Monday, March 2, 2015

Christian Holy Trinity: is it really sooooo "mysterious"?....

Below-copied essays by ap first published at comments,

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Christian TRUTH: Necessary And Essential
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 15)

Wendy: I'm not sure if Trinity is exactly the basic foundation of Christianity as there's nothing specifically said in New Test., especially the Gospels, about it.  Only thing we have about Christ being God fm Gosp.s seems to be fm JOHN's, this obliquely--no other Gosp. says Christ is God.

I've always thought Trinity is product of the later Church, like concept of Purgatory, there being all the controversy and the Church Councils working to clarify things.  And we know Christ came to clarify and restate the Mosaic Law, though not changing the essence of it--this explicitly against the Pharisees who insisted they would "interpret."

Thus if we keep it simple, we see Christianity is about Christ who is TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), setting up the equation, truth = happiness.  Holy Spirit then must connect w. TRUTH, reason and honesty being primary means within a sublime integrity.

Thus philosophically, we see Christ upholds the objective reality, God-created, necessary basis of truth--against the Pharisees, satanic liars (JOHN 8:44), who imagine they kill truth (Christ), which yet resurrects, as they please, and who insist upon subjectivism always premised upon "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy) which so much intimidates children, esp. then in form of guilt and inferiority complex, leaving them traumatized for the rest of their lives, subject then to manipulation by means of psy-ops--as we see today.

Thus we have the present problem for understanding of "faith," a word used by many, including Jews and Christians, but meaning diff. things, the Jews insisting it means "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," but for Christians only properly meaning LOYALTY.  For beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' doesn't make anything true--which confusion, unfortunately, afflicts too many "Christians" nowadays.

If one considers, one sees how subjectivism and lies require "beleeeeeeeeeevin'," whereas for Christians only LOYALTY is the proper virtue, most appropriate to the truth known and grasped by honest and rational intellect.

And it's great and inspiring thing for good Christians to be discussing subject of Christian Trinity as u do so forthrightly, encouraging the rest of us.  For we here in USA are in truly horrible difficulty and predicament, and we desperately need a Christian revival and resurgence, people unified against the satanic power which is in-our-face blatant, rampant and raging.

Dan Antion said:
I just thought I’d say that I enjoy these posts as much as your other ones. You have a great talent at mixing the right words with the right images. Nicely done Wendy.

Christian Cultual Revival, Resurgence Is Much Needed, Appreciated, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 1 Mar 15)

Indeed, I second Mr. Dan A., above, for Wendy's great gift and talent for illustration--can't get better than these old Renaissance/Baroque masters.  Wendy's also very good writer too for verbal expression--hence a true all-round artist.  And being out-spoken for Christianity is very much needed these days, esp. for encouraging others for consideration and expression.

I'm not exaggerating a whit when I pt. out that satanism is rampant in West and USA too--something un-heard of and un-precedented in our entire Western hist., esp. in "hip-hop" and "rap" music, not to mention the typical Helly-wood movies evermore.  There were always isolated instances, but not like we have today--an all-encompassing, full-fledged campaign, culture-wide.  Lord knows we need more artists like Wendy, for sure.

To me, the real artistic touch is demonstrated in the DEPTH of spirit reflected in the (outward) expression and style.  Anyone who sees and looks upon Wendy's masterly illustrations cannot fail to be heavily impressed--but she backs-up these illustrations w. great ideas too.

So Wendy, seriously--don't be surprised if u come to lead, even if only by example, an entire SCHOOL of illustrators and commentators--the satanists will first, of course, IGNORE u and pretend u don't exist or aren't significant; as u then begin to become noted by the people, then they will attack most intensely, esp. w. ridicule, this then just prior to stage of pretending they "knew" all about what it was u were telling them all along.

By all means, continue w. ur outstanding work: people not only appreciate it, we all NEED it urgently, it coming at precisely the critical moment in history of increasingly out-of-control satanism.

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