Monday, September 29, 2014

BIG-LIES Thrive in satanist culture/society, dominated by Jews, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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BIG-LIEs Like JFK, 9/11 Thrive Within Corrupt, Jew-Dominated Culture Of Spenglerian "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 29 Sep 14)

barryb (see below-copied): the problem w. such events as Sandy Hook, JFK, and 9/11 is one of philosophy and its application for induction to the larger context.

For what's happening w. these incidents?--the BIG-LIE psy-ops being put-over the people. Thus the BIG-LIE(s) succeed as the people fear to face fact incidents were done by conspirators perpetrating false-flag.

HOW then does such big-lies occur and actually succeed?--answer: the larger context of fear among the people fearing to overthrow the prevailing regime of Jew-worship, Jew-sympathy, Jew-orientation--the society TOTALLY dominated by Jews, their collaborators, and the general regime of, specifically, US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING within the false-prosperity, within the CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For the Jews feature the regime of LIES, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 8:44, BEGINNING w. subjectivism and hereticalist moralism/Pharisaism of child's "good-evil."

To be sure, the Jews don't necessarily originate this putrid moralism/Pharisaism of fallacious/delusionary "good-evil," but they brilliantly capitalize--as by means of their legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which completely takes-over the culture by means of literally buying everything and everyone, one way or another.

For even Ron Paul, who exposes the Fed COUNTERFEITING scam, realizes he must be careful for fear of assassination. We see now even Rand Paul is sucking-up to Israel for campaign funding.
Thus the REAL Christianity must be revived--featuring anti-Semitism--anti-lies. Hence the REAL Christianity must be re-discovered--worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts, truth requiring the Aristotelian objectivity.

So u see, BIG-LIES thrive within the corrupt, Jew-friendly, moralistic, subjectivist, thus thoroughly CORRUPT society/culture in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

And this putrid, Jew-dominated culture of BIG-LIES will CONTINUE long as US Dollar continues as significant reserve-currency propping the phony "prosperity" of Jew S A.

----------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

barrybSeptember 29, 2014 at 9:11 AM

Excellent show. I like Preston's optimism, but tend to think that they will conceal the issues for decades. Perhaps Fast and Furious will gain widespread attention. Sadly, they will give 9/11 and Sandy Hook the JFK treatment to conceal and confuse.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Never doubt: Jews' Talmud, Zohar are manuals for satanism presently ravaging the world....

Below-copied first published at comments,

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Clare K. Needs To Getting A Brain
(Apollonian, 28 Sep 14)

Clare: u brilliant little moron, the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam is necessarily, by definition, the APEX of all organized crime which couldn't otherwise exist without the Fed which finances everything--fm buying politicians, judges, lawyers, bureaucrats, police, and/or extorting them and assassinating those who fail to go-along, PERIOD.

So who then are topmost master-minds of the bankers?--JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS JEWS--all the rest are mere suck-alongs, minions, henchmen, window-dressing, and "cut-outs."
FOR ONLY JEWS have the tight-knit organization and connection for being "thick-as-thieves," serving as master-minds, top-dogs, head-honchos, etc.

Proof is Jews are above criticism, all politicians sucking-up to Israeli terror state, Murder Incorporated, as they ruthlessly mass-murder Palestinians, and anyone else, w. 3 and probably 4 of the Sup. ct. justices (Soto-Mayor probably a crypto), 7 of 11 on Nat. Security council, owning/controlling all major corp.s, providing CEOs and CFOs for all of them, etc., etc., etc.--get a clue, fool--get a brain--OPEN UR EYES and quit being stupid. I thought u were supposed to be "smart"?--almost smart as a kike, eh? Ho ho ho ho


Oh yes, AND I forgot to mention the Jews' manual for satanic perdition, the TALMUD--u really need to find-out what this murderous, devilish Talmud is all about, Clare K., who pretends to knowing so much, even w. all ur idiotic babbling.

Jews are FOREMOST liars (Gosp. JOHN 8:44)--why/how?--because they deny any reality but for that which serves their purposes, they being their own "messiah," they being the reason God exists, God merely their attack-dog who kills their enemies for them, God being their slave who re-arranges reality for these infernal monsters in human-form, called kikes.

Jews are universally hated for good reason, Clare--u need to getting major clue.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by Clare----------------

Clare KuehnSeptember 27, 2014 at 1:59 PM

Joan, you're right in emphasizing the intelligence creeps, but the fact is that not only important (as Apsterian partly points out) is the question of who influences CIA a lot (not only Jews), but also who ordered or facilitated the coup (LBJ and Hoover) inside other channels (secret service traitors, etc.), and who helped in other ways (mafia, corporate leaders), is important.

I think by "CIA" you're meaning not to limit things to one man's orders (LBJ), and the title "LBJ, Mastermind of the JFK Assassination" unfortunately does that, while being nevertheless an excellent study of LBJ, his role and the CIA's, partly.


apsterianSeptember 27, 2014 at 8:47 AM
To say CIA killed JFK says nothing, for WHO controls CIA?--it's the Wall St. "bankers," eh?--Jews--Jews and their sympathizers and cohorts.

Friday, September 26, 2014

satanic ZOG evermore insane, lawless, arbitrary....

