Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Psychotic little fascists at keep deleting my posts, but don't ban me, ho ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied first submitted, but then deleted by kike filth, at comments,

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Misesian Fascism Prevails, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 10 May 17)

Don't u think it's too bad these pretend "scientists" of are such TYPICAL censors and suppressors of freedom of expression? Problem w. these "Austrians," ho ho ho ho, is they want to do two contradictory things, (a) pretend they're "scientists" which depends upon the objective reality, but (b) at the same time pretending to MORALISM, as of phony, fakey, false, delusionary, "good-evil," which is built upon SUBJECTIVISM (the idea reality is mere product of mind/consciousness).

Note then this subjectivism is a serious problem, the extreme version leading to SATANISM, the idea one is God, creator of reality--which is what we have instituted and ruling, w. Agenda-21 "population-reduction"--GENOCIDE by means of such as poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, etc. I should cut this entry short here, though I could go on for numerous further details which these Mises fascists want to suppress and censor. Poor fools are captives of subjectivism (hence Satanism) in name of moralism, and they can't figure things out. Great "scientists" they are, eh? Ho ho ho ho

--------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Daniel Campos • 4 hours ago

Great article. As Mises himself put it, we all have to take part on the battle of ideas, because that's the real battle of any time.

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