Saturday, January 19, 2019

Basic dichotomy is truth vs. lies, but it extends consistently to "left vs. right" and "conservative vs. liberal," too

Below-copied by ap submitted at comments,

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Basic Dichotomy Of Ideals Holds, Long As Roots, Definitions Are Solid
(Apollonian, 18 Jan 19)

The real, most basic dichotomy is (a) Truth (Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Lies (Satanism, Judaism, Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

(b) Thus dichotomy continues: truth, hence the objective (Aristotle) reality, only real basis for meaningful TRUTH, vs. SUBJECTIVISM of Judaism/Satanism, Judaism featuring thematic "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition" (see,, and for best expo).

Note simple definition of Satanism being extreme subjectivism, making mind/consciousness creator of reality, making subject God--Satanism, by definition. Jews then feature a COLLECTIVIST subjectivism/Satanism, most sublime, effective, successful "group-think," most dedicated, committed, organized, making them dominant leaders over the rest of more isolated, individualist Satanists/subjectivists, as of goyim, even though goyim far out-number Jews.

Thus one sees the satanic Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE of "leftist," atheist "globalists vs. pretend "rightists" Zionist, "neo-cons" who backed trump, pretending to "nationalism." But these are just "good-cop" vs. "bad-cop" Jews playing their usual charades to confuse, befuddle goyim.

Note then Jews make use of this "right vs. left," "globalist vs. nationalist" anti-theses for good reason as they make much sense.

And don't forget, Jews/satanists control the central-banks, so they can easily afford to buy-off and -out any "nationalist" or "globalists," "rightists" or "leftists"--they're just brand-labels as of commercial advertising, and as Jews/satanists control mass Jews-media, they just ignore anyone who doesn't play their game and massively repeat over and over for the goyim the preferred Jew products, including political parties and "ideals."

But think of it: Jews are simply psychopaths, murderers and criminals--all in accord w. their Talmudic war-plan--so how does it really make sense to conflate such Satanist criminals w. "nationalism" and "right" vs. "left"? Sure, among Jew criminals, it makes sense to maintain some "globalist" criminals vs. some "nationalist" (Zionist) criminals.

What Jews then offer nationalists is as much to say, "sure, we're criminals of terror-state of Israel, but we're NATIONALIST criminals, and we don't like those 'globalists'." Ho hoo ho ho ho

"Progressive" merely means SUBJECTIVIST upon pretext of a false moralism, as of non-existent "good-evil." Whereas "conservative" means sticking w. the old-fashioned deterministic-objectivistic ideas, less emphasis upon putrid, new-fangled moralism, keeping w. Christian determinism, idea that we're all sinners.

Regarding thy notion of, <blockquote>"...Globalist-versus-nationalist axes has no relationship to left-v-right."
</blockquote> One must concede that the distinctions are merely blurred by intensive Jew lying and prop. generated by massive funding by control of the central-bank which Jews/Satanists typically hold. For "nationalist" would most correspond to "right," and "globalist" dictatorship w. socialist "left."

So to summarize: (a) truth vs. lies, (b) objective vs. subjective, (c) determinist vs. perfect "free" will, (d) hence "rightist," "conservative" free-market founded upon (objective) rationalist egoism vs. socialist dictatorship founded upon subjectivist perfect "free" will and "good-evil," hence "climate-change" lies, and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE, etc. Socialism is mere style of dictatorship, founded upon non-existent moralistic (-styled) "good."

So the basic dichotomy structure, beginning w. truth vs. lies, and objective vs. subjective, remains intact through the chain and hierarchy of reasoning, though there is possible blurring and confusion due to weak definitions injected, insinuated, and effected by Jew lying and propaganda.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 48, Skeptikal says:
January 18, 2019 at 9:33 pm GMT • 300 Words
@Robert M

“I think many have been conned into thinking this is a left-wing-versus-right-wing, but I’m starting to think the Globalist-versus-nationalist axes has no relationship to left-v-right.

Let me put it this way. I’m instinctively right wing, but if I had to choose between a left-wing-nationalist or a right-wing-globalist, these days I would now choose the LWN.”

this seems to me to be an extremely important point: the increasing irrelevance and even counterproductivity of the left/right paradigm.

Both supposedly left and right have a globaslist wing and a nationalist wing.

So that creates a Venn diagram where traditionally progressive beliefs can be combined with either nationalism or globalism, and traditoinally conservative to reactionary beliefs and convictions can also be combined with either globalism or nationalism—but, just with different features of these than the traditional progressives. This is what is making the current political moment so interesting. The old paradigms really do no apply and a new paradigm is in the process of being born.

In this new paradigm both progressive and conservative beliefs are “filtered” through the prism of both globalism and nationalism, and vice versa. Globalism and nationalism likewise are filtered through “progressive” and “conservative” beliefs. The mentally sluggish are stuck with unusable combinations of ideas. The mentally nimble are working out how the new paradigm functions. How to translate it into effective political action seems to be to be the challenge of the current moment.

To express the new cross-cutting across various grain in an extreme fashion: Is there any way at all in which Trump can be called a progressive? Yes! If he means it about the Syria pullout and diminishing American military adventurism around the globe, that is a part of the traditional progressive agenda. Although erstwhile conservatives who are now neos decry this as isolationism. Thetraditoinal left is equally confused. Their big mistake was to miss, so far, the New Paradigm boat and go after Trump in every single detail. It is an intellectual failure as much as anything else .

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