Saturday, March 21, 2015

The "greens"?--they're just more liars and mouth-pieces for their Jewwy-satanic masterminds....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://flyingtigercomics.wordpress..../#comment-1295

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"Greens"?--Just Diff. Guise For Same Old Lies, Liars, Jews, And satanists
(Apollonian, 21 Mar 15)

"Just another commie"?--well, ok, but who are the "commies," anyway?--well, they're a gang of enforcers and thugs led by, and working for Jews, right? And then of course, who are Jews?--they're just the top criminals, following a satanic religion of criminality, war against the gentile--a religious sect of criminals and liars.

And these Jew criminals (a redundancy) is the leading element of "bankers," actually legalized COUNTERFEITERS, who have taken over a country and empire, the monetary system corrupted, criminalized, and now the criminals work to perpetuate their rule--which requires constant warfare, which steadily degrades and de-populates the countries involved, leading to inevitable ruin, these Jews (and associate goyim who actually out-number Jews, but who willingly take orders) being the grave-diggers of any given civilization/culture, as history demonstrates.

So the "commies" still exist, but their popularity isn't what it was, so now we just have a diff. set of fronts, or mouth-pieces and enforcers for the banker criminals at the top, who spout a merely slightly diff. pretext for same old dictatorship, this time it's the "environment"--whereas before, it was the welfare of the proletariat for the commies.

Basic "ethics" is the same, as for commies--altruism and self-sacrifice, the individual "owing" to the collective for welfare of someone or something else--of "workers," for commies, but nowadays, for the welfare of the earth, etc. Thus the "greens" merely assume a "technocratic" style.

Thus Jews and liars NEVER stop lying--as the people themselves never stop being susceptible to HUBRIS, that childish pretension to being "good" and morally virtuous, rendering themselves subject to blandishments of liars, Jews, satanists, all now in guise of "green environmentalism."

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