Monday, September 15, 2014

Satanic Joannie the Jew insists Christianity is given "bad name" if represented as "anti-semitic," ho ho ho ho

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Joannie The Jew Pretends To Be "Confused" About Real Christianity
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 14)

Joannie the Jew (see below-copied by Joannie): didn't u already say Christianity features "love for everyone"--which just plays into the Jews' hands?--as if u know anything about Christianity, ho ho hoh ho

"[G]iving Christians a bad name"?--but didn't we Christians ALREADY have a "bad name" among u Jews?--I consider that's just the way life goes, eh?

My "goal"?--it's good old Christian anti-Semitism--proper Christian obedience to God, eh?

U "never hrd" Christian speak truth, quoting the relevant passages?--who's problem is that? Ho ho ho ho.

So Joannie the Jew, u merely have to ask urself, "golly gee, but WHY do Jews hate Christianity so?"--is it because Christianity preaches idiotic, moron's "love" for everybody?--as u falsely assert? Ho ho ho ho

No Joannie the Jew, Jews hate Christianity because Christianity and Christ preaches TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, the ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)

Further, Christ reviled the Jews (Pharisees), as at Gosp. MATT ch 23, explaining Pharisees lie and diverge fm the law of Moses.

Why worry about what Christians say, anyway?--can't u read? Ho ho ho ho ho

No Joannie the Jew: Jews and their Satanist co-conspirators are the problem, and my "goal" is to solve this problem, and it's well-done by means of the real, anti-Semitic, Christianity--that's why I cite for a dummy like u the relevant passages, moron.

---------------------------------above by ap in response to below by Jew Joannie-------------------

Apsterian said:

"Don't Forget How/Why Kikes Hate Christ/Christianity"

I'm sorry, but I never heard a Christian speak like you do. You are giving Christians a bad name. Perhaps that is your goal.

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