Monday, March 23, 2015

People gotta grasp: (a) it's Christian TRUTH vs. satanic (Jew) lies, (b) satanism founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, irrationalism, moralist guilt-complex....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism Is The Problem, Nothing Less
(Apollonian, 23 Mar 15)

Well, I gave my "argumentation," as u can see, in some (even tiresome) detail, and what do I get for it?--soooooooooooooooooo, I just thought I'd repay in similar kind.  I simply asked if the "spider" is satanist, right?--and obviously it is.  So what further argumentation is due or appropriate?

Do u begin to see what we're actually up against, tiger?--just simple, outright satanism, that's all.  Such is life in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

It's now come-out Jew S A is actually arming and re-supplying ISIS--it's on mainstream news, even (see  And Israel is providing medical support for "Al Nusra," these being close allies to al Qaeda and ISIS.  All the "terrorism" is funded and directed by CIA/FBI/MOSSAD/MI6 and their flunky agencies in Saudi and Pakistan--get it?

It's satanism we're up against, tiger, irrationality for the sake of irrationality--not mere murder inc., but MASS-murder inc.--that's why they're feeding us poisonous GMOs, inflicting toxic vaccines, etc.  The way they treat Palestinians is way they're treating US.

So tiger, HOW do u propose to treating such satanism?--do u even acknowledge that's what's happening?--do u grasp what it is, what it means?

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