Thursday, August 23, 2018

Never doubt: Ajax Jewns ( is shill/flack for Israel-first, his purpose is distraction/diversion....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Remember, Ajax Jewns ( Serves Purpose: Legitimizing satanism, Subjectivism, Jews
(Apollonian, 23 Aug 18)

Ajax Jewns ( is NOTHING but a shill/flack for Israel-first "neo-cons," pretending there are "good" Jews like there are "good" psychopaths, holding-up false "left-right" charade, "good-kikes," Israel-first, "neo-cons" on the "right" vs. leftist, atheist, "globalist" "bad-kikes"--though Ajax, the lying liar, won't admit they're kikes, led by kikes.

Notice also, Ajax follows perfectly the program prescribed by Jews who offered to heavily fund Nick Griffin, as he testifies, of Brit. National Party (BNP), whence they (BNP) could say anything they pleased, but to esp. hit the Islamists (a), and (b) don't mention the banking system. See

So it's true Ajax is selectively censored on the monopolist common-carriers, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, but u can still easily ck his web-site, and he's still the same old ignorant, brainless hill-billy moron, running his stupid mouth, yelling and raving like a fool--only now he's down to saying basically the same things over and over, the novelty of his act getting a bit rather stale, like old Rush Limbaugh.

The conspiracy is really quite clear: u have the central-bank criminals (see for expo on central-banking scam; use their site search-engine) at the top, putting-out their practically INFINITE fiat-currency, which steadily destroys the value of the currency, hence the savings and wealth of the people, till the end phase, hyper-inflation, when they'll get us into war--as we see Trump and Israel setting-up as we speak.

But we still can't blame Ajax that people of Jew S A are soooo stupid, cowardly, weak, and grossly foolish, sated w. "bread and circuses," TV and idiot football-games. For it's all part of satanic "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, whence a high culture rises, but then degenerates, the over-populated people horribly affected by, and addicted to HUBRIS, pretending they're God, including that satanic extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness creates reality--esp. in way of pretending to non-existent "good-evil."

For reality, as it's objective (Aristotle), necessary basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), is determined according to strict cause-effect, and thus history is CYCLIC.

Gross, horrific disaster must now take place, removing fm the living a mass of miserable weaklings and inferiors, allowing surviving remnant to start-over for civilization.

After all, satanism (extreme subjectivism) and worship of lies and death (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44) is the choice, effectively, of the people in all their HUBRIS, and they're going to get what they've wished-for in huge doses now, un-fortunately as it may seem; such is justice. God help us all. Amen.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Chris Calo August 23, 2018 at 7:49 AM

Jones is doing more harm than good,it comes across as he wavers about if anybody died at sandyhook.You can see that Jones is a Zionist gatekeeper,If anything he has hurt some of the good work Jim Fetzer,Jim Tracy,Wolfgang Halbig and many others have done

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