Satanist Soc. Sec. (ZOG) Will Steal Ur Money--On Idiotic Pretext
(Apollonian, 26 Sep 14)

Ck  Satanist ZOG took these folks' Soc. Sec. money, rightfully owed to them (given the general prevailing cultural/societal understanding, anyway--so far as I know, anyway)--why?--how?--BECAUSE THEY WERE RELATED TO THOSE ZOG DETERMINED OWED ZOG--seriously--this is how bad, how pathetic it's getting, morons.

Get it?--they're doing anything they pls, KNOWING they don't have to worry about anything.

Comrades: u GOTTA get a clue--this is satanism we're up against, nothing other, nothing less, and there's only ONE THING that can possibly work against it, Christianity, the REAL, anti-Semitic thing--and even that's going to be tough, in short term, as this present cultural "decline" will have to work itself out, like a forest fire which must BURN ITSELF OUT, nothing capable, at this pt., of stopping things immediately.

Thus Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, once again, this necessarily based-upon and implying Aristotelian objectivity, hence determinism (absolute cause-effect)--no perfectly "free" will, no "good-evil."

Thus ZOG will only collapse when the currency, US Dollar, collapses--and we Christian patriots must be ready, much as this is possible, practical.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jew S A getting killed, softly, w. "soft-kill," every which way--it's what happens w. stupid puke addicted to bread & circuses....

Satanist ZOG Wants Amnesty For Murderers & Rapists--Moralist Schizoids Say, "Ho-Hum"
(Apollonian, 24 Sep 14)

Here's great story fm  So what's happening is Obongo is bringing in these illegal aliens, but not only, not JUST that--THEY'RE CRIMINALS, MURDERERS, AND RAPISTS, u get it?

Further, satanic ZOG WILL NOT say where these illegal invaders are being sent--but we're finding out--how?--by the marks left by these illegal scum as they commit rapes, murders, and crimes, even though, again, Obongo & co. are doing their best to cover it all up.

HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?--too goddamm many stupid puke among "citizens" here in Jew S A, who tolerate queers and kikes--SCHIZOID puke who believe in "good-evil."  And what about the politicians in Congress who know about it all, yet still allow it to happen?--well, they're well-paid off, aren't they?--by means of US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam which just prints-up money to pay-off all the judges and politicians they need.

And the stupid puke ("citizens" of Jew S A) don't give a shit--they're soooooooooo goddam desperately addicted to the "prosperity," eh?--they don't wanna hear about the Fed--bread & circuses is all they want.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

satanic race-war encouraged by Jews, willingly prosecuted by stupid niggas on stupid whites--almost funny, eh?....

Satanic Race-War, Foisted By ZOG Against White Morons--Confirmed
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 14)

Ck  So now we have confirmation of the little war going on by the niggas against whites--but niggas can only really get their hands on those whites dumb enough to let themselves get too near stupid niggas.

Thus the niggas are encouraged to think they're owed by whites, etc., taught this by satanic, Jew-sponsored "edjumacation," and further, when they're caught, they're given light sentences by the Jew-dominated legal system.

Monday, September 22, 2014

satanist puke bring in Afgan troops (who went AWOL) as obvious pretext for another false-flag....

Satanists Bring In Afgan Troops To USA--For Excuse For Another False-Flag, Naturally
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 14)

Ck  Alex Jones ( tells us about Afgan troops being trained here in Jew S A went AWOL--perfect for a false-flag.  These Afgans are also known for killing American troops, don't forget.

After all, what kind of scum would really want to work w. satanic ZOG?  So when the Afgan troops figure-out what ZOG is really all about why wouldn't they do their best to kill American troops?--esp. if they really are patriots, eh?  Ho ho ho ho

Meantime US citizens on US territory are ordered to remove US flags, why?--because it "might offend foreigners."  See

Satanists are laughing and happy as US continues pathetic CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West," the idiot people/citizenry entertaining satanist Judaism like it's legitimate religion, dumbass, ignorant puke.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

satanists in Australia continue to add to police-state powers, morons continuing to sitting-still....

Satanist Police-State Continues To Advance
(Apollonian, 21 Sep 14)

Ck  So in Australia they're continuing taking rights of citizens, now giving the police more legal pretext to encourage them to murder the people and dissidents who will be called "terrorists," the satanic powers KNOWING the people have all/every grounds for righteous rebellion.

And this advancing police-state began as these bold Satanists staged "terror" false-flags, blamed it on "terrorists" and Musselmen, the dumb, brainless, schizoid (see ref. expo on schizoids) puke, calling themselves "citizens," went along w. it, and stood still for Jewwy criminals taking their rights--hey, why not, if people can be sooooooooooooooo goddam stupid--if it can, it will happen, eh?

So this idiocy will continue as West continues Spenglerian CYCLIC "decline," though evermore will belatedly, slowly, gradually achieve awareness--this awakening then, must be encouraged much as possible, even as things seem sooooooo HOPELESS, don't forget.  Note the worse it all gets, the more will the people begin to stirring, looking around, and asking questions.

Patriots must be ready to (a) explain the Spenglerian cultural "decline," (b) how Christianity has been Judaized and hi-jacked fm the original, proper anti-Semitism, (c) Christianity properly worshipping TRUTH above all, hence reason, rationality, and honesty, (d) and the PRACTICAL weapon Jews use, the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam/fraud to buying everything and practically everyone.

And ZOG can and must be taken-down by means of US Constitution, states rights, primacy of local gov., nullification, and secession, never forget.  Continue to hanging-in, by all means.

