Wednesday, September 17, 2014

satanists now sending US troops to African "ebola-zone"--but WHY?--to have them infected, bring them back to Jew S A--isn't it obvious?

American Troops To Ebola Zone?--WHY?--To Get Them Infected, Obviously
(Apollonian, 17 Sep 14)

Ck  They're going to send US troops into the ebola zone.  Is there any doubt about the satanic purpose?--the object is to get them (troops) infected, then bring them back to USA as way of infecting the entire USA.

And "schizoids" (see ref. essay at right-hand column, this blog) are all for it, never doubt--they're ALWAYS for whatever Jews-media, Daily Kos, and Huffington Post tell them is "cool"--it's what advance-thinkers do and think, after all, eh?  Ho ho ho ho

"Advanced-thinkers," "progressives," and "liberals," are always the stupidest, most destructive puke, always the foremost advocates of such as "civil-rights" (but actually preferential treatment for "minorities"), homosexual & gay rights, gay-marriage, un-limited immigration, amnesty for illegal immigrant invaders, raising taxes on the "rich" (but really the middle-class), more regulation (dictatorship of bureaucrats), esp. for the environment, esp. for "climate-change," etc.

And what's the foundation for these scummy puke "advanced-thinkers," the schizoids?--ALWAYS, always, always Pharisaism/moralism, fallacious, delusionary, hereticalist "good-evil," always, always, always, always--this is the basis.

Such is the psychology of inferiors and weaklings--too easily programmed w. INFERIORITY-COMPLEX, thus "good-evil" Pharisaism.

Satanists and Jews understand this condition, perhaps best of all, and this is how they manipulate the scummy little suckers, telling them they're such "advanced-thinkers," etc.

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