Wednesday, August 15, 2018

People need to getting clue to saving their stupid lives, though many won't, which is why they're doomed, poor, stupid puke....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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"Deep State" Is Outright satanic: People Need To Getting Clue
(Apollonian, 15 Aug 18)

This article is well-taken, and well-stated, so far as it goes for facts regarding moronic "war on terror" since the false-flag and inside job of 9/11, but obviously there's still quite a bit left-out for fullest expo.

For what is the real "long-term strategic purpose"?--it's to serve Israeli terror-state, isn't it?--OBVIOUSLY. For Israel is the "tail" wagging proverbial Jew S A "dog," isn't it? And who/what is Donald Trump but Israel's puppet, servant, flunky, and henchman?--same as Obola and Bush, previously, they also serving the "deep-state" and "globalists" of the "left."

So what then is the CRUX of this filthy, Jewwy, satanic "deep-state"?--it's the central-bank--see for expo; use their site search engine for specific topics.

For u need wars, like against "terror," so conveniently manufactured by Israel terror-state, MOSSAD, CIA, FBI, et al., as excuse/pretext to keep spending money--really CURRENCY, as we don't have real money anymore, and this is the problem--the CRUX to it all, the central-bank continuing satanic creation of evermore infinite waves of this currency.

Thus this satanic, (nearly) infinite currency steadily devaluates the currency already in circulation--known as "inflation"--impoverishing, enslaving, and destroying the people, culture, and economy.

CONCLUSION: So the people have to simply face-up to the basic fact of the overall satanic nature of our culture presently, such as it is, unfortunately, given by this satanic instrument, the criminal enterprise of central-banking, literally legalized counterfeiting, which is behind the "perpetual war for perpetual peace," like the idiot "war on terror." And the satanic nature and character of everything, cultural, political, economic, and psychologic, would be lost for explanation without the Jew element and factor (see,, and for expo).

Thus the people must re-discover, resurrect, and REVIVE the original basic Christian inspiration, anti-satanic (extreme subjectivism, whence it's held consciousness/mentality creates reality, making subject to be God), hence anti-semitic, Christianity featuring worship of TRUTH, hence the basic OBJECTIVE reality.

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