Friday, September 19, 2014

satanism is the problem--get a clue--and it, this putrid satanism, comes fm Jews, and Christianity--ANTI-SEMITISM--is the only proper answer....

Jew S A Is Suffering FM OUTRIGHT Satanism--People Need To Face It--And Only Solution Is Real Christianity, Featuring EXPLICIT ANTI-SEMITISM
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 14)

Ck, the Alex Jones show for today, 19 Sep 14, Friday, 3rd hr of the show whence Alex describes the satanistic state in copious detail--it's Alex at his best, cogent, detailed, most poignant--it's why I like old Alex, when he's doing well, not lying, like about Hitler.

See, u must understand the situation has gone "critical"--it's a matter of irrationality for sake of irrationality.  Cops are literally robbing people, taking their money, knowing the corrupt judges will back them up.  CPS (Child Protection) bureaucrats are deliberately trying to kid-nap kids fm their parents under color-of-law, etc., etc., etc.--get the picture?

How is this satanist corruption happening?--too godamn many scummy puke for people--too many schizoids--ck ref. expo at right-hand column, this blog.

Remember: the satanism follows fm Jews--Judaism IS SATANISM.  And Christianity is anti-Semitic and anti-satanist by necessary essence and nature.

Of course, goyim can be satanist too, but the Jews make it organized, centralized, and they make sure there's huge financing behind it all.

Dumb sons-of-bitches MUST, to save their stupid lives, figure-out the REAL nature of Christianity, why it's so necessary and needed--WHY IT MUST BE UNDERSTOOD PROPERLY--AS EXPLICITLY ANTI-SEMITIC.  And if it's NOT anti-Semitic, then it's NOT Christianity.

Thus satanism is subjectivism and Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, above all/any, truth necessarily founded on objective reality.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

satanistic Israel's treatment of Palestinians is coming here to Jew S A, never doubt....

The Satanist State: ISRAEL--Here's How Satanism Works
(Apollonian, 18 Sep 14)

Ck to see what satanism is all about, fm the "horse's mouth," so to speak, this story written by a Jew, Lendman.

The only further satanists would be the banker master-minds of Jew S A and the West.

Remember, there's lots of schizoids (see ref. expo essay) in Jew S A--so there must be enough satanists to manage, herd, manipulate, motivate, and exhort them, ho ho ho ho.

Thus, u see, Judaism is itself satanism, and it's amazing people don't realize it, esp. if they're Christians--but it only goes to show how corrupt establishment Christianity has become.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

satanist ZOG owns everyone--get it?--esp. the kidsoes, u poor fools....

Get A Clue, Suckers: satanic ZOG Is Gonna Take Ur Kids, Dumbasses--It's Only Matter Of Time
(Apollonian, 17 Sep 14)

Ck  Satanist ZOG considers they own ur kids, morons.  See, u gotta follow their idiot rules (which is impossible, see), and if u don't, well then--they, ZOG, gets to take them, get it?--slick, eh?

And ZOG Satanists CONTINUE to push and push and push--why not?--when they have nothing but idiots, fools, and brainless scum for opposition, eh?--the WEAK will fall, by God--and u'd better figure it out, u stupid puke.

Tolerate Jews?--u're gonna suffer and be enslaved--that's all there is to it, morons.  Believe in "good-evil" like stupid little children?--u're gonna die, dumbasses--that's the root of it all.

So what's going to happen?--will people get wise about these filthy Jews and cohorts?--probably not.  So what, then?--well, there's going to be suffering, war, famines, plagues, WHAT DID U THINK, stupid scum?

U don't want to do what it takes?--ANTI-SEMITISM, fools--to be free, secure, and healthy?--why complain when u get what u deserve, u dumb bastards?

satanists now sending US troops to African "ebola-zone"--but WHY?--to have them infected, bring them back to Jew S A--isn't it obvious?

American Troops To Ebola Zone?--WHY?--To Get Them Infected, Obviously
(Apollonian, 17 Sep 14)

Ck  They're going to send US troops into the ebola zone.  Is there any doubt about the satanic purpose?--the object is to get them (troops) infected, then bring them back to USA as way of infecting the entire USA.

And "schizoids" (see ref. essay at right-hand column, this blog) are all for it, never doubt--they're ALWAYS for whatever Jews-media, Daily Kos, and Huffington Post tell them is "cool"--it's what advance-thinkers do and think, after all, eh?  Ho ho ho ho

"Advanced-thinkers," "progressives," and "liberals," are always the stupidest, most destructive puke, always the foremost advocates of such as "civil-rights" (but actually preferential treatment for "minorities"), homosexual & gay rights, gay-marriage, un-limited immigration, amnesty for illegal immigrant invaders, raising taxes on the "rich" (but really the middle-class), more regulation (dictatorship of bureaucrats), esp. for the environment, esp. for "climate-change," etc.

And what's the foundation for these scummy puke "advanced-thinkers," the schizoids?--ALWAYS, always, always Pharisaism/moralism, fallacious, delusionary, hereticalist "good-evil," always, always, always, always--this is the basis.

Such is the psychology of inferiors and weaklings--too easily programmed w. INFERIORITY-COMPLEX, thus "good-evil" Pharisaism.

Satanists and Jews understand this condition, perhaps best of all, and this is how they manipulate the scummy little suckers, telling them they're such "advanced-thinkers," etc.

satanist VACCINES, administered by "loving" United Nations, massacres 36 poor children in Syria....

