Friday, August 3, 2018

satanic monopolization, in-ur-face, suckers--beginning w. central-banks, including fakebook and Jewgle....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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It's satanic Monopolization Vs. Freedom And Rule-Of-Law
(Apollonian, 3 Aug 18)

Ok Fetzer, fair enough, as u say, but Taibbi is a liar and deliberately confuses things, failing for basic definitions, pushing dis-info--he's not just "ignorant"--he's a deliberate liar. Note Taibbi gives no citations for his lies regarding what Ajax Jewns ( says about Sandy hoax. U're PROFESSOR?--u'd have given this moron a big ol' F for research paper. We're looking at a gross BREAK-DOWN in basic civilization here regarding Taibbi's lies and lying--not to mention the problem he pretends to discussing.

So what is the real problem culturally?--THE DESTRUCTION OF RULE-OF-LAW. Instead of the Christian republic, upholding the objective reality (hence rule-of-law), we have a Jew/satanist -dominated rule of SUBJECTIVISM as the ideal/principle--whatever is good for Jews, upheld by "Israel-first" Trump, who's angling for a big hit on Iran, for one thing, and is setting-up for the typical, usual false-flag, as he's done before, Las Vegas last October being just the latest example of a fiasco. Parkland Fl. was another but just not quite as obvious a fiasco, ho ho ho ho.

See,, and for expo on Jew subjectivism--"midrash."

Thus we have Fake-book and Jewgle which are government/tax-payer funded acting and pretending now they're "privately-owned"--nothing but a HUGE, big-lie. They're (fake-book and Jewgle) really and literally just glorified UTILITIES (gov.-sponsored monopolies) and shouldn't be allowed, by law, to censor anybody or anything at all, whatsoever--like it was in the beginning (with exceptions for such as child-porn, for example, which however was another matter of special law).

So u see, Fetzer: u have a country and thus the whole world in grip of MONOPOLIST corp.s--beginning w. the central-banks who have a literal monopoly on issuance of currency, NOT real money, this currency being practically INFINITE in amount, the continued issuances by this central-banking monopoly steadily defrauding and draining away the value of the currency already in circulation ("inflation"). See for expo; use their site search-engine.

U literally thus have criminal enterprise(s) ruling the culture/society--a satanic situation w. DEATH and genocide as the only possible outcome and end, demonstrated explicitly in Agenda-21 and -2030, "pop.-reduction."

So the connection is DIRECT and quite plain and apparent for Fakebook and Jewgle, these literally just agents for the very same MONOPOLY headed by central-banks, afore-mentioned, satanic and Jew-serving, no less than "big pharma" presently poisoning and mass-murdering the people, along w. Monsatan corp. and monopolized agriculture w. the poison GMO foods, poison herbicides, and food additives, etc.

Thus "tyranny" is the ONLY possible outcome of such criminal monopolization presently in-our-face, beginning w. the central-bank(s). And death and genocide is the PURPOSE, also in-our-face. Such is Satanism (Judaism), deliberately and openly applied.

1 comment:

  1. Aw Gee, But Taibbi DID Give Ref. For His Lies, Citing Other Liars, Ho Ho Ho
    (Apollonian, 4 Aug 18)

    Ho hoh oh oho, I see now Taibbi did give an idiot ref. citing CNN liars, but these ref.s certainly do NOT confirm what Taibbi asserts about poor Jewwy flack, Ajax Jewns, fast-talking hill-billy (

    CNN, Jew-tube, and Taibbi just don't like what Jewns said, that's all, and it's aside fm Jewns' right to say what he thinks.

    Anyone can do basic searches and easily find Jewgle was built-up out of tax-payers' money. Now that they and Jew-book are dominant monopoly, the criminals pretend they're "privately-owned," right, giving them prerogative to censor and suppress by means of their moronic "policy" of "strikes," etc.

    Note then, this is blatant criminal conspiracy, by Jew-tube and Jew-book, against citizens' Constitutional rights, obvious monopolistic abuse and actually TREASON, given the scale of its pretentions.
