Saturday, August 25, 2018

Obvious big-tech criminals, monopolists, conspirators should be arrested, tried, executed, but of course, it won't happen....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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WHY, Wherefore This Persistent Disaster?--Too Many Scum, Too Stupid, In CYCLIC History
(Apollonian, 25 Aug 18)

These I-net monopolists and criminal traitors all should be simply arrested to be put on trial for treason, then promptly executed--only such prompt and PUBLIC executions will suffice for proper suppression to this treason, esp. within the minds of "the people."

Sure, there would be the usual, typical hue and cry fm the usual suspects whom everyone already knows are liars, like the Jews-media, but no one will pay attn. but for the usual traitors and satanists who are always mere small minority, Jews and satanist goyim fellow travelers.

Of course, such proper and necessary arrests, etc., aren't going to happen, why?--because it would fly in face of topmost, ruling monopoly presently holding world and Jew S A in its grip, the central-bank establishment (see for expo; use their site search-engine).

These subsidiary monopolies of big-tech, I-net, are mere CREATURES of the topmost monopoly and conspiracy of central-bank which issues nearly INFINITE currency, NOT real money, commodity-based, which real money then, like gold/silver, is necessarily LIMITED in amount, thus protecting the people's wealth, savings, and value.

Alas, but the poor, stupid "people" can't figure it all out about such criminal conspiracies and monopolies, so such stupidity always has its necessary price: DEATH.

These stupid scummy puke, called "the people"--not all of them, of course, but too many now in this utterly corrupt stage of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--actually think INFINITE funding of this corrupt "currency" is a "good" thing, and it's really this idea then of non-existent "good" which is the heart of all the corruption, the people imagining "good" exists if only they insist it does, these satanic scum imagining they're like God, w. perfectly "free" will, creating reality.

Such is satanism--extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is creation of consciousness/mentality, by which the subject effectively becomes God the creator, pretext for this always and typically being non-existent "good-evil" which bedevils the children who insist it has to be true--because they "BELEEEEEEEEEV" it's true; therefore it MUST be true.

For such is the horrific hubris and inevitable corruption of the at first successful culture which inexorably becomes corrupt after success, victory, and "prosperity": the people begin to imagine, in all their HUBRIS, they have perfectly "free" will, capable of changing and creating reality--Satanism, which steadily grows within the culture and society evermore like horrific cancer.

Thus we observe the IRONY this satanism flourishes within that institution designed to protect people fm satanism, like the present, corrupt (false) "Christian" establishment which pushes this satanic "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'" above everything else, including above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) itself.

Thus it's no wonder the "Vatican," just for an example case in pt., is such satanic institution as we see its incessant addiction to child-molesting, over and over and over, ad infinitum. But the morons, called "people," refuse to heed, failing to getting the clue(s).

Thus we can only hope the consequent DEATH necessarily following hubris and satanism will be as little and few in number as possible before the stupid scum, called "people," can begin to figuring things out, getting the sufficient leadership, as fm REAL Christianity, true worship of TRUTH, not "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

Regardless, DEATH is what's going to happen until the scum, filth, puke, suckers, and goons, called "people," those who survive, anyway, finally begin to getting the clue, the stupid, hubristic fools.

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