Satanists Massacre 36 Kids In Syria--By Means Of Vaccines, UN, Syrian "Rebels"
(Apollonian, 17 Sep 14)


See how poor people are mass-murdered--by their own "loving" governments (at least in Jew S A)?--in this case, in Syria, it wasn't by their gov., but rather by Jew-sponsored "rebels" and UN.  This (mass-murder by means of vaccines) is how UN is "reducing" populations.

But large portion of population, esp. the "schizoids" (see ref. expo on blog right-hand column), support this UN world-gov. activity, and then ANOTHER substantial portion is TOO STUPID to know not to go-along w. these puke "schizoidals" who pretend to "advance-thinking," "progressiveness," and "liberalism."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

satanists are coming to KILL u stupid, brainless puke--and they KNOW they can't relent in efforts as they KNOW what could happen to them for their TREASON, dumbasses

Satanists Steadily Killing The Puke Schizoidal Filth--Poor, Stupid Scum--Satanists KNOW They MUST Kill The People And Cannot Let-Up For The Effort
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 14)

Here's perfect example of Satanism now slow-kill murdering the people and children, forced to go to school, the school essentially force-feeding the kids now w. poisoned food: see

And here's a great story on the billionaires funding overthrow of US Constitution and 2nd amendment, committing treason in-ur-face:

See, this is how U KNOW these Satanist filth MUST kill u and us--why?--because they're openly, blatantly committing treason, and they know it, and they KNOW enough others know it too.  And these gun-control traitors KNOW what's penalty for treason and what's going to happen to them--IF there's any justice, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho

So u see, they KNOW they cannot fail--they KNOW they've got to make good on their present effort to kill the people, and they can't give-up--can't allow the people (us) any opportunity to getting back at them.

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Common Core"--satanist edjumacation: it encourages hedonist indulgence and sense-gratification, taking time fm training of the mind/intellect....

"Common Core"--Satanist Edjumacation
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 14)

Ck the latest outrage fm "common core" "education":

Observe then what the school using this "common core" programming/thought-control is doing for 11 and 12 yr olds (!) in 6th grade: encouraging them in mindless, sensuous indulgence--rather than teaching the modes of actual conscious thinking and analysis for intellect--like there's not enough hedonist self-indulgence in sense-gratification in present society?--latest twist for bread & circuses.

Such is Satanist "edjumacation"--and note it's NOT designed for edification or development of the intellect--on the contrary--making for hedonism and anti-intellectuality.

Satanic Joannie the Jew insists Christianity is given "bad name" if represented as "anti-semitic," ho ho ho ho

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Joannie The Jew Pretends To Be "Confused" About Real Christianity
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 14)

Joannie the Jew (see below-copied by Joannie): didn't u already say Christianity features "love for everyone"--which just plays into the Jews' hands?--as if u know anything about Christianity, ho ho hoh ho

"[G]iving Christians a bad name"?--but didn't we Christians ALREADY have a "bad name" among u Jews?--I consider that's just the way life goes, eh?

My "goal"?--it's good old Christian anti-Semitism--proper Christian obedience to God, eh?

U "never hrd" Christian speak truth, quoting the relevant passages?--who's problem is that? Ho ho ho ho.

So Joannie the Jew, u merely have to ask urself, "golly gee, but WHY do Jews hate Christianity so?"--is it because Christianity preaches idiotic, moron's "love" for everybody?--as u falsely assert? Ho ho ho ho

No Joannie the Jew, Jews hate Christianity because Christianity and Christ preaches TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, the ONLY way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6)

Further, Christ reviled the Jews (Pharisees), as at Gosp. MATT ch 23, explaining Pharisees lie and diverge fm the law of Moses.

Why worry about what Christians say, anyway?--can't u read? Ho ho ho ho ho

No Joannie the Jew: Jews and their Satanist co-conspirators are the problem, and my "goal" is to solve this problem, and it's well-done by means of the real, anti-Semitic, Christianity--that's why I cite for a dummy like u the relevant passages, moron.

---------------------------------above by ap in response to below by Jew Joannie-------------------

Apsterian said:

"Don't Forget How/Why Kikes Hate Christ/Christianity"

I'm sorry, but I never heard a Christian speak like you do. You are giving Christians a bad name. Perhaps that is your goal.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Jew/satanist filth gloat over judicially-instigated murder of hero/patriot Ed Steele, R.I.P....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Jew Satanists Gloat Over False Prosecution Of Ed Steele Like They Gloat In Talmud Over Murder Of Christ
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 14)

It's quite obvious both "Anastasia" and "Hadding Scott" (ho hoo ho--notice the "Scott" to disguise the Jew author) are a couple of liars, psychopaths, and satanists--and surely Jews, for Jews are always the leading satanists, just like they're always the leading communists, bankers, and top corp. CEOs.

For the actual, simple fact is the corrupt judge in the case actually did rule that at least one of the "experts" could indeed testify, as we note fm Ed Steele (in his recorded int-view, above), but the Jews/satanists contrived to bribe or in some other way to "persuade" the jet transport company to suddenly REFUSE to fly Steele's expert fm vacation in Tahiti, I understand.

And the lie I note above is just one of the numerous lies so casually and non-chalantly told by our satanists, "Anastasia" and "Scott": observe these Jew satanists insist the present corrupt American justice system is all nice and fair for everyone, ho ho ho ho--need I say more?

