Tuesday, January 15, 2019

satanism presently rules, thus Jews rule, all in this Spenglerian "Decline of the West"....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/benefiti.../#new_comments

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Satanism, Hence Jews, RULE "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 15 Jan 19)

<blockquote>"The Jews as individuals can be good or bad. The Jews as a collective are almost always bad- but there are exceptions even there, as is evinced by the patriotic German Jews who provided a support of some measure to the National Socialists."</blockquote>

One can ultimately always tell the moles by the lies they tell, this one, quoted above, rather in form of "big lie," as in way of a brainless generalization which is calculated to get past many if not most of the goyim morons.

Just think of it like this:--are there "good" psychopaths, "good" child-molesters, "good" satanists?--ho ho ho oho--and the reality becomes more clear. For note what are Jews?--by definition they're (a) Talmudists, or (b) those by genetics/race who are related, even if, like Unz, they pretend they're not "religious."

For Talmud features a PHILOSOPHY--that of (extreme) subjectivism by which reality is defined as created by mentality/consciousness, the subject then God, the creator--SATANISM, by definition--it's not just "religion," by which Jews, like Unz, try to confuse people--even themselves, for Jews don't stop lying even to themselves, suckers--it's just the lies must serve the Jews, as adjudicated then by the rabbis.

Regardless, any one who calls himself "Jew," like Unz, is expressing loyalty to the Jew, hence the Talmudist. And what's "Talmudist"?--obviously it's one who practices the PHILOSOPHY, not only the religion, which "religion" is merely the same intellectual philosophy integrated additionally within the sentiment/sub-conscious.

And that Talmudic philosophy then is the subjectivist WAR against the objective reality and humanity for simple political/sociologic purpose of world-gov. dictatorship.

Thus note the hierarchy of satanism (subjectivism) by which Jews rule:

(a) War of truth (= Christ, according Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. lies, satanism (JOHN 8:44)

(b) Objective reality, necessary basis for any real "truth" vs. subjectivism (Talmud, "midrash," "Oral Law Tradition").

(c) Note then there are lots of subjectivists, especially among goyim who far out-number Jews, but the goyim are notoriously isolated, "individualist," and not nearly as COLLECTIVISTIC as Jews who practice most sublime, effective "group-think," Jews most committed, dedicated, organized, Jews thus necessarily ruling, dominating, and leading the larger satanistic complex.

(d) Subjectivists/Satanists then, in general, including all the numerous goyim, rule the corrupt, hubristic society in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," by means of simple fear and intimidation, esp. as the "people" are dis-organized, as we see, as typical in a corrupt, hubris-infused, "declining" empire--as is visible and verifiable today.

There's more to be analyzed, of course, but the pt. here is to IDENTIFY and define the Jews, how they work within, hence come to dominate the LARGER satanic, imperialist environment--why the natural evolution occurred, the Jew-dominated central-banking complex leading necessarily to the Israeli head-quarters for the terror-state, etc. (which did 9/11, for another example, yet gets-away w. it so easily).

For remember, satanists, hence Jews, must conduct "perpetual war for perp. peace" as way of maintaining their position on top of things amidst the seeming chaos--and this is dangerous, risky, and ultimately a failure, for things continue declining, and there's "no honor among thieves"--observe the "neo-con" Jews, who backed Trump, having betrayed the formerly ruling "globalist," more "atheistic"-oriented, "leftists," who are now squawking and shrieking soooo pathetically--and if they're merely "acting" and pretending, they're doing excellent job, eh?

------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 69, Mulegino1 says:Next New Comment
January 15, 2019 at 5:12 pm GMT • 100 Words

Who will rid me of these troublesome rabbis?

The Jews as individuals can be good or bad. The Jews as a collective are almost always bad- but there are exceptions even there, as is evinced by the patriotic German Jews who provided a support of some measure to the National Socialists.

International Jewry, on the other hand is bad-always and everywhere. There is a line of malevolent affinity between Annas, Caiphas, Leon Trotsky, Soros and Bibi Netanyahu, inter alia, which is evident and manifest. They represent the vanguard of Antichrist himself.

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