Sunday, February 22, 2015

WHAT, in pt. of fact, IS "Christian virtue"?--one must ck New Test. TRUTH is ONLY way to Godly happiness; truth only exists in OBJECTIVE reality....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Virtue Requires Hatred Of Judaism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 22 Feb 15)

U say u're "still looking for a Christian."  And u ask, above, "[i]s hating Muslims a Christian value?  Is teaching kids to hate a Christian value?  Is scaring people a Christian value?  Is spreading terror and fear a Christian value?"

Thus one goes to New Test. to find what Christ said, what Christian value(s) are--and we see Christ = TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

And yes, it's Christian value to hate kikes (also known as Jews), these the satanic worshippers of lies (JOHN 8:44).  Note that Christianity and the world prospered under Christian hatred of Jews, in accord w. worship of TRUTH.  And as Christians forgot this necessary hatred of Jews, Christianity became corrupt and perverted--as we see now.

But what happened?--Christianity began to be thought of as mere version/variation of Judaism (satanism).  What was thought to be common to them, Christianity and Judaism, "faith," was then used to undermine and subvert Christianity as it subverted foremost Christian ideal of TRUTH.

For Christian "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, while Jew lies require that false "faith" understood as beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'.  And it began to be this corrupt beleeeeeeevin to be adopted by Christianity.

Thus present day "Christianity" of establishment sort is really Judeo-Christianity (JC--see and for best expo) which intimidates all the other "Christians."

So what's necessary remedy?--the proper understanding of Christianity, worship of truth, and hence the reinstatement of anti-semitism, Jews leaders of satanists, anti-Christianity, and anti-reason, anti-humanity, etc.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Christianity mis-understood, mis-represented, discredited--HOW?--by means of mis-understood, mis-construed concept of "faith"....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism Lite Encouraged, Popularized, Now Metastasized To Present-Day Raging, Mass-Murdering Monster
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 15)

Wow--this story (see above link) just goes to show how satanism-light arises through the superficial pop-culture, this after Christianity itself is diluted and virtually equated w. Judaism--how?--why?--because the concept of "faith" is (a) mis-understood (esp. in way of beleeeeeeeeeeevin'), (b) held to be common to both Christainity and Judaism, (c) hence Christianity and Judaism equated held to being essentially same things or mere variants of same basic thing--AS IF "faith" is what is essential and the thing being worshipped.

But Christianity is worship of truth (= Christ), reason being essential part of Holy Spirit, along w. honesty, by which truth is known and understood--TOTALLY OPPOSITE to Judaism, subjectivist worship of lies in which "truth" is merely what Jews SAY IT IS.  Thus for Judaism, "faith" necessarily means "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," TOTALLY DIFF. fm Christian reason which is AGAINST such obsessive presumption, "faith" only properly meaning LOYALTY.

Thus observe how the original Christian worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) is turned around by means of this equivocation fallacy upon concept of "faith": Christianity is held to being mysticism, while Jew satanists and subjectivists are presented as being paragons of REASON.

Further, anti-Christ, satanic Judeo-Christianity founded upon this Judaically-construed mystic "faith" (of "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'") is now held to preaching the Pelagian heresy of fallacious, delusionary, Pharisaic "good-evil"

Thus one observes the RISE OF SATANISM within a corrupt culture, the original Christianity mis-represented, mis-understood, and dis-credited BY MEANS OF concept of corrupted, mis-construed, mis-understood, fallacious "faith" of Judaic beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'--against the real Christian LOYALTY.

Of course, another condition for this rise of satanism is the cultural circumstances of the 70s and lack of present-day internet which allowed for the superficial grasp of understanding for these religious-aesthetic-psychologic issues, and the easy popularization of this satanism lite--a cancer which has now metastasized into the raging, horrific, mass-murdering sort of satanism we suffer from today.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Reality is DETERMINED (cause-effect)--cannot be changed by mere human will--confirmed by Holy Spirit and HONESTY....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Human Concord Requires Holy Spirit--Always Arising In Cyclic Fashion From Previous Strife, Misery
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 15)

I will attempt to approach this essay of urs by taking certain statements made and then replying to them; I'll do this in the order written so as to preserve, much as possible, the overall logic of the essay.