Same goes for the thoroughly corrupt FBI which is known to be totally controlled and working for Jew satanists.

And why was the Jew/satanist -controlled FBI recording Ed Steele in the first place?--answer: they were engaged in manufacturing and trumping-up charges, obviously, as they've done soooooooooo many times against Americans, gentiles, Christians, and anyone who resists these devilish satanists and Jew conspirators, criminals, and psychopaths.

Indeed, Jewwy satanists did PRECISELY the very same thing in contriving false testimony by means of supposed "recordings" in case of Jim Garrison, the heroic D.A. of New Orleans who prosecuted Jew collaborator and CIA operative, Clay Shaw.

And HOW do these Jews and satanist criminals and psychopaths so completely control, dominate, and manipulate Jew S A and practically the entire world?--simple--by means of controlling the money/currency in "central-banking" and such as US Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England, ECB, etc.

But WHY did Jew/satanists work so intensively, singling-out hero and patriot, Ed Steele?--ho ho ho--just ck Steele's classic works which expose Jews: "You Knew I Was A Jew," at and "It Wasn't Arabs" at

Keep talking to us, Jews and satanist liars and psychopaths, like "Anastasia" and "Scott": ur lies are always sooooo entertaining and even comical.

satanists smug, happy, and laughing, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho

Satanists Smug, Happy, US Less Safe, Less Free
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 14)

Judge Nap confirms success of Satanists--and I hope all the little pukes, schizoids, "progressives," queers, "liberals," and advanced-thinkers are happy.  See

Could anything have ever been more simple?--(a) just murder people and do terror attacks (at which Jew/Israel are expert), (b) THEN BLAME IT ON MUZLIMS and "terrorists," (c) and now use these as pretext/excuse to take people's rights, overthrow Constitution, and further rip people off by means of inflation and bought-and-paid-for Congress to get tax-payers to "bail-out" "bankers" who went bankrupt deliberately, getting rich as they did so.

And how easy this all is when u control the Jews-media, public edjumacation, all establishment "Christian" churches and institutions, eh?  Easy as pie--and the stupid schizoid puke can't figure it out--and further, REFUSE to figure it out.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

satanic psychopaths don't quit, suckers--they wanted to bomb Syria, so now, w. ISIS, they got the excuse....

Satanic Psychopaths' ISIS Stratagem Amazingly Transparent, Simple--War Against Syria Renewed, Re-Invigorated
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 14)

Observe what ZOG psychopaths have done now regarding ISIS (now called ISIL, ho ho ho):

(a) They'd FAILED previously in Syria, working to take-over, failing for, for example, in their lies and lying to effect Syria had done poison-gas attack (see

(b) So now they've simply DOUBLED-DOWN, arming, funding ISIS, mounting huge publicity campaign for all the mass-executions and beheadings--WHY did they do this?--hmmmmm

(c) And so what did we get w. Obongo's recent speech?  Golly gee, but we gotta bomb ISIS even if we find them in Syria.  See

(d) Hence ZOG's war is now re-newed for Syria, w. the option now that they didn't have, but were working for, but didn't get--BOMBING SYRIA.

Friday, September 12, 2014

We're being killed, slaughtered in numerous ways--by vaccines, poisonous fluoride in water, etc., but also by "chem-trails," don't doubt--death fm above....

Satanists, ZOG Psychopaths Killing Us With Numerous Poisons--Including, Especially From Above, By Chem-Trails
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 14)

Ck  And it, chem-trails, is PROVEN poison, suckers, don't doubt; see  And this chem-trail poisoning is aside fm the fluoride-in-the-water-poisoning, the tainted vaccines, poisonous GMO foods and additives, etc.--WAKE-UP, morons.

Thus the Satanists poison us, killing us (slowly), all while assuring us they're only concerned for our safety, etc.--and the stupid schizoid puke, who pretend they're "smart," continue to fail to register, continue to push for "global-warming," the dumb, little, bastard filth who insist they're "progressive," etc.

Stupid, scummy shits gotta figure out CHRISTIANITY IS ANTI-SEMITIC, necessarily, by essence and nature.

satanic ZOG psychopaths are totally insane--we knew that--but now they're falling-apart too--beware....

ZOG Satanist Psychopaths Are Falling-Apart, Comrades--Very Disturbing But Also Interesting And To-Be-Expected, After All--Take Note
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 14)

Comrades: observe  ZOG is satanic and insane, we knew, but it's getting worse, compounding and starting to get "critical."

Now ZOG is using ISIS hype and publicity for excuse to CONTINUE arming, supplying, funding terrorists--seriously--ck  ZOG Satanists imagine schizoids will continue to eat it all up--how stupid can these stinking scum possibly be?

Never doubt, ZOG is Satanist, psychotic, and murderously treacherous, UN-QUESTIONABLY now working to over-throw US Constitution, never doubt--take note:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Illegal invaders violate laws, and it's ok, but citizens?--throw the book at those scummy puke, ho ho ho ho

Satanists Know They Can Push American Citizens With Impunity--Because They (Citizens) Are Stupidest Puke Imaginable, Schizoid, TV-Addicts, Hostages To False "Prosperity"
(Apollonian, 11 Sep 14)


"The two men, a 40-year-old American and a 44-year-old Canadian, were walking down a dirt road with mountain bikes near the border when they were approached by a Border Patrol agent.
"“Questioning by the agent revealed that the two suspects illegally entered the U.S. from Canada,” stated a Customs and Border Patrol press release. “Subsequently, both males were arrested for violation of U.S. law and transported to the Rangeley Station for further processing.”
"“Following database verifications, Border Patrol agents turned over both subjects to CBP officers at the Coburn Gore port of entry for assessment of fines and penalties.”
"Both men were “assessed a $5,000 civil penalty under 19 USC 1459 for Failure to Report” to border officials and it’s unlikely that either of them crossed the border in pursuit of Obama’s de facto amnesty for illegal aliens."

