Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Here's apster's last thread before being banned at, ho ho ho ho--they can't stand the simple "satanist" issue....

Below-copied by ap first published at comments,

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Problem is satanism, suckers--OBVIOUSLY, eh?
(Apollonian, 17 May 17)
The best thing about this activity in Vt. (see above link) is the push-back against the satanic hegemons and monopolists.  For obviously, the purpose of keeping drugs illegal is to protect the monopoly over the drug market by the satanic "deep-state."  And necessary next step for overthrow of this satanist deep-state is the broad, public recognition of the satanist element.

Note then the essence of this satanism is the extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness creating reality, making one God.  This satanism then is exerted and made practical by means of collectivistic "group-think" and then activity--as is always the case in any criminal gang and conspiracy, top criminals now dominating USA and world, the central-bank legalized counterfeiters.

There's only one thing now that really, seriously counters and opposes this nearly blatant satanism, this satanism even symbolized on the Federal Reserve notes in circulation, for goodness sakes.  Ayn Rand, for example, presciently called this satanist establishment the "culture of death."  Why then does SUPPRESS the exposition of this opposing force to this plainly active satanism?--the answer is obvious.

----------------here, below-copied was one of the responses----------------

jandr0 apollonian • an hour ago

Satanism .... words words ... satanic hegemons ... verbiage verbiage ... satanic "deep-state" ... yadda yadda ... essence of the satanism ... waffle waffle ... satanism is then exerted ... blatant satanism .... satanism repeated ad nauseum.

Frankly, you lost me as an earnest reader of your comment at your first mention of "satanism" already. And I suspect you similarly lost many others who simply shook their heads at your comment and moved on (I also considered that option).

[the answer is obvious.]

Indeed it is. And the answer is you, not them.

While there certainly are (and has always been) people conspiring behind closed doors against other people, and particularly so in bureaucratic institutions of political power (coveting power is after all a prevalent human trait), your fixation on "satanism" comes across as mostly a mixture of amusing* / boring. In fact, you are quite likely the "sucker" you now imply others are**.

May Xu (also replying to you and commenting on your approach) is very polite. As for me, I suggest you try and get over your "satanism" thing. You might turn out to be quite a nice person after all.

*Amusing especially in the sense of what notions people can convince themselves are true.

**I have familiarised myself with many conspiracy theories, and while I certainly concur that people are prone to conspire (to be sure, I have direct encounters with some examples), there is also a hyperbolic tendency among some people to proclaim the wildest, implausible conjectures as so-called "truth." In the face of this, I (and many others) discriminate. And endless repetition of "satanism" is a clear no-no signal to me.

------------------[Apster had below-copied comment ready about 10-11 hrs ago, but found I was suddenly banned--talk about censorship and suppression.]-------------------------

Jandro, buddy, ho ho ho--do u think u "protesteth" a tad too much?--ho hoh o ho--so we see, right off, we've struck a nerve. U're a little thick w. the attempted satire, but u make no sense, and it all falls flat. And what do u actually say here?--anything? First u babble and blather on the satanism issue, then u move to consp.; next to mentioning May Xu rather ineptly, and then u say I should get over this "satanism thing," ho ho ho ho--sorry, sucker, ain't gonna happen, ho ho ho ho. So how to respond: I think I well defined my basic terms--see my response to ur buddy, "dr. weezil"--and anyway, WHY does so intensively censor and suppress legitimate discussion?--there's got to be a reason--like why not just discuss it? Ho hoh o ho

--------------------below-copied by "Dr. Weezil" is another response to above by ap (top)--------------

Dr. Weezil apollonian • an hour ago

Please stop, because you've clearly reached peak delusion.

No one cares about your "satanism" nonsense. Your rants read as if you have some kind of mental problem.

Here's a suggestion: set up your own blog and you can scream about "TEH SATANISTS" all you want without clogging up these comments.

------------[Didn't have time to enter below response by ap to "Dr. Weezil," either.]----------------

Oh, I'm NOT going to stop, sucker, ho ho ho ho--u can be sure of that. So what then is "peak delusion"?--I defined my terms regarding Satanism, and we have it being applied and inflicted in general way of United Nations Agenda-21 and 2030 "population reduction," this actually being enacted in way of poison vaccines pushed by state (of Cal., for example), poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, etc. And how does a fool like u know about what "no one cares"?--u're just a pathetic, brainless liar, aren't u?--and didn't u assert in the other blog article comments section the lie there was no censorship? "Mental problems"?--u mean like urs?--a liar like u? Ho ho ho ho. And my pt. remains, is clearly, sedulously, intensively CENSORING (there's no doubt about that fact), and it's doing this at behest of the satanic "power," such as it is.


May Xu apollonian • an hour ago

There are, of course, good conspiracy analysts and bad conspiracy analysts, just as there are good and bad historians or practitioners of any discipline.
Our job is to tell the difference, not to join the demonization mob against those who do not accept official tales. And not to reject any tool that helps us understand the reality of the vicious struggle for power over others: politics.

----------------below is ap's response to above, was able to get it entered, last posting before being banned----

Well, u say, "[o]ur job is to tell the diff....," so perhaps u're referring to something in ur previous sentence, eh?--u see, it isn't clear what u're talking about, is it? I notice u leave a ref., but why should I consult that when ur own statements are so unclear? Regardless, I think I define my term, "satanism" quite well enough for basics. And I've had over a dozen posts deleted, hence censored, the reason being, I say, because, in cowardly fashion cannot discuss the issue of satanism, and now seeks to simply suppress the issue, "satanism," and its discussion. Hence isn't the obvious conclusion justified that, in effect, is merely supporting the satanist influence and power?

Bob_Robert apollonian • an hour ago

"I say, because, in cowardly fashion cannot discuss the issue of satanism"

Being insulting might make far more sense as to why you claim to have had your posts removed.

If you want to discuss satanism, go to a satanism forum.


generalisimo apollonian • 30 minutes ago

So many good thoughts, just clean up the language to be more "academic" and you've got yourself some strong arguments.
Theology does not make a strong case for most, keep it to economics (utility and morality) without delving into the religion, and you'll find more are willing to listen.

[wasn't able to get to above, by "generalissimo," as I was banned at this pt.]

Bob_Robert apollonian • 37 minutes ago

While I agree that government is too big, and too powerful, and corrupt, there is no requirement for "satanism" to be the driver.

Simple corruption of power is sufficient.

Remove that power, and your problem goes away, too.

------------------------here below-copied, when I tried to enter my response to "Bob Robert," fm just above, I found I was banned, ho ho ho hoh oho-------------------------

× We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Mises Institute. Find out more.

Note I'm careful to define this "satanism" (extreme subjectivism, as I note)--and it un-questionably exists, u've surely hrd about the "pizza-gate" scandal, a real scandal involving child-trafficking, which surely goes on, and note there's lots of material and credible reports. If u've hrd about George Webb's work, there's lately the additional issue of ORGAN-trafficking, as he's detailed fm Haiti and other places; it all goes together. And when u further consider such as vote-fraud and the manipulation of the mass-corp. media lies and campaigns, u soon enough see there's sublime co-ordination to all of these machinations. Don't forget United Nations' Agenda-21 and -2030 addendum for "pop.-reduction," poison vaccines being enforced against people of state of Cal., poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, etc., as I've noted. Notice the top bankers involved in drug-money laundering barely get prosecuted, if at all? U say, "there's no requirement for "Satanism"" as "driver." Perhaps this might be true at first instances, but not after the good while of central-bank establishment for over a hundred yrs. now, and again, u should too easily dismiss the great number of reports we have for this Satanism.

Daniel Campos Bob_Robert • 3 hours ago

Instead of blaming satan, he should consider blaming people themselves. Only people act. The devil cannot act. Even God recognizes that by making individuals subject to their own acts (Ezechias 18), and not satan.

--------[Wasn't able to enter this, below-copied, response to "danny-boy Campos," either.]---------

Dan, u're a moron--how can anyone be dumb as u?--I didn't blame satan at all, fool. I merely used the name ("satanism") to characterize the philosophy of extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mind creating reality, making oneself God, but u have to make ur pious speech, pretending u're an "individual," which no one but urself ever doubted, sucker.

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