Friday, January 25, 2019

Well, we KNOW already fm Homer, life sucks, and so we can readily appreciate the nihilism of Cioran....

Below-copied by ap first submitted, but not even accepted for "moderation" as I was BANNED by kike, Unz, ho ho ho ho ho--at comments,

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Nihilism Of Cyclic History, Not Essentially Different FM Cioran
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Yes, Cioran's nihilism isn't much diff. fm Spengler's "Decline of the West," and CYCLIC theory of hist.

For Spengler thus indicates great as things might be in the glorious civilization, yet it will corrupt and decline in the CYCLIC process, and now we see exactly how that corruption is, in all the putrid details, the Israeli terror-state, tail, wagging the USA dog, murdering USA citizens at will, as in 9/11, but not worrying, as Jews control the central-bank legalized counterfeiting machine and monopoly, thus all the other monopolies, the stupid gentiles not caring, few of them noticing, or thinking about the horrific consequences.

Thus the gentiles build, but at same time, they produce too many inferiors and weaklings among their off-spring, who adopt subjectivism, then extreme subjectivism and Satanism, and the entire great edifice of pretended civilization must crash-down, Jews foremost subjectivists/satanists leading the corruption and down-fall, yet the mystified, moronic goons not able to figure it all out.

So we conclude Jews are like a disease which ultimately destroys the horrendously corrupt culture, now a putrid Tower-of-Babel chaos, the satanists and Jews the only ones maintaining cohesion, the rest of the poor morons and over-populated fools, suckers, goons, and scum, not comprehending.

And even if we or someone was able to exterminate these infernal monsters, called Jews, fact is they or someone else would merely re-arise, eventually, practicing a similar sort of extreme subjectivism, including the perfectly "free" will and pursuing non-existent "good-evil, and the inevitable Spenglerian "decline" would happen again.

Thus we observe the socio-biologic function of Jews: like a disease, like typhus or plague, they reduce the population of gentile weaklings and inferiors who were generated through the yrs and period of prosperity, eventually bringing the horrific corruption to an end so the CYCLE can start again.

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