See what's happening?--Police, the super-rich, bureaucrats who work for the "ins" (like the IRS criminals who violated laws, persecuting the T-party and "patriot" groups, and James Clapper of "National Intelligence" who blatantly lied to Congress), NOT TO MENTION ILLEGAL ALIENS, can break the law w. impunity--but citizens?--citizens, the scummiest, most brainless suckers and turkeys, will be swat-teamed, tasered, and have the book absolutely thrown at them--get it?--'cause that's just the way it goes in Jew S A, otherwise known as satan's land--where are the Christians?

Christians don't seem to exist, do they?  For the Judeo-Christians (see and for expo) don't care about USA like they care about kikes in Israel, eh?--stupid puke.

Satanism truly THRIVES within a nation of puke--of schizoids who believe in "good-evil" and "climate-change" lies, such "progressives," "liberals," and advanced-thinkers they all are--not to mention so-called "Christians" who tolerate kikes.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

satanists, ZOG have set-up terrorists to kill the citizenry so that citizenry (stupid schizoids) will embrace ZOG evermore....

Dipshits: Satanist ZOG Is Ur Worst Enemy--Ever
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 14)

Ck, and u see what ZOG has done: they've created terrorists (ISIS) to kill us, but the stupid schizoid puke we have as fellow "citizens" continue to go-along--which they'll keep doing. 

When US Dollar collapses, as it's already doing, then some of those schizoid scum may begin to re-consider, but it will surely be too late for the culture and society.

ISIS is totally creature of ZOG, made by ZOG, armed, supplied, manned, guided, and funded--ALL BY ZOG and Satanists.

So at a certain pt. we patriots and Christians (the real ones) will only be able to act as ZOG masterminds fall-out w. one another, after currency collapse--some of this falling-out may already be happening, to an extent, as some of the lower-level Jews fund such as Ron Paul and Alex Jones (

Could things be worse?--ZOG now has militarized cops pushing everyone around, making sure the illegal invaders are safe and secure; ZOG has all the laws ready to have us executed; looks like they're getting ready to un-leash bio-weapon.  Another thing ZOG must do is remove the I-net--that's why they say ISIS wants to knock-out the electric-grid.

We Christians must continue to preach the real, anti-Semitic Christianity, obviously, and as practical matter, make use of nullification and secession.  Remember hist. is CYCLIC, and we can, should, and must emulate Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent.

Monday, September 8, 2014

"Good of the earth"--now that's great satanist reason for exterminating humanity, eh?

Pssssst, Satanists HATE Humanity, Reason, Reality, And Truth--Especially When It's For The "Good" Of Earth, Eh?  Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Here's great story about DELIBERATELY poisoned vaccines:  Think Satanists care about stupid puke?--ho ho ho--WHY should they, after all?  Ho ho hoh ho

Stupid schizoid morons BELIEVE in such idiot, satanic lies as "climate-change"--hrd about that?  Sooooooooooooooo, what's "solution"?--well we need dictatorship, like world gov. (like the United Nations [UN], eh?)--and a world gov. "program," like "AGENDA-21" whence gov. will REDUCE "population"--get it?  So how better to doing that, pop.-reduction, than poison vaccines which give people diseases rather than protect them fm it?

So in India, poor people are given the polio vaccine, right?--and what do they get?--polio, of course.  See

And poison vaccines aren't all--there's GMO foods, purest poison, fluoride poison in the drinking-water supplies, poison food additives, like aspartame, MSG, and others too.  Then there's the poisonous "chem-trails"--hrd about that?  See

And the schizoids, "progressives," and "liberals" love it, all this satanic poisoning and slow-kill mass-murder of the people--after all, it's for a "good" cause, right?--like for the "earth," right?  Ho ho ho ho

satanists get any "info" they want by torture--esp. if stupid schizoid puke want, willing to hear it, eh?....

Info Obtained By Torture (Satanism) Is Anything Victims Imagine Is Wanted By Torturers (Satanists)--But Schizoid Scum Can't, Won't Figure It Out
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Do u doubt we have absolute psychopathic puke for leadership and their henchmen?  Doubt we have the most stupid, brainless scum for people?--maybe not all of them, surely--but they're sure made for each other, truly, Satanists and schizoid puke.  Ck this story:

So the Satanist puke are TORTURING people--to get info, get it?--and this is approved by the stupid, schizoid filth we have for people of Jew S A.  Dumb scum can't figure-out info gained by torture is worthless, the poor victims saying ANYTHING the torturers want--obviously--but not apparent to stupid, schizoid scum--who DESPERATELY need the real, anti-Semitic Christianity, the only TRUE Christianity.

And observe how this torture is sold to the stupid schizoid puke--it's the "macho" thing, u see, to torture "bad" people--they don't have "rights," after all, do they?--irrelevant to fact any "info" is worthless--which the morons and puke rather forget for rather being soooo "macho"--like their Jew heroes of Israel, the dumb scum.

