Friday, February 13, 2015

Christianity mis-understood, mis-represented, discredited--HOW?--by means of mis-understood, mis-construed concept of "faith"....

Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments,

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Satanism Lite Encouraged, Popularized, Now Metastasized To Present-Day Raging, Mass-Murdering Monster
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 15)

Wow--this story (see above link) just goes to show how satanism-light arises through the superficial pop-culture, this after Christianity itself is diluted and virtually equated w. Judaism--how?--why?--because the concept of "faith" is (a) mis-understood (esp. in way of beleeeeeeeeeeevin'), (b) held to be common to both Christainity and Judaism, (c) hence Christianity and Judaism equated held to being essentially same things or mere variants of same basic thing--AS IF "faith" is what is essential and the thing being worshipped.

But Christianity is worship of truth (= Christ), reason being essential part of Holy Spirit, along w. honesty, by which truth is known and understood--TOTALLY OPPOSITE to Judaism, subjectivist worship of lies in which "truth" is merely what Jews SAY IT IS.  Thus for Judaism, "faith" necessarily means "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," TOTALLY DIFF. fm Christian reason which is AGAINST such obsessive presumption, "faith" only properly meaning LOYALTY.

Thus observe how the original Christian worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44) is turned around by means of this equivocation fallacy upon concept of "faith": Christianity is held to being mysticism, while Jew satanists and subjectivists are presented as being paragons of REASON.

Further, anti-Christ, satanic Judeo-Christianity founded upon this Judaically-construed mystic "faith" (of "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'") is now held to preaching the Pelagian heresy of fallacious, delusionary, Pharisaic "good-evil"

Thus one observes the RISE OF SATANISM within a corrupt culture, the original Christianity mis-represented, mis-understood, and dis-credited BY MEANS OF concept of corrupted, mis-construed, mis-understood, fallacious "faith" of Judaic beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'--against the real Christian LOYALTY.

Of course, another condition for this rise of satanism is the cultural circumstances of the 70s and lack of present-day internet which allowed for the superficial grasp of understanding for these religious-aesthetic-psychologic issues, and the easy popularization of this satanism lite--a cancer which has now metastasized into the raging, horrific, mass-murdering sort of satanism we suffer from today.

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