Sunday, February 22, 2015

WHAT, in pt. of fact, IS "Christian virtue"?--one must ck New Test. TRUTH is ONLY way to Godly happiness; truth only exists in OBJECTIVE reality....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Christian Virtue Requires Hatred Of Judaism, Satanism
(Apollonian, 22 Feb 15)

U say u're "still looking for a Christian."  And u ask, above, "[i]s hating Muslims a Christian value?  Is teaching kids to hate a Christian value?  Is scaring people a Christian value?  Is spreading terror and fear a Christian value?"

Thus one goes to New Test. to find what Christ said, what Christian value(s) are--and we see Christ = TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

And yes, it's Christian value to hate kikes (also known as Jews), these the satanic worshippers of lies (JOHN 8:44).  Note that Christianity and the world prospered under Christian hatred of Jews, in accord w. worship of TRUTH.  And as Christians forgot this necessary hatred of Jews, Christianity became corrupt and perverted--as we see now.

But what happened?--Christianity began to be thought of as mere version/variation of Judaism (satanism).  What was thought to be common to them, Christianity and Judaism, "faith," was then used to undermine and subvert Christianity as it subverted foremost Christian ideal of TRUTH.

For Christian "faith" only properly means LOYALTY, while Jew lies require that false "faith" understood as beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'.  And it began to be this corrupt beleeeeeeevin to be adopted by Christianity.

Thus present day "Christianity" of establishment sort is really Judeo-Christianity (JC--see and for best expo) which intimidates all the other "Christians."

So what's necessary remedy?--the proper understanding of Christianity, worship of truth, and hence the reinstatement of anti-semitism, Jews leaders of satanists, anti-Christianity, and anti-reason, anti-humanity, etc.

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