So now we see how the lies which justify the ZOG police-state will be excused--they got it by evidence and thought it was good info--how were they to know it was all lies, crap, and garbage?  And ANYTHING will be justified--because they'll get whatever info, hence justification for whatever police-state measures they want--all because we've got the stupidest, most idiot, brainless puke for fellow citizens, specifically and especially the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) supporters of Israel, purest satanistic puke u can imagine, traitors all of them, who deserve fullest penalties.

satanist "reality" is subjectivist, hence whatever is "cool," "hip," "whatever works," "good" and moralism being greatest enemy of truth & Christ....

Satanist Reality Determined By What's "Good," "Hip," "Cool"--What "Works"
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Ho-Hum: Obongo LIES--Again--Lies Being Par-For-The-Course In Satanist Reality, Never Forget

Ck showing Obongo lying--again.

But note this lying is par-for-the-course for Obongo who ALWAYS lies.  But remember, it's not Obongo himself, so much--Obongo is a criminal psychopath on his own merits, why he was picked for the job--as it is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers who script his acts and speeches and applaud him for the lies he tells on his own prerogative.

For LIES and lying are the "coin and currency" for treatment of the air-brain scum and morons who now make-up so much of the population, esp. the schizoids who "go-along," "progressives," "liberals," and advanced-thinkers.

For never forget: reality is whatever Jews and Satanists SAY it is in a subjectivist, moralistic reality ("whatever is good for Jews")--like the holohoax, "climate-change," etc.

So when u want votes, u just tell whatever lies it takes--and the moralistics, schizoids, and little puke on-the-make, trying for those jobs paying the "big-bucks," are sure to going along.

For remember: schizoids are first intimidated by "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy, taught and trained fm when they were little--it's now just second-nature for them as what's "hip" is automatically what's "cool" and "moral."  But don't worry--or think--too much about what "morality" really is--just logic btwn means and ends.

And in a subjectivist reality--"truth" is whatever works, whatever's "cool," "hip," and ESPECIALLY, "moral," morality dominating and determining truth--"whatever is good for Jews."  Such is Satanist reality--subjectivism and hubris founded upon the lie of "good" and moralism.

satanists overjoyed as niggers beat crap out of, stab stupid white-nigger schizoids, ho ho ho ho--how better to destroy civil order?--justify/excuse police-state? ho ho ho....

Satanist Encouragement To Race-War, Terror--Brilliant Excuse For Police-State, Eh?
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Observe, whence nigger got 3 1/2 yrs for nearly murdering some stupid white moron (white-nigger, actually), nig admitting she wanted to kill the white nig, hoh o ho ho.  So u see the race-war, stoked, instigated, arranged, and encouraged by Satanists and kikes is here furthered and encouraged by the Satanist judge who gave the light sentence.

What's the up-shot and result?--ck whence about a HUNDRED niggas literally attacked a shopping-mall, attacking whites.  Niggas are easily trained attack-animals, as u can see by the vid attached w. the link.  And stupid white-niggas, on the other hand, are perfectly trained patsies, cowards, masochistic, little punching-bags.

THIS IS WHAT 2nd AMENDMENT IS FOR--defending against nigs.  Police don't give a shit--they're busy eating do-nuts, taking pay-offs, conducting illegal searches, busting people smoking joints, eh?  Satanists love it, don't they?--and isn't it lovely way to destroy civil order and justify/excuse police-state?

satanism, featuring child-abuse and -sacrifice pushed in-face of people--DESPITE "Christianity" crippled, hobbled, and mis-represented, mis-understood....

Satanism Rampant, Christianity Crippled, Hobbled, Mis-Represented, Mis-Understood
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 14)

Here's yet another instance of Satanism:

Thus children in England were abused--by Pakistanis--and nothing was done, this upon pretext of "racism"--or perhaps anti-racism, eh?  Now the puke involved who over-saw all the corruption and child-abuse is, first, removed fm England and REWARDED w. yet another position, this time in Australia, evidently.

Thus u see Satanists and Jews have a highly organized, international network.  And don't forget what these satanic creatures are all about, aside fm child-sacrifice, along w. mass-murder ("population-reduction") in accord w. the globalist "AGENDA-21," they want world dictatorship, funded by "central-banking," which central-banking is simply legalized COUNTERFEITING--a huge criminal monopoly and dictatorship, foisted by means of Jews and Satanists taking advantage of the phony "prosperity" and using the over-populated goons fm those few "prosperous" nations, mentally-cultivated in schizoidalism, to serve as the over-seers and enforcers, child-abuse and -sacrifice just one of the consequences, not to mention slavery and mass-murder. 

And the Satanism is not or too little opposed by the ostensive "Christian" element, which "Christianity," for the most part, is also phony, like the "prosperity," not really Christian--see and for expo on this phony Christianity ("Judeo-Christianity"), co-opted and corrupted by Jew funding, these phony "Christians" now intimidating practically all the other nominal Christians, poor fools.

The real Christianity is necessarily anti-Semitic, Christianity standing for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).  Thus Christian "truth" necessarily indicates the Aristotelian, OBJECTIVE reality, basis/premise for such truth which is otherwise meaningless, opposing Jew SUBJECTIVISM masked, foisted, and insinuated by means of moralism/Pharisaism.