(a) U say u "don't understand religion." But note religion is just a symbolical-type, aestheticalist approach/rendition, substitute for more formal philosophy--for remember MOST people can't handle straight-out, strict logical/scientific -type formulations--they need stuff put to them in way of a story--like kids (or children). Note Christ referred to the mass of people as "flock" of sheep, Christ the "good Shepherd."

Thus Christ NEVER spoke like college professor--he told the people, who were surely mostly illiterate, stories, called "parables," mostly referencing the stories people were already familiar w. fm Old Test.

Thus we come to the sublime, divine Christian "religion" w. embedded philosophy, Christ = TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this against Jew (Pharisaic) lies (JOHN 8:44).
Pt. then is "truth" necessitates under-lying, implicit objective reality (Aristotle) serving as criterion/basis thereto--against subjectivism, basis of satanism and lies.

(b) Thus, as reality is objective, it's determined (according to absolute cause-effect) and CYCLIC--every successful political system first arises, but then eventually corrupts, like Roman empire, for example, often due to over-population, the people, too many of them, becoming corrupt and hubristic, adopting subjectivism, especially in guise of "good-evil," the inferior (corrupted) masses insisting upon socialism, etc., as part of "good" pretensions.

In conclusion, I endorse ur final sentence and paragraph regarding "limits of our abilities...." Eventually every and any system corrupts and collapses in CYCLIC fashion (as "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler). Un-fortunately, the "decline" stage is marked by ascendancy of hubris and lies, truth struggling--it's a time of gross and dire struggle, strife, and warfare.

U've got to begin to understanding human beings as "sinners," given to hubris, irrationality, and thus subjectivism, their civilization corrupting and collapsing, warfare being INEVITABLE--in the inexorable CYCLIC course of events. And it's impossible for this basic human condition to changing--they wouldn't be human (sinners) otherwise. Only thing to be done then is to minimize the warfare much as possible--as always--such is the "sinful" human condition, mediated by the divine wisdom, reason being integral part of Holy Spirit, along w. HONESTY.

Monday, February 2, 2015

satanism--it continues to metastasize, like cancer, getting worse and worse....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Problem Is satanism--It Just Keeps Getting Worse
(Apollonian, 2 Feb 15)

I notice the word, "archons" (rulers, in Greek), which u'd earlier, a few blogs ago, mentioned as alternatives to Jews as problems.  I didn't know if u were joking, and I asked for a ref., which u seem to give here.  I still think it's up to u to explain, and I don't see how taking attn. away fm Jews as problems solves anything.

Jews are the most united, committed, "connected" criminals--that's the problem--these criminals, Jews the leaders of "organized crime" (beginning w. legalized COUNTERFEITING), Jews the foremost satanists, satanism founded in subjectivism, the more extreme the subjectivism, the more satanist.

Of course, there's also larger circumstances, the CYCLIC nature of history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, within which Jew satanists work against and with the now over-populated hordes of inferiors and weaklings who accept subjectivism as their reality, beginning w. child's "good-evil," which they never grow out of, Jews taking advantage.

So given the continuing success of satanism, question is how humanity can survive; thus I continue to preach the necessary Christianity--BUT it's got to be the REAL thing--which will succeed against this dread satanism which, so far, keeps tightening its grip.  What cultural, philosophic, religious -type drama, eh?

Lots of people have actually caught-on to the continuing rise of satanism--if u just ck u-tube vids by Mark Dice and such as the "vigilant Christian," and others too, their vids getting thousands of hits.
But the trick, so far un-successful, seems to be for people to grasp a genuine understanding of Christianity (anti-satanism) that's both (a) true and (b) effective.  Some of the Jews squirm and squeal (about anti-semitism, as usual), but the satanists continue to laugh.

Yesterday, the 1st of Feb. was "Super-Bowl" Sunday, a big sort of holiday for a big game "event"--it was notable for the satanic half-time entertainment, starring satanic "hip-hop" musical "artist," Katy Perry, pushing same-sex marriage, etc., as usual for these homosexual scum who imagine they're rising to dominate the "culture," such as it is.

Unfortunately, here in USA, things aren't yet too horrible, people not yet massively starving, though we are well into massive un-employment among the volk--welfare system is being STRAINED, and when the dollar begins to seriously collapse, so will the welfare system, and THEN we'll have serious starvation--that's when things will get bad.  I hope things are going well for u good folks in Australia.  Take care.  A.