Monday, September 8, 2014

satanism, featuring child-abuse and -sacrifice pushed in-face of people--DESPITE "Christianity" crippled, hobbled, and mis-represented, mis-understood....

Satanism Rampant, Christianity Crippled, Hobbled, Mis-Represented, Mis-Understood
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Here's yet another instance of Satanism:

Thus children in England were abused--by Pakistanis--and nothing was done, this upon pretext of "racism"--or perhaps anti-racism, eh?  Now the puke involved who over-saw all the corruption and child-abuse is, first, removed fm England and REWARDED w. yet another position, this time in Australia, evidently.

Thus u see Satanists and Jews have a highly organized, international network.  And don't forget what these satanic creatures are all about, aside fm child-sacrifice, along w. mass-murder ("population-reduction") in accord w. the globalist "AGENDA-21," they want world dictatorship, funded by "central-banking," which central-banking is simply legalized COUNTERFEITING--a huge criminal monopoly and dictatorship, foisted by means of Jews and Satanists taking advantage of the phony "prosperity" and using the over-populated goons fm those few "prosperous" nations, mentally-cultivated in schizoidalism, to serve as the over-seers and enforcers, child-abuse and -sacrifice just one of the consequences, not to mention slavery and mass-murder. 

And the Satanism is not or too little opposed by the ostensive "Christian" element, which "Christianity," for the most part, is also phony, like the "prosperity," not really Christian--see and for expo on this phony Christianity ("Judeo-Christianity"), co-opted and corrupted by Jew funding, these phony "Christians" now intimidating practically all the other nominal Christians, poor fools.

The real Christianity is necessarily anti-Semitic, Christianity standing for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).  Thus Christian "truth" necessarily indicates the Aristotelian, OBJECTIVE reality, basis/premise for such truth which is otherwise meaningless, opposing Jew SUBJECTIVISM masked, foisted, and insinuated by means of moralism/Pharisaism.

And again, note Satanism is simply extreme subjectivism and hubris by which one makes oneself God, reality a creation of one's own mind, Christianity holding to the God-created reality, determined according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will.

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