And again, note Satanism is simply extreme subjectivism and hubris by which one makes oneself God, reality a creation of one's own mind, Christianity holding to the God-created reality, determined according to absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thus in CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline of the West," we suffer fm "big-lie(s)" and the schizoidal mentality, first induced by "good-evil" Pharisaism....

Below-copied first published at comments,

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JFK: The "Big Lie," And The "Big-Lie" Culture Of Schizoids Exploited By Satanists
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 14)

Well, just now listened to the second part of the show--another great production w. prof. Fetzer at his best, matter-of-factly smashing and beating-down dis-info by means of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, the only way to Godly happiness (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

But now, what I want to bring-up is the JFK story as subject of "big-lie" technique--thus a HUGE lie is presented and then duly repeated over and over and over, the specific trick being that the victim is made, ultimately, to FOOLING him/her -self, actually realizing the alternative is sooooooo monstrous that one prefers the lie to the possible and horrific truth.

Same goes for 9/11 and so many other big-lies, the mediocrities of intellect within the culture persuade themselves to be willing if still somewhat reluctant suckers, knowing they're otherwise hostage to the powers-that-be, afraid to "rock" the proverbial "boat," so utterly lacking the courage to speak-out against the otherwise so terrifying and formidable establishment.

And one can observe this culture of "big-lies" MULTIPLYING now (for the lies and lying) within a culture descending in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the schizoidal mentalities of the population evermore numerous, the few willing to dissent and speak-out evermore persecuted and dis-couraged--baffled and so frustrated for a means of fighting-back effectively.

Thus the schizoid mentality, built upon afore-mentioned mediocrity-of-intellect is cultivated within an evermore outrightly satanic society, imposed by outright Satanists--subjectivists consumed in HUBRIS, building their private realities into a collective subjectivism, built upon lies, against the objective reality and truth.

So then, good Prof. Fetzer, let me here give u a chance to respond in philosophic way to this specific "big-lie" technique and culture--does it exist?--tell us what u think.

Thus I further contend, this "big-lie" culture continues to obtain, specifically, as product of Pharisaism/moralism, specifically the "good-evil" fallacy/delusion/hereticalism (Pelagianism)--the satanic powers imposing this as first premise/pretext for a larger SUBJECTIVISM, thus hubris, the basic premises by which they practice and exploit "big-lie(s)" and -lying, cultivating and even creating this over-populated mass of mediocrities and schizoids--schizoidism being the inability and difficulty for distinguishing abstract fm concrete.

satanism: it's compelling and appropriate subject-matter to discuss and bring to attn of so-called "Christians," the stupid scum (too many of them, I'm afraid)....

Satanism Is Deadly, More So Than Ebola, And Real Christianity Is Magnificent Anti-Dote
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 14)

Well folks, u'll see it's been 2 1/2 yrs since my last post, ho ho ho ho--I couldn't think of anything really new enough or significant enough for this, my second blog, all my attn. and effort going for my other one.

But I finally figured out a good subject upon which to be posting--SATANISM--and the irony of this happening within a supposed, presumed Christian country, USA, populated w. Christians.  There are surely SOME Christians still here in USA (like me), but not nearly as many as some imagine.

For what now RULES USA?--Jews and esp. Satanism, and this blog's subject matter is well directed upon this satanistic subject.

And I was specifically impelled, this day, and this particular occasion, for this Satanist subject by this particular story on the Satanist website (but which is only one of them--there are many others),,

Isn't it lovely?--ho ho ho--so this queer-lesbian "proposed" to her female subject-of-desire, and it's written-up not as an abomination but rather as significant cultural "advance" and something to be applauded.

So why is being queer so abominable?--it's abominable as such otherwise idle and pt.-less indulgence is now cultivated as something worthwhile and productive, when it's not productive at all, rather, the opposite, really a gross waste of time and energy, turning then to gross morbidity and destruction, a putrid indulgence then in sense-gratification as something to be habitually pursued.

Of course, if one says it's disgusting (the story and event, etc.), then, horrors!, one is not "politically-correct," right?--of course not--BECAUSE IT'S SATANIC SOCIETY we're living in, suckers--AND PEOPLE NEED TO GET HIP AND INFORMED about this gross, putrid and ABSOLUTELY FATAL Satanism.

For Satanism MEANS death death death death death--OF U AND ME and all humanity, suckers, make no mistake--that's what Satanists want and are determined to driving for.  And this putrid, rampant, and militant Satanism seeks to rule everything and deserves specific mention and analysis on daily basis.

Satanism--what is it?--Satanism is the deliberate indulgence in anti-reason and specifically hubris, thus SUBJECTIVISM, making oneself God, the satanist's only reality being what he/she wants and imposes by one's own will--the removal of the objective reality--and then the imposition of this satanic, subjective, hubristic condition upon other humans, as we see.

Thus one of the greatest vehicles of Satanism is not just mere subjectivism--which is actually rare than anyone would explicitly endorse--but more specifically and especially the "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism).

Thus there are serious effects and consequences of this Satanism (extreme subjectivism, hubris) and off-shoot, including Pharisaism/moralism, "good-evil" delusion, including, especially now, the schizoid mentality which struggles to discern concrete fm abstract as practical effect upon the society and people of a given afflicted culture, the worst and most extreme victimized product being the schizo-phrenic who so pathetically fails to distinguish concrete fm abstract, objective fm subjective.