Friday, January 25, 2019

People have to GRASP the specific fact of SATANISM, the specific problem for nature of culture--only then can they begin to search for solution....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted, at comments,

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People Must Face-Up To OBVIOUS Problem: SATANIC, Spenglerian "Decline Of West," Dominated By Foremost Satanists, Jews
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 19)

Utu, buddy: fascism is, by definition, simply rather mindless FORCE without law--against law and legal due process, for example. Fascism is simply a rationalized, totally contrived tyranny upon the excuse it's better than Jew-bolshevism--which historically, has nearly always turned out to be true, actually. In fact, some fascist govenments were excused and justified by the allegation that it was necessary to prevent bolshevism or communism.

Fascists, including the Italians, later, after they'd installed themselves, attempted to rationalize their system in make-shift style and manner. Italian fascism was desperate counter against bolshevism which bolshevism at least had a Marxian ideology, clap-trap as it was, to under-pin it's savagery and mass-murder. But Mussolini's fascism was just as totalitarian, collectivistic, and featured practical socialism for actual political program--and in the end didn't really solve anything, merely a prelude to further socialist statism and tyranny.

Thou must realize what's actually presently working: a DELIBERATE, calculated satanic program, led and applied by the foremost Satanists, JEWS (see,, and for expo on Judaism), at the top, the central-bankers working w. their fiat-currencies, literally legalized counterfeiting. See for expo on central-banking; use their site search-engine for particular terms.

Note the Satanism is program of world-gov. dictatorship of United Nations, explicitly pushing Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction"). What then specifically is Satanism?--it's extreme subjectivism, the idea mentality/consciousness is source of "reality," making the subject to be God, the creator--satanism by definition.

So therefore, the people, of all races, actually, need to embrace an explicitly anti-satanic program, and historically, there is a bright, shining example of such successful anti-satanic movement--the REAL, original Christianity founded upon worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all--against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

Unfortunately Jews and Israel presently control all the establishment Christian organizations, Protestant and Catholic, esp. by means of the central-bank, a criminal enterprise and monopoly controlled by Jews which corrupt and phony "Christian" organizations now pretend Christianity is about such moronic precepts as "love," or "faith" of "beeeleeeeeevin'," etc.

A large group of these phony Christians, the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see and for expo), are actually even among the foremost supporters of the terror-state of Israel, lying and saying "Christ was Jew," etc. Such then is the "Tower of Babel" cultural chaos now exploited by these satanists and Jews.

So thou sees the very problem, presently, is a Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented and -controlled satanic culture and ethos, enforced by a satanic fascism. Thus a revived Christianity featuring the real Christian ideal, TRUTH, hence the objective reality, necessary basis of any meaningful truth, is the only workable, fruitful, indicated solution--against the nearly explicit subjectivists, Satanists and Jews.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 5, utu says:Next New Comment
January 25, 2019 at 6:00 am GMT • 100 Words

Fascism is not a bad thing. Mussolini got it almost right. Few weeks ago I wrote a comment that a populist movement that can bring the left and the right together is the only solution.

The movement must be populist that folds the left and right together against the cosmopolitan middle that consists of the economic neoliberal right and the cultural left. The nationalism must be its glue and the enemy (there always must be an enemy) the financial international elite. Anyway you cut it it will be some sort of fascism.

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