Cool"--What "Works"
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Ho-Hum: Obongo LIES--Again--Lies Being Par-For-The-Course In Satanist Reality, Never Forget

Ck showing Obongo lying--again.

But note this lying is par-for-the-course for Obongo who ALWAYS lies.  But remember, it's not Obongo himself, so much--Obongo is a criminal psychopath on his own merits, why he was picked for the job--as it is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers who script his acts and speeches and applaud him for the lies he tells on his own prerogative.

For LIES and lying are the "coin and currency" for treatment of the air-brain scum and morons who now make-up so much of the population, esp. the schizoids who "go-along," "progressives," "liberals," and advanced-thinkers.

For never forget: reality is whatever Jews and Satanists SAY it is in a subjectivist, moralistic reality ("whatever is good for Jews")--like the holohoax, "climate-change," etc.

So when u want votes, u just tell whatever lies it takes--and the moralistics, schizoids, and little puke on-the-make, trying for those jobs paying the "big-bucks," are sure to going along.

For remember: schizoids are first intimidated by "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy, taught and trained fm when they were little--it's now just second-nature for them as what's "hip" is automatically what's "cool" and "moral."  But don't worry--or think--too much about what "morality" really is--just logic btwn means and ends.

And in a subjectivist reality--"truth" is whatever works, whatever's "cool," "hip," and ESPECIALLY, "moral," morality dominating and determining truth--"whatever is good for Jews."  Such is Satanist reality--subjectivism and hubris founded upon the lie of "good" and moralism.

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