Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Foundation of satanism/subjectivism is phony, fakey "good-evil," worst enemy of truth....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted, but then deleted by kikes, at comments,

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Mises Institute.

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Mises Doesn't Discuss CYCLIC, Spenglerian "Decline Of West"
(Apollonian, 3 May 17)

Yes indeed, this is more airy blathering and spouting of empty generalizations by von Mises who was actually well-known for such asserting-without-substantiation. And notice, typical of Mises' sort, he wants to play off the Western man against the Eastern, convenient thing to do in his day, not politically-correct in this day.

Actually neither Greeks nor Romans ever really quite grasped the right of the individual--Mises certainly gives no citation, though it must have been implicit in the larger general system. Romans, to their credit, built law in accord w. previous Greek logic. Note then it was Christians who developed theme of individual being responsible for conduct, and then by Magna Charta of early 13th cent. we have concept of rights of nobility and free-men. Then, in Renaissance Italy we get the idea of CONTRACT being applied to society, taken-up by Thomas Hobbes in his, "Leviathan," further streamlined by Locke, w. additional notations made by such as Grotius and Montesquieu.

What has destroyed law in this present age? Well, we see US Constitution annihilated in the 1860s and the advance of imperialist state and growing dictatorship thereafter, USA grabbing colonies in Philippines fm Spain mere 33 yrs after end of 1860s war. Next was the "great" war for world dictatorship of League of Nations, and here we are.

How was/is human reason and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) destroyed?--by the establishment of the criminal enterprise of central-banking, legalized counterfeiting, for practical purposes, justified by fallacious/delusionary, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy in Christianity) in the abstract, "good" always being ultimate enemy of truth and honesty.

Look at here: they all pompously denounce the central-bank, but practice most intensive CENSORSHIP/suppression of the dialogue that goes on, having contempt for the truth and it's free discussion, preferring the exertion of their fatuous "morality," totally politically-correct for its inspiration, even though they LIE blatantly and say they don't practice such political-correctness.

Thus we see the West in "Decline," according to Oswald Spengler, civilization built-up by observing objective reality, hence truth and honesty widely practiced among the people, but then it all corrupting in the maturity of the culture having become imperialistic and sclerotic w. trusts, cartels, and monopolies, all founded in the central-bank, giving rise to the SATANIC empire of death and lies--as we see in United Nations Agenda-21 and -2030, calling for population-reduction and genocide, this all long now put into practice by means of poison vaccines, poison prescription drugs, poison GMO foods, poison "chem-trails," etc., all subsidized and pushed by the corrupt satanic gov., controlled by the SATANIC central-bank, pushing the politics of socialism featuring (voluntary, but enforced nonetheless) suicide of the individual.

So von Mises is surely correct for his lauding of the Greeks and their culture of OBJECTIVE reality, and he was correct also for his denunciation of omnipotent, socialist gov., but un-fortunately, Mises didn't get around to that more basic philosophic problem regarding the nature of TRUTH and how such truth is extinguished by moralism and fake "good-evil" which has destroyed truth before our very